NEWS Scotty Visits Gray Speaks FEATURES Pinky Interviews Tootsie Iioaps Volume XXVIII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, February 27, 1948 Number 16 Nationally Known Cellist Will Give Concert Here Joseph Schuster, the noted cellist, will appear here in concert Monday, March 1, at 8:30 p. m. in Eeynolds Auditorium under the auspices of the Civic Music Association. Of Russian parentage, Schuster was born in Constantinople. When he was three, his family returned to Eussia where he received his en tire musical education. His talent was discovered early, and as a child prodigy, he appeared frequently in public.” At the age of ten he was given a scholarship to the St. Peters burg Conservatory of Music. Having caught the attention of the Russian musical world, he gave a recital be fore the elite of St. Petersburg at the age of twelve. Soon he toured extensively, and in Euroi)e he was asked to beco'me solo cellist of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. This post he held for five years, suceed- ing the famous Gregor Piatigorsky. In 1934 Schuster came to New York, where his debut at Town Hall met with great success. The audi ence, which contained most of the talented cellists-in New York and vicinity, were quite enthusiastic in their applause and demanded nearly fi dozen encores. An invitation to become the solo cellist of the New York Philhar monic Symphony was immediately accepted by Schuster, and he held that post for some years. Two years ago, as a result of the demand for his appearances in concerts all over the country, he resigned his post in order to devote all his time to a concert career. Schuster has t)ccome recognized as one of the foremost artisis in the field of music, having been heard as soloist under such famous conductors Toscanini, Bruno Walter, Mitropou- los, Rodzinski aud many others. ,Last year he appeared more than a ( ‘flntinued on page four) JOSEPH SCHUSTER May Speaker Is Named Mr. Gordon Gray, civic leader and past president of the Chamber of Commerce of Winston-Salem, will address the convocation for com mencement in Memorial Hall on May 31. Mr. Gray, owner of the Journal- Sentinel and radio station WSJS, is the assistant Secretary of the Army in Washington. He has held this post for the past four months. Prior to this position, Mr. Gray served in the Army overseas. A trustee of Salem Academy and College, Mr. Gray headed the special gift campaign for the science build- ,ing drive. He also led the highly . successful colloseum drive to raise ^ three-fourths of a million dollars to erect a memorial in Winston-Salem. Start Leaping Gals! Your Chance Is Here by Tootsie Oillespie As any fool can plainly see, its Leap Year, ^hich means that its “Come and Git It” time for every white female. Even Grandma used to leap during Leap Year. How do yon think she caught Grandpa f However, the percentage of men during Leap Years has been dis gustingly low, women being the, schemers they are; so it looks as though the American educational system has missed its mark. From the time a female child of three years begins playing with a male child, she has her eye on him and the poor kid is a cooked goose! He begins sharing mud pies with her, he takes her in as junior part ner in the bubble-gum business; and eventually she reaches the stage where she searches atathoritively through his rompers pockets looking for jack-stones (which he has cun ningly concealed in the mud pies, and she didn’t even know the dif ference!) This same female child, as she grows older and realizes that she can have fun doing other things besides playing dolls and squashing lightening bugs, comes to recognize that men all fall into certain types and on Leap Year, she should be sure to brush up on these types and be able to recognize them. (1) First, there is the “I Don’t Want Him, You Can Have Him” type. He is the easiest to catch and caif be gotten at every good boy’s school for $1.25 a gross. He is usually named Albert, Percy, Al gernon or some other nondescript name, but will answer to almo®^ any thing because he isn’t too particular. He is the type who offers you Eame- ses cigarettes, likes to walk and has four hands. Never run his type down unless you’re desperate. (2) Ne.^t, there is the “Bongo, Bongo, Bongo ’ ’ type by which David son College and surroundings is thickly inhabited. Somewhere along the line, he has had night courses in bull-doging, ju-jitsu, the strangle hold car mechanics. With this type, the female begins wondering who is chasing who. He has a very dis torted idea of Leap Year and will cooperate in any undertaking. ■ Tf the female finds him too cooperative, there are several clever devices she can put to use—she can stand up and sing the “Star Spangled Ban ner”, she can pretend she’s had a sudden attack of acute appendicitis, she can ask him what he thinks of Ben Jonson’s works (this always gets them) or she can start raving about Harvard men. (3) The next type is the “Fe male’s Delight”, jjg jg very rich, very stupid and very unaware. An ingenious way to catch this type (you can spot him immediately, with out formal introduction) is to pre tend you’re working for the city, and are measuring the sidewalk to lay new cement (which necessitates getting down on your knees) and when he walks by, just trip him and he’s caught. Another method of attack is to climb up in a tall tree and wait. When he walks by (this type always walks, never rides), you* can jump down on him, at the same time screaming, “Geronimo”! making him think you ifg interested in air planes which is a favorite hobby of his (this getting him to talk about himself. Clever, isn’t itt) If you’re at the beach, there’s al ways the old drowning method, ■vrith a new twist—you save himl Mars Hill Tops All In Play Day by Gloria Paul Last Saturday the Salem court was turned into a round robin for Mars Hill, Guilford, Woman’s Col lege, Greensboro, Meredith, and Sal em. Mars Hill was the victor with 13 points; Woman’s College came in for second place with 12 points; Meredith took third place with 10 points; Greensboro and Salem tied for fourth place with 8 points; and Guilford came in last with 5 points. Salem’s victories were over Guil ford and Meredith and losses were to Women’s College and to Mars Hill. High scorer for Salem was Peggy Watkins with 18 points. Tuesday night the freshmen took the seniors over by a score of 28-13. During the game the freshmen led the seniors by 7 points, except at the half when they led by only 4 points. The score by quarters was 8-1, first quarter: 11-7 second quarter; 19-11, third quarter; and 28-13, last quarter. Victory for the freshmen may be accredited to the smooth teamwork of Janis Ballentine, Clinky Clink- scales, Cacky Pearson, Connie Pur vis, Jane Hart and Shirley Baker. High scorer for the freshmen was Janis Ballentine, with 14 points. Outstanding for the seniors was Isabel Leeper, and high scorer was Ann Mills, with 7 points. Contri buting also were Ann Carothers— now on crutches—and Sarah Clark —with a bandaged hand. Calendar March 1—Friday, March 5, Spirit ual Emphasis Week March 1—Schuster, Cellest, in Eey nolds Auditorium March 2—IBS Council March 2—March 11, Badminton tonrnament March 6—Movie in Old Chapel March 7—Vespers March 8—-March 11, WSSF Week with Mrs. Farley of Atlanta in chapel March 8—Lablings meeting Latin Club meeting Salem Players meeting Pierrettes meeting March 9—lES Council “Making of the Historical Novel” . Inglis Fletcher, one in the lec ture series French Club meeting Spanish Club meeting German Club meeting Home Economics Club meeting International Relations Club meet ing March 10—Freshman-Sophomore bas ketball game March 11—Stunt Night March 18—Salem-Davidson Day at Salem March 14—Vespers March 15—Future Teachers of Am erica meeting March 16—IBS Council March 17—Junior-Senior basketball game March 18—Salem Players will pre sent three one-act plays , Archery tournament from 4-6 March 20—Closed week-end Davidson and Salem Presbyterian students’ cabinet party Movie in Old Chapel Recital of town high school pupils in Memorial Hall March 21—Palm Sunday Vespers March 22—^YWCA meeting Lablings meeting Spiritual Emphasis Week Will Feature Dr. Cowan DE. “SCOTTIE” COWAN Seniors Get Recital Dates The Salem College School of Music has completed its schedule of the senior recitals to be presented this spring. The calendar is as follows: March 16, Genevra Beaver and Mary Wells Bunting: April 6, Frances Winslow, and Elizabeth Price; April 13, Bar bara AVard, assisted by Peggy Davis; April 20, Frances Miller Sowers and Betty Lou Ball; April 27, Mary Mary Harriet White, assisted by Margaret Fisher; and May 4, Betty Jean Holleman and Peasr'’ Sue Taylor. ^ Dr. Thomas Cowan will be on cam pus from March 1 until March 5 as a leader in Religious Emphasis Week at Salem. Dr. Cowan, better known as “Scotty”, will return this year to Salem at the request of the stu dents. The upper classmen remem ber him for his friendly and spirit ual counseling, as well as his Scotch burr”. He will be available during the day for private conferences and will give informal talks each day at the academy at 5 p. m. and at the col lege at 7 p. ni. The chapel program on Tuesday and Thursday will be devoted to the religious program of the week. Peggy Broaddus, “Y” president, is in charge of the week’s activities. Holidays Representatives from the Eastern and Capital Airlines and the Grey hound Bus Lines will be in the Alice Clewell Reception Room on March 10 from 10 until 4 o’clock. Repre sentatives from the Norfolk and Western and the Southern will be on hand from 1:30 until i o’clock. Reservations for spring-holiday trans portation will be made at these scheduled times. Peterson Creates Interest In Writing And Living Get a girl friend to take him in swimming and start drowning him. Then he’ll scream for help, you go out and save him and then drown the girl friend. This eliminates a lot of bother and strikes off at least one birthday present you’d have to ^Continued on page four) by Carlton and Read Edwin L. Peterson is married. And believe it or not, has been for twenty three years. Music majors, science majors, and English majors came out of chapel Thursday morn ing with a buring desire to write and a buring curiosity to know, “Is he married?” With flashes of sop histicated wit preceeded by a .slow, thoroughly nnexpected grin, Mr. Peterson became an immediate favo rite of 'Salem. He often has been told of his resemblance to Joseph Cotton; his dramatic interpretation and well modulated voice, as shown in chapel, proves him a competent rival for the star. “Someday I’m going to see that Cotton in the movies,” Mr. Peterson confided. “I went to see my first movie in ten years recently and I got all confused. It was a double feature and I never- could figure out which was which.” Mr. Peterson can figure well “which is which” in either the line of a rod and reel or in the line of a written composition. He is teach ing his seven year old daughter how to become an excellent fly fisher man. He is teaching his students in creative writing how to “get a char acter into a room and the harder task—as in life—how to get him out!” Mr. Peterson emphasized that it is not enough to have techni cal skill in either fishing or writing. Isaac Walton said that true fisher men possess themselves in quietness. Mr. Peterson told those in chapel to “look into your heart'and write.” The writing of Miss Byrd’s second year composition class he said “is the best art I have seen as a group ever. I know that is a strong atate- nient but every word is true. ’ ’ This sensational remark was followed by several humorous observations on the students themselves. He was amazed at their lack of peroxide hair and at our editor’s tremendous ap petite. He also said that at Salem he found the perfect median of sou thern charm and northern sophisti cation. And Salem found in him the perfect median of lecturer, ad visor, and friend. Programs This past week Salem has been in the news and on the radio. If you were fortunate enough to turn on your radio at 8:30 p. m., Monday over WAIR, you would have heard Peggy Davis, Jane Morris, Robert Gray and Neal Pitzer dis cussing World Government for the Junior Chamber of Commerce pro gram. George Chandler was modera tor. At 7:45 p. m. Wednesday over WSJS, Dr. H. S. Jordan spoke for fifteen minutes on the regular Salem program. His topic was “Conver sation on Immortals”. The alumnae and friends of the college heard Miss Byrd’s speech, “Trends in Recent American Nov els,” Tuesday night. Miss Byrd compared the novels of the 1930’s with those of the 1940’s and drew the general conclusion that no truly great novels have been produced in this decade, perhaps because of the war. The meeting was the third in a series of special interests groups. The next meeting will be April 17, 1948.