1 ! ' features Addison’s essay Bobbie Lee Campus visitor FEATURES Ditto Editorial Folderol j Volume XXIX Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, November 12, 1948 Number VIII Atom Bomb Discussed; Nationalist Defeated by Kuth Lenkoski With the election over in the I xj. S., the United Nations General Assembly seems to have stepped up the pace of the session in Paris. It ia dubious that the Assembly will finish all that is on the agenda before the close of the session on December 10—when the delegates will go home for Christmas. Hence, special session is probable because certain items cannot be postponed until the fall of ’49, the date of the next session. In most cases the holdup of decis ions is caused by differences mainly between Russia and the United States. Last week a resolution was passed concerning the atomic bomb. Although the majority of the Politi cal and Security Committee appro ved of the resolution, Russia still voted it down. Russia wanted two treaties to be signed simultaneously —one to outlaw the bomb and the other to set up controls. The U. S. wanted the establishment of a com plete international system of con trol and inspection of atomic energy facilities,, followed by the outlawing of the bomb. . The following are the things which the resolution did: “(1) approved the majority (Ameri can) plan for control of the atomic bomb; (2) expressed worry about the impasse in negotiations; (3) asked the Big Five and Canada to hold talks and see if there is any basis of agreement; (4) called on the Atomic Energy Commission to meet again and continue its work.” Because of the Russian bloc this resolution has failed to settle the differences between the U. S. and Russia. The problem in Palestine has not been settled yet either. The strug gle between the Israeli and Egypt ians for Negeb, the 3,000 square mile stretch of sand in Southern Pales tine, continues without war. On October 19, the Security Council ordered a cease fire and withdrawal to original positions. Both agree to cease fire, but Israeli refused to withdraw from the position which they had gained. Recently Britain and China proposed that both sides withdraw to their original positions or face the possibility of economic and diplomatic sanctions. Due to Peyre Charms Salemites pressure from the U. S. the resolu tion was postponed. Now it has been passed and is being taken up in the Cabinet of Israeli Govern ment. In China, the Nationalists have been defeated by the Communists, who have succeeded in occupying Mukden. Many such victories as this have put the Communists in possession of lands rich in coal, iron and other natural resources. Those Nationalist^ who are left in Man churia, have a hopeless outlook which is developing a sense of indif ference among them. They are tired of civil strife, extreme inflation and so forth. The attitude is: What difference does it all make? Living under Communism couldn’t be much worse than life under the Nation alists. Meanwhile General Chiang Kaishek has appealed to America for help. A relief program for China is something too vast for this coun try to be able to afford it is beli eved, since we now have the ERP to finance. Mrs. Strong Comes Home Mother Strong will return to her beloved Salem campus sometime next week, after a summer spent at Keuka College. Keuka College in Rochester, New York, has presented Mother Strong with an honorary degree of Humane Letters. The degree is a tribute to a great American and recognition of her generous service to education. While in Rochester, Mother Strong, honorary president of the Rochester T. W. C. A., led the ground-breaking for the new Y. W. C. A.'building. Mother Strong gave the property which made possible the expanded site for the new build ing in 1942. Mother Strong used the same silver trowel that she used 35 years ago to break ground for the present Rochester Y. W. C. A. building, also a gift of the Strong family. Mother Strong is coming to Salem from Washington, D. C., where she spent the last month visiting her son. Colonel Corrin Strong. Night Club Features Smokes, Jokes, Folks Seniors Plant Lee Aspires ToPonS Fame; Just '‘Can’t Help Singing by Laboma Poindexter ‘‘Can’t help singing” . . . that is the motto of sixteen-year-old, viva cious Barbara (Bobbie) Lee. And you can hear her doing just that nearly anytime you go into the day students’ center. A freshman, Bob bie is majoring in voice and hopes someday to have her name ranked with that of her ideal—Lily Pons. Bobbie’s most attractive charm is her ability to make you forget your worries and be gay. She is just bubbling over with vitality. Blonde curly hair, sparkling, blue eyes and a winning smile add to her person ality just the right touch. If you were interviewing Bobbie and should happen to ask her how she likes Salem, you would probably hear sometl^ing like this. ‘‘Gosh, I think it’s simply wonderful, and I just love being a day student! All of the boarding students are so nice and "friendly. Come to think of it, the last statement should be con sidered a compliment!). Bobbie’s activities outside of school vary from painting portraits to teaching a Sunday School class. As for the theatre, Katherine Hep burn and Van Heflin always give command performances in Bobbies opinion. There is one fact I’ve omit ted about Bobbie. One of her chief (Continued on page three) P. Evans and P. Aiken Salem’s academic appetite was tempted last Tuesday by an a-Peyre- tit in the, form of Henri Peyre, out standing authority on French, Eng lish and American literature. Dur ing the day he gave a' chapel ad dress and spoke informally to sev eral classes and a group of students and faculty at lunch. With rapid- fire fluency and a French-British ac cent, Dr. Peyre left behind him a trail of open minds, strained ears and panting tongues. (We note— with secret glee, it must be confes sed—that since his departure we haven’t heard a single complaint about the Carolina drawl from our snappy-talking Northern comrades.) Of literature, about which he spoke volumes and we could remem ber only snatches. Dr. Peyre said that the French like best those Eng lish books which are least like their For example, the French of the nineteenth century could not understand the lack of passion in the works of Jane Austin and George Eliot, but liked to read them for their ‘‘beautiful, restful and old- maidish quality”. Personally he prefers the English Romances, es pecially Shelley, and finds the Neo- classicists, especially Dryden, dull. One of the morning’s choice com- [ments was that he had no quarrel with Robinson Crusoe, but—alas— ‘‘how much more interesting it would have been if Friday had been a girl! ’ ’ In the field of modern literature he told us that everything American —good and bad alike—is being avidly translated, bought and prais ed in France. It is a fad which will die out, but the good realistic writers like Hemingway, Faulkner and Steinbeck have exerted a last ing influence on the French. Wil liam Faulkner he believes is the best prose writer in English today. The most enlightened field of French literature at present, he said, is the drama, which is experiencing a re naissance such as it hasn’t known for a century. Such men as Gide, Sartre and Camus are writing philo sophical plays for the stage, and (putting our own theatre to shame) the most literary productions are taking in the best returns. Annual Ivy This year Senior Tree Planting will be held on November the 18th. The Senior Class has voted to plant a pink dogwood in the square and the ivy is to be planted on the wall of Bitting that faces the din ing hall. Dr. Rondthaler will make a speech and Patsy Moser, the pre sident of the Senior Class, will de dicate the tree and the ivy to the school in the name of the class of ’49. The seniors also voted in favor of each member of the class throw ing a penny in when the tree is planted. For the past two years only the class officers have thrown pennies around the tree. In 1915 the senior class planted the magno lia in front of Park. Hall and each member donated a lucky penny. The tree has grown so enormoas that the present senior class has decided to do the same for their pink dogwood. Town Girls Have Tea •3^ Gingham Tavern, the Salem Night Club, will be held Saturday night in the basement of Bitting Dormi tory from 8 until 11 p. m. Joan Hassler will be the mistress of ceremonies, leading a floor show featuring Lizzie Hancock, ‘‘D” McCarter and ‘‘Roz” Fogel as vocalists. The traditional Can-Can will include Jean Epps, Beth Cour- sey, Emily Warden, Myrtle Wiley and Sally Senter. Other skits will be included in the show which pro mises to be a big evening in enter tainment. When the floor show is over, there will be dancing to your favorite tunes played by your favorite pia nist, Sis Honeycutt. The checked tables have turned and you will be able to give orders to Drs. Hulme and Singer, who are to be head waiters. Assisting these distinguished gentlemen will be Anne Speas, Betty Connor, Betsy Farmer, Mimi Weil and Margaret Thomas as waitresses. The menu will include the follow ing drinks: Cokes, pink ladies, pur ple passion. Potato chips and pret zels will also be served. Come one, come all! For twenty- five cents you can stay at ‘ ‘ The Club” from 8 until 11 o’clock. Men Hold Smoker Day students’ mothers and the faculty will be honored at a tea next Wednesday afternoon. Decorations in the Center will carry out a fall motif. Polly Hartle, chairman of the decoration commit tee for the tea, has announced plans for decorations to include brightly colored leaves, ivy twisted around the white posts in the center, and paper figures representing characters concerned with Thanksgiving, v Carol Ann Daniels is chairman of the invitations group, which has prepared invitations bearing a pic ture of a turkey. The refreshment committee has decided to serve Russian tea, cake, and nuts. Jean Padgett, chairman of the committee, is working with Bonnie Sue Stonestreet, Julia Davis, Sara Ann Slawter, and Joan Wil liams. The Men’s Association held its first social of the new school year, a smoker in the Club Dining Room, last Friday night at 8 p. m. Male faculty members and former male Salemites were invited as guests of the Association for this event. Among those attending were Bishop Rondthaler, Doctors Jordan and Yardell, Messers Leach, Self ridge, Bromberg and Campbell. Dr. Anscombe was the guest speaker of=ihe evening. His topic was ‘‘One hundred, thousand, mil lion, billion, trillion miles in thirty minutes” or ‘‘A Short Introduction to Astronomy”. Although Dr. Ans combe is known to most of us as Professor of History and Philoso phy, he demonstrated his ability as an astronomer of no little accomp lishment. His talk was well received by the entire group. Marshall Comes South; Leads Active Life Here After lunch we adjourned to the Campus Living Room, where Cheer leaders Byrd and Hulme led the fac ulty in loud ovations at Dr. Peyre’s tenets on education. He believes in a broad background in the humani ties before any specialized training and emphasized the study of classi cal culture and foreign languages for future statesmen, scientists, wri ters, musicians—everybody. Such a program sounds idealistic; yet we couldn’t help thinking that with educators of the stature and dy namic of Henri Peyre it would be, not only possible’, but immensely enjoyable. Is' by Helen Creamer Pleasantville, New York — the home of Reader’s Digest is also the home of that Yankee gal, Maril3m (better known as Lyn) Marshall. Lyn loves the South and would not mind being a part of it; but her heart nevertheless, is planted quite firmly in the soil of the North. Lyn is a member of the Junior Class and h^s an interest in many activities. At the present she is on the I. R. S. Council, is an irreplae- able member of the Junior Class Hockey team and is showing her talents in other fields, such as dra matics. She will soon be seen in the current Salem hit ‘ ‘ Stage Door , with an all star east. ‘.‘Old Sal” has nothing on Lyn with her sunny disposition and friendly manner. Nothing ever seems to get her easy way ruffed. To this tall, blue-eyed New Yorker, life represents joyous living. Lyn’s likes are many and dislikes few. Seafoods definitely faU in the latter category, -with the exception of scallops which she dearly loves. Along the same line of food likes comes potatoes—Lyn can never get her fill of these. Also, her happiest days at Salem are the “hot dog days” in the dining hall. “Noth ing like them”, she says. Will power is something Lyn has, but likes to hide when it comes to cigarettes. Her ever-recurring words are, “I hate cigarettes. I’m going to stop smoking.” As a result of this statement, while she is indulging (Continued on page three)

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