If you care—^then you’ll share Give to W. S. S. P. Fund Editors For This Week: Ronnie Aiken Dale Smith Volume XXVIII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, March 5, 1948 Number 1 7 Y Sets WSSF Goal Drive Inglis Fletcher Arrives Here Monday Noted Author" Will Lecture Inglis rietcher, popular author of Toil of the Brave, will give the next lecture in the Salem College Lecture Series on Monday, March 8, at 8:30 p. m. in Memorial Hall. Born in Alton, Illinois, Mrs. Flet cher travelled increasingly further away from ^Jorth Carolina. When she reached college age, she studied at Washington University, St. Louis School of Fine Arts and then moved to California. During the time she was in California, she made occas ional trips to the state of Washing ton and Alaska. Her next trip took her to Africa to study native customs and witch craft. Out of her experiences in Africa came two published books, The White Leopard and Ked Jasmine. Chronicler of North Carolina Mrs. Fletcher’s study of Colonial Carolina began as a casual interest after her return to California. The facinating history of the people and region of her great-great-grandfather eventually led her to historical nov els of North Carolina—Raleigh’s Eden, Men of Albemarl?, Lusty Wind For Carolina and the recent Toil of the Brave. ' Writer of Best Sellers All of Airs. Fletcher’s novels hnve rfeached the best-seller lists and have been published in eight languages abroad. Called the “ Chronicler -of North Carolina,” she enjoys a tre mendous vogue among readers, ac cording to advance releases. Today Inglis Fletcher has return ed to North Carolina, to live at the lovely old Bandon Plantation on the Chowan River near Edenton. • The old house on the place was built in 1800. The original owner of Ban don was Parson Daniel Earle, one of the characters in Raleigh’s Bden and, an indirect cause of Mrs. Flet cher’s great-great-grandfather’s lea ving North Carolina.. (Continued on Page Eigh*.) INGLIS FLETCHER Stunt Night Promises Fun, Prizes and Surprizes Salem Enters Arts Forum Debby Darr Sartin and Frank Trotman will represent the artistic element of Salem College at the fifth annual Arts Forum to be held at Woman’s College in Greensboro March 13-15. Debby’s painting “Negro Head” and Frank’s “Com position j\o. 1” will be entered in the event. ^ Tlie Forums will be lead by seven distinguished arts critics, performers and teachers who, as a group of ex perts, will lead in discussions and lectures in the represented arts fields. The program will consist of a series of meetings and public performances centered about the creative activity of college students from 400 colleges and universities that have been in vited to participate. Nationally-known leaders who will be present for the three-day meet; are Walter Gropius, architect and Harvard professor; Robert Gwath- ney, painter; Martha Hill, founder (Continued on Page Eight) Lx)cal Thinking Inebriated By Jigg^T Of Scottie by Margaret Fisher “Scottie’’ Cowan has returned this year to conduct Beligious Em phasis Week again. “Scottie” ar rived Monday afternoon and has spent the entire week on our campus, speaking every night, talking in As- ' sembly, visiting in the ‘ ‘ Smoke houses”, and holding personal con sultations. Scottie Cowan has become a fami liar and beloved figure on the Salem Campus. The small gray-haired man, with the quick, smiling blue eyes and the sincere, energetic manner of speaking, has brought a series of thought-provoking ideas to the Sal em Campus. His Scotch brogue immediately be trays the origin of his nickname. “ ScottJe” came to America to visit when he was ready to enter college- His brothers persuaded him to attend college here, and he has remained here since then. i In Lexington, Kentucky, Scottie ' conducts services for Everybody s Church, an interdenominational Chr istian church, which meets in a the atre there. Between Sunday services Scottie spends much of his busy time speaking to groups of young people. In Assembly Tuesday morning, Scottie opened his series of talks. after a b/ief introductory address and a meeting with the Y Cabinet Monday night. His central theme advised students to select “steering principals” and live up to them. He also previewed many of the topics which he elaborated upon in his later talks during the week. During the evening meetings, in his “heart-to-heart” man ner of speaking, Scottie has discus sed “Immortality—What is it?” “What Am I To Do Now,” and “A Preacher Looks at Marriage.” The Friday night topic will be suggested by questions from the students. After these talks each evening Scot tie has held a discussion period. He has held private conferences and he spoke at “Y Watch Thursday night, he spoke at Morning- Chapel this morning, and he has eaten and visited about the campus with groups of students. Scottie has spent a very busy week on the Salem campus. e YWCA sponsored Scottie owan again, fgj. ^^jjg gcggnd succes sive year, as the counselor for the annual Spiritual Emphasis Week. Salem students have spent a thou- ght-provo^ing^g0^2-searehing week of “heightened spiritual awareness ’' under Scottie’g guidance. Follow by Pinky Carlton Would you like to see Miss Sie- wers do a chorus dance? Miss Clos- ser yodel “There’s Going to be a Hot Time in The Old Town To night”? Mr. Curlee model a lady’s hat? Come to Old Chapel Thursday night and get a seat as close to the stag« as possible. (Note to the skeptical; You’re right. I doubt if Miss Siewers, Miss Closser, and Mr. Curlee will perform in such manner, but it looks good in print.) I You see, for the absolutely first tim^ in 176 years, the faculty of our school is going to compete with the students in Stunt Night. Will the teachers teach us a lesson in tom foolery before the footlights? Or will the professors profess us mast ers ^of monkey art? A battle of wits and wisecracks will rage on the stage—not only between classes, but between classes and those whom we want to pass-us. I’ll tell you what you will see Thursday night. No foolin’, now. You ’11 see an extravangazant ex- travanganza (words of author-ofTskit Becky Huggins) called ‘ ‘ Sophomores Salute Salem”. In small letters to igo ou the back ppge, Becky adds that so far she hasn’t found a single “salute”, but she might get one in yet. You ’11 see a hoity-toity-you-know -it-kid show hatched by Ann Wick er and Sis Hines for the freshman class. “We’re just trying to make it funny”, muttered Ann -with a gloomy look. “We got moods you ain’t never met yet ’ ’, chortled Tootsie Gillespie, Joan Hassler, and Porter Evans as they sharpened their pencils and put clean paper in the typewriter. The seniors will undoubtedly win the any and everything you win when winning the prize. Their col- lossal production, written by ‘ Cat Gregory, Margaret Carter, Marion Gaither, Peggy Davis, and Pinky Carlton will electrify and awe the audience. (Oooooh! That blow from the junior editors of this issue stag gered me. Hoping that the lead pipe the editors are holding over me doesn’t slip, I type, “The juniors won last year’s prize for the best Stunt Night skit and won honorable mention year before last. ’ ’j I hope the printers ink smears that to a, big blob. Etaoin Shrdlu—poh!) Library Seeks Lost Volumes Four books are missing! Four ir replaceable reference books have strayed from the Salem College Lib rary! When last seen the books ^ere shelved in the Main Heading Room. Information leading to the ■'vhereabouts of these books will be greatly appreciated. The missing books are as follows: Vol. Encyclopedia Britannica Vol. 12 and 16 Catholic Encyclo pedia Vol. The Dictionary of American Biography. Please! Please help us find,these books. Smith Receives Shatv Letter by Marilyn Booth ^ Now it was some time ago that Salem co-ed Joseph Smith'began not to feel well. Among all kinds of pre scriptions one doctor advised a pro- tien diet—with no sugars and no starches. And some time afterwards Joseph felt worse. At sea amid deficiencies and diet etics he was reminded of George Bernard Shaw’s vegetarianism, and having long l>een interested in that Irishman’s tenets—dramatic, musi cal, socialistic, atheistic, satiric, dog matic and paradoxical—, he quite readily appealed the case tc him. ' That was early in January of this year. The surprise came in Febru ary. “G. B. S.” answered with a printed post card from his country home, Ayot Saint Lawrence, in Wel wyn, Herts (or Hertfordshire), En gland. And from the report that he himself handles all his correspon dence and the very tenor of the reply Joseph does not doubt that the wording—though in the third per son— is Mr. Shaw’s own: Mr. Bernard Shaw’s vegetarian correspondents are reminded that vegetarianism does not mean living on vegetables. Vegetarians eat che ese, butter, honey, cod liver oil (on occasion), and eggs. He does not ignore that fact that we stop killing animals and insects, they kill us. Squirrels, rabbits, tigers, cobras, locust, ‘white ants, rats mosquitos, fleas and deer must be continually slain even to extermination by ve getarians as ruthlessly as by meat eaters. So should incorrigible crim inals, dangerous lunatics, and idiots. He therefore advocates the exer- (Gontinued on page four- W Group Plans Busy Week by Peggy Gray Next week is campaign week at Salem for the World Student Service Fund drive. Our goal ip set for $888.88. The campaign has three major ob jectives: 1. to raise a specified sum of money for the wClrld student re lief; 2) to educate the campus on the needs of students and professors who have suffered because of the re cent war; 3) to create a more ap preciative understanding of the meaning of citizenship in a one world community. Mrs. Arton Speaks Special programs arranged for the W. S. S. F. week will begin Sunday night at Vespers. Mrs. Camille Arton, who has recently returned to this country from Italy, will speak. Her topic concerns the adoption of an Italian town by the local “Y”. She is well informed from her re cent trip abroad to describe the needs of European students. Assembler Speaker Mrs. Farl^, district secretary of W. S. S. F. from Atlanta, will be in Assembly Tuesday morning to ex plain the services rendered by W. S. S. F. Pledge cards will be dis tributed and each girl will, be asHed to pledge ars much or more than she feels able to give. Stunt Night Thursday night is the annual Stunt Night. Admission will be twenty five cents, and proceeds will go to the W. S. S. F. Each class will pre sent a stunt, and the fjiculty will also present a stunt for the first time. The winners of the first and second places-will receive a prize. TJie student body is urged to enter whole-heartedly into the campaign. The goal is small compared with that of some other North Carolina schools of^ comparable size. We want to meet the $888.88 goal and if possible exceed it! Welch Play Scores Again In State Drama Contest MISS ELIZABETH WELCH ing a well-established precedent, Spiritual Emphasis Week has again been a well-planned and valuable program. by Joy Martin Miss Elizabeth Welch head of the education and psychology depart ment at Salem College, was first prize winner in the recent Drama Contest sponsored by the Carolina Dramatic Society at Chapel Hill. Her play “Trail of Tears”, is the folk drama of the Cherokee In dians of western North Carolina. It follows the form of classic Greek drama in that it .utilizes the Chorus as a main character. This recent honor is the seventh time Miss Welch has won first place in the State Contest. She ,seemed, to her enthusiastic public, to be quite unimpressed. She did admit, how ever, that she is pleased that she won, because it will help her to sell her play. The .author says that it will be a difficult play to produce because of the lighting and sets. The director will have to have a thorough knoivledge of Greek drama to interpet the play correctly. Miss Welch is, nevertheless, very anxious to see it acted upon the stage. The tentative plans for the first production of “Trail of Tears” are underway. The Duke Players want to produce it at the annual drama festival in Chapel Hill scheduled for April 14-17. NEWS The Modern Dance Club announces the addition of five new members: Dot Redfem, Jane Bowman, Frances Home, Betty Beal, and Jo Dunn.