Page Two THE SALEMITE October 8, 194Q | * Man^Uoae. . . ... is a word on the tip of most of our tongues. After all, why shouldn’t it be ? Most every girl here at Salem wants eventually to get married—even some of the local cynics have admitted it of late. Marriage, to quote my parents, “is the greatest undertaking in life.” We need pre paration for this undertaking and you, here at Salem, are being offered, free, an opportunity next week to hear Mrs. B. H. Ould speak on this very subject—marriage. Mrs. Ould has been to Salem many times before and is one of our most popular speakers. Proof positive that she is—nobody cuts Chapel \vhen she is tlie speaker. You who have heard her, need no pep-talk to hear her again. You new students, rest assured that you won’t be disappointed in her. The YMCA has spent a great deal of time getting Mrs. Ould here. Mrs. Ould is giving us her time. Won’t you take some time and attend the marriage lectures? ^4e SaUmite , , , . . . on behalf of the practice teachers wishes to commend and thank Mary Patience McPall, president of the Education Ctub, for the arrangement which she has made to use the station wagon as a transportation means for the practice teachers. Not only does the station wagon facilitate the transportation by ridding, in part, the nec essity of taxi cabs, but it also has cut the trans portation expenses of the practice teachers one- third of the original cost. We Weico4fte . . . . . . letters from the students and faculty, at any time. The Salemite will accept no un signed letters but names will be witheld from publication on request. ® ESQUmE. Reprinted from the August issue of Esquire ”/ think it^s the wrong approach, but she's determined to get a man" Moore Reviews N. C. Novel; Finds TW Wordy Yet Worthy by Catherine Moore Although Thomas Wolfe claims it a novel it is more a verbose overflow of feelings and passions. There is little exposition and no complicated plot. It is a story of sweat and pain and despair and partial achi evement. The plot of Look Homeward, Angel deals with Eugene Gant, a We urge suggestions and corrections that native of Altamont (Asheville) from Avill make the Salemite a better paper, and we birth until graduation from the uni- solicit' comments on campus relations and ad- versity (U. N. C.). The story would ministrative policies. he simple except that the author — pictures the whole Gant family- Oliver, the father; Eliza, the mother; brothers Luke, Steve and Ben; sister Helen—and all the people with whom Eugene associates. Even though there are innumerable characters, each one is presented vividly as a tense emotional individual. Ijwlfc CwMm Calhgltli nUm il— Wi)t Salemite Published every Friday of the College year by the Student body of Salem College Downtown Office—304-306 South Main Street Printed by the Sun Printing Company OFFICES Lower floor Main Hall Subscription Price—$2.75 a year EDITORAL DEPARTMENT Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Associate Editor Assistant Editor Assistant Editor Make-up Editors: The main thread of the story is Eugene’s rebellon against his asso ciates, a groping search for some thing which he is never able to find. In this connection there is a great repitition of the phrase ‘ ‘ an unfound door”. Going back to childhood experiences into thoroughness and passion, Wolfe manages to portray the individual loneliness in a society where there is a conflict between Carolyn Taylor accumulation of money and develop- Laurel Green 1 L Mary Porter Evans personality. Wolfe’s central Peirano Aiken theme centers around the search for Dale Smith help, an image of strength and wis- Helen Brown, Betty Biles dom. When no definite solution for Copy Editors: Joan Carter Read, Clara Belle Le Grande characters is reached 'Music Editor Margaret McCall perhaps the author himself was not sure what EditorlM Staff: lone Bradsher, Tootsie Gillespie, Ruth Lenkoski. answer to the life of these Pictorial Editors: Peggy Ann Watkins and Martha warped individuals should be. Hershberger. Ed. Assistants: Dot Arrington, Carolyn Lovelace, strength of this novel lies in Helen Creamer, Lila Fretwell, Mary Lib Weaver, the presentation of a segment of life Lola Dawson, Winkie Harris, Sybil Haskins, Ro- in America. This novel is a sensor- bert Gray, Polly Harrop, Prances Reznick, Nancy ial picture of ordinary, unintellect- Duckworth, Catherine Moore, Sis Pooser, Clinky small-town Americans written Cjiinkscales, Fay Stickney. *1.1. Janet Zimmer and Ann McConnell. phrases which Wolfe inherited from Whitman and Mel ville. • This story is intensely autoboi- graphical and Wolfe is self-centered Janie Powlk^ as few American writers dare to be. Ruainess Manager Assiatant Bnsiness Manager Advertising Manager Joyce Privette Betsy Schaum Betty McBrayer Aset. Advertising Manager Mary Faith Carson Oireulation Manager In the preface he refutes the idea that his work is an autobiography. Wolfe protests against the term upon the grounds that any writing is of necessity autobiographical. He be lieved that a writer must use the /- material and experience of his own life if he’ is to create anything that has substantial value. Not only are the superficial incidents from life brought out, but also some of the inner thoughts and feelings about life, death and religion. He believes each person is the sum of his ex periences. In his book. The Story of a Novel, Wolfe admits that Look Homeward, Angel comes more or less directly from the experiences of his own life. Also he agrees that he may have written with a profundity of spirit which characterizes the earliest work of a young writer. In this novel he is learning his profession, discover ing the structure and' language to see if writing is the' wo>rk he wants to do. Finally, he confesses to have attempted to describe' to a great ex cess, completely lacking restraint, the desperate frustration and keen desires in human experiences. Even to a person who likes Wolfe’s wordy, impetous, over-flowing style which covers every event of his boy hood, one realizes that pruning and revision would improve Look Home ward, Angel. The author tries to do too much—no one book can em body the whole of America. From the style the book seems to be a memorial to Wolfe’s ego. For all this, however, the picturesque im pression of the sad pains of child hood, and the wealth of Wolfe’s memory of youthful experiences make the book great. It is not al together to the author’s discredit that the work was not written with a clear view of mind. It is dei veloped into a piece of prose that is artistically beautiful. No one can read Look Homeward, Angel and for get the repeated phrase, “a stone, a leaf, an unfound door, and all the forgotten faces”. by Bamuel Sutler A FRESHMAN Is one who comes to colleg-e to fall. She comes in quest of higher learning, but instead she learns the lesser vices of life. She is one who, never having nerves before, responds to the stimulus of coffee rather than to scholarly research. In hei' new environment she learns the tediousness of a term-paper, the pleasure of a Chesterfield cigarette, the longing for a light-cut and the welcome of a 'week-end. In an atteiiipt to pigeon-hole her new knowledge, she classes sophomores as mean, juniors as jolly and seniors as gracious. A SOPHOMORE Is one who for her safety is tied up in reams of red tape. She is bound on all sides, except for occasions that merit her mother’s signature, by arbitrary lines known as city limits. In channels and in columns, the Sopho more is cut off. A JUNIOR Is one who has learned the short-cuts of college life. Having fewer early classes, she comes to breakfast garbed in kerchief and rain coat. A iirocrastinator from the very start, she runs from library stacks to smoke-houses accomplishing nothing. Her week-ends allow her more liberty. She is permitted to wander out into the realm known as The Radius, only to wander back again on Sunday night with lessons unprepared and laundry undone. A SENIOR Is a girl of rank and almost a degree. She is the growth of her own college. Her higher education has rendered her a native of her o^vra school and a foreigner to all other places, from which she differs in slang, social attitudes and antics which are as ungracious as the garbarge cans that line South Main Street on Tuesday afternoons. She assumes the upper end of the table in Corrin Refectory^ as her senior perogative; receives the homage of her tablemates which are usually underclassmen, and dispenses all food and communication like a ten-armed octa- pus. The chief points she beats her gums on are the memories of her dates and beaus which she repeats,as often as a broken victrola re cord. She tries to be funny, but her wit is so profound and obscure to a stranger that it deems a commentary and is not to be under stood without proper channeling. When she greets her date, she stamps with her foot, like a mad jitterbug, makes a lunge in which she often kisses him, hitting him on the nose and chin and sometimes the mouth. She goes to the movies to see real romance, that is, to see what’s on the screen and the de voted couple in front of her—all for forty- eight cents. A FACULTY MEMBER • times is life a fanatic. A teacher IS thought by students to be mad with too much learning; but a faculty member of our times IS mad with too little. He assumes a privilege 0 impress what part of the text he pleases or IS use, and puts those that make against im on a failure list. His classes, that tend toward dlusion and confusion, are neither fit or numbskulls or geniuses, but for something m between like a psycopathic who cannot en dure a crisis and is no good in a calm. He IS all for having his pupils suffer for purposes, but nothing for playing; for he ac counts good times as a wasteful and an un- He outgrows broad- nnri L little boys outgrow short pants, , faculty member supposes himself J ! He calls his own ppose abilities the fruits of graduate school ^d disposes of himself like a babbling brook. e IS u a poor lost soul that moves he knows J? classes are the dead leaden ™ motion. His ®«!^«larly, and inward man is , pi , or he carries books on his arm, and a blank expression on his face. i: