Exams draw near With the end of the year Death is here Hush, not a cheer, Volume XXVIII Crisis Nears Crucial Point In Palestine by Ruth Lenkoski The crisis in Palestine is still a threating one. The Jews claim that the Arabs have already crossed the Palestinian border in a couple of places. The Arabs deny this. F>ir- theriBore, the British have prepared reinforcements to resist any Arab attacks occuring before May 15, the termination of their mandate. Now the Arabs may not attempt an attack so readily since it is be lieved that the British are stronger than they. The struggle has been quieted somewhat by attempts of the British to draw truces in Jerusa lem and Jaffa between the Jews and the Arabs. Meanwhile, the situation is grow ing more critical and will eventually break. The U. N. is conscious of the happenings. Unfortunately the TJ. N. members’ hands are tied because of a deadlock in decisions. So while the U. N. sits helpless at Lake Suc cess, Palestine and her problems re main iinaided and unsolved with no alternative but all-out war between Jews .and Arabs. In this country, a nation-wide rail- w.ay strike is still threatening, pos sibly materializing on May 11. The workers have not been able to nego tiate with the railroad owners, there fore, a strike is the alternative which has already crippled and will con tinue to cripple the U. S. Also on the labor front, the auto workers are about to strike after failing to negotiate with the owners. The United States Armed Services Committee has passed the bill to draft men from 19 to 2.5 for 2 years in the armed forces. This is exempt ing veterans. Secretary of Defense Forrestal called this an “excellent bill” and urged that it be passed. The bill still must pass the House, the Senate, and the President, but it is believed that it will go through.' Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, May 7, 1948 Number 24 Death Watch ♦ ♦ ♦ Thursday, May 20- 9 A. M. Chem. 104 History 102 A History 102 B Mathematics 220 Music 212 Religion 205 Spanish 282 2 P. M. History 2 A History 2 B Mathematics 102 Music 2 Music 208 Psychology 206 Friday, May 21 9 A. M. French 2 A French 2 B Spanish 2 A Spanish 2 B Spanish 4 A Spanish 4 B History 206 2 P. M. Economics 300 English 104 A English 104 B English 104 C Englisli 104 D Music 204 Music 304 Physics 2 Religion 210 Saturday, May 22 9 A. M. Biology 2 A Biology 2 B Biology 2 C English 208 Dr. Chakravarty Speaks On Tagore And Gandhi Dr. Amiya Chakravarty of Cal cutta, India, spoke to Salem Col lege and Academy students in Mem orial Hall, March 4. Dr. Chakravarty is making a tour of the United States under the auspices of the American Fricnd.s Service Committee and in addition to his talk at Salem, he addressed a limited group at a dinner at the Friends Meeting House. Tjater he made a public address on the “Rus- sian-Ameriean Tensions as Seen from India.” In this speech he said that in the short time he has been in this coun try he has seen a wide obscurity of the sense of truth. “America feels that a superior means of des truction is a prevention of war. This picture is so’ instilled in the peoples ’ minds by militarists, the press and the radio, that they are weighted with fear and think every day of how to kill Russians.” He then presented the other side of tlie picture: “Do you think the Russian people want war? They, too, are shaking in their shoes.” He said the people of both countries are being led by the nose, so to speak, by a few who have perfected horri ble gadgets they want to see worked. He urged Americans to throw their weapons aside and tell the rest of the world that they will not be a party to its violence. At Salem Tuesday, Dr. Chakra varty talked specifically on “The Poet and the Saint” discussing the Indian poet, Tagore, and Gandhi, both of whom he has known inti mately. Dr. Chakravarty told of the Tag ore ’b ‘ ‘ Guest House of India ’ an I History- 212 Religion 10 Spanish 104 2 P. M. Art 208 Biology 104 Economfcs 102 A Economics 102 B Education 224 English 206 German 2 Monday, May 24 9 A. M. Chemistry 204 English 2 A English 2 B English 2 C English 2 D English 2 B English 2 F History 311 Sociology 205 Spanish 122 2 P. M. • Home Econ. 302 Mathemics 206 Philosophy 202 Psychology 102 A Psychology 102 B Tuesday, May 25 9 A. M. Chemistry 2 A Chemistry 2 B Economics 202 English 216 Home Econ. 208 Italian 2 Psychology 220 2 P. M. Art 102 French 252 German 4 Latin 4 A Latin 4 B Music 110 Music 216 Wednesday, May 26 9 A. M. Chemistry 202 French 122 History 215 Home Econ. 212 Math. 2 A Math. 2 B Math. 2 C Math. 2 D Math. 2 E Music 102 2 P. M. English 230 French 104 Geography 202 Hygiene 10 Music 306 Thursday, May 27 9 A. M. French 4 A French 4 B Latin 2 Math. 202 Music 214 Physics 302 Soc. 202 Soc. 204 2 P. M. Biol. 102 Chemistry 102 Education 226 History 104 Latin 10 to be arranged; Latin 6 Latin 202 Music 226 Music 232 Instrumental Ensemble Home Econ. 2 Home Econ. 101 Home. Econ. 303 Home Econ. 304 Home Econ. 216 Anyone having exam conflicts, please notify Miss Simpson immedi ately. Boom assignments for exams will be posted on the bulletin board in Main Hall in a few days. Girls Go To Capital To Lobby by Peirano Aiken A round trip to Washington, a visit to the State Department, a dozen new friends and the knowledge that we may have acomplished a tiny bit toward peace—all for $10.00. This was the rare bargain enjoyed by Lee Fleshman of the Academy and I, along with 52 other students representing 14 North Carolina col leges and universities, on a World Government delegation last weekend. On the bus Sunday morning we settled down to become acquainted and discuss our purpose. It was pro mptly revealed that the one and only thing the group could agree on was World Government, which meant pro moting a revisional conference of the U. N., if possible under House resolution 59. About 7:00 that night we reachcd Washington, ate dinner, conferred with local Federalists and, after much direction-asking, arrived at our destination. The House on Cedar Street. It sounds like the House on Rue Morgue, but actually it was a harmless Victorian little house main tained as a hostel for student groups visiting Washington. Monday morning we met at the Williard Hotel and made our way to Senator Hoey’s office to interview the North Carolina Congressmen. The Senator, spic and span in liis grey striped cut-away coat with red tie and carnation and cameo stickpin, had his picture taken with the girls, and, in effect, patted our heads and told us that ‘ ‘ things take time.” Fortunately we had all known this was true in regard to world conditions, but we were to realize that it was even more true with Senator Hoey. The practical knowledge gained from the inter view’ was that all of the N. C. Con gressmen support resolution 50, ex- (Continued on page three) Amiya Chakravarty educational center where people thro ughout the world gather to break down barriers of nationality. He also described the essential points in Gandhi’s program of non violence, or truth-force, these being essentially, he said, non-retaliat ion with military weapons and a conscious effort to reconcile conflict ing groups. Concerning Gandhi he said, “He brought us the fundamental princi ples of life which cannot be quest ioned any more than we question a mother’s love for her baby. Gandhi was a success whose life did not end with the assassin’s bullet.” Lovelace Paddles T o Victory by Gloria Paul The ping-pong tournament which recently captivated the residents of Clewell basement came to a climax Tuesday. The three finalists. Sis Hines, Gloria Paul and Cammy Love lace,' decided after battling that Cammy was champion. Cammy beat Sis Hines two conse cutive games by the scores, 11-7 and 11-9. She then took Gloria Paul by two out of three games. Gloria won the first 11-7 but Cammy won the last two games—11-9 and 11-91 Prosh Top Seniors Some might say that the seniors were off on Monday. Others might say that the seniors met their Water loo because they lacked the strength of Isabel Leeper and Jean Griffin. True, but the freshman played an almost perfect game—at bat and in the field. The freshmen were also well backed by Ann Eixey, their pitcher. How about the score—24-2? During the first two innings the seniors did not set foot on the bases, no less bring in any runs. The fresh man at opportune moments raced about the bases to bring in a total of eleven runs. In the first half of the third in ning Sophie Bowen came in the first senior run. In the last half of that inning the freshmen streak was kept up and Jo Dunn hit a homerun. Five other runs came in. Ann Mills came up at the top of the last inning with a home run, thus boosting the morale of the seniors. All was in vain, however, since the freshen returned to bat for the last time to boost the score up even higher; the final score was 24-2. Eaton Seville Named All American Collegian Eaton Seville A few days ago the monthly issue of Campus Parade, the magazine for college men and women, arrived at the Salemitc office. This magazine specializes in articles on all col lege’s activities, short stories writ ten by collegiates and interviews of outstanding campus personalities. As we flipped the pages idly, whose faco should suddenly loom up but our own Eaton Seville! The follow ing is a reprint of the article as it appeared in Campus Parade. ‘ ‘ Eaton Seville, petite, blonde and attractive, possesses boundless en ergy and many interests, making her one of the most promising rising seniors at Salem College in Winston- Salem, North Carolina. During her not-quite-three years at Salem, Eaton has shown her adeptness in such di-. verse fields as sports, scholarship, and student government. At the beginning of this semester, she was admitted to the Honor Soci ety. This is not a surprise, however, because she had been |ti the Deans’ list for the past two years. But no one who has watched Eaton on thev basketball court could ever call her a book worm. Her quick ness and gracefulness as a forward make her the pride of the junior class team. During her sophomore year she made the basketball varsity team as\well as the hockey varsity. Eaton began her “politiking” her freshman year, serving as secretary of her class. Then she was elected president of the sophomore class and this year she is secretary of the Stu dent Government Association. A true southerner, Eaton hails from Statesville, North Carolina. Her double major is mathematics and history.” There it is, the story of a local girl who made good. Congratula tions, EatonI North Carolina seemed to feature in this issue with an article about the Carolina Playmakers at Chapel 'Hill and a bit of whimsical nonse nse w^ritten by a High Point college student.

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