Activitus Tries Sure Cure; Seeks Poise And Allure by Winkle Harris and Sybil Haskins “Carramba,” shouted Aetivitus, as she bit off the end of her cigar, IVe found it, the secret of every woman’s success! ” A sigh of utter anguish came from the desk “OH, NO! Not that, anything but that! After that face lifting at the Bon Ton Salon, and your hair turning green from 'Os car’s ointment’, it does look like you’d give up!” Legs La Rue crawled out of the depths of her Psychology book and gave her room mate several knowing looks. “Ha! Double ha! John Paul Jones never gave up, why should I? Be sides, tliis plan is fool-proof. It’s a thirteen-day success course adver tised in Better Beauty Magazine. Listen. ‘Do You want personality, poise and a perfect figure? Do you want to know the trade secret of every glamor girl? The Pompadour beauty plan gives you all these and more as well. Below are given some of the simple instructions to be fol lowed. Send for the complete suc cess course wdiich will be delivered to you FREE. Just give the post man Fifty (50) dollars upon deliv ery to cover cost of mailing. For the first day, the diet is as follows: For breakfast: A large glass of prune juice, one toasted cracker and a glass of goat’s milk. For lunch: avocado salad on a crisp lettuce leaf, one serving of kippered herring, a Ry-crisp and half an apri cot. For dinner: one serving (small) of Rumanian goulash, two Spanish onions (half-cooked) a glass of goat’s milk and a Ry-crisp, with rice for dessert. A few simple health rules should be followed in connection with this beauty plan heartily endorsed by BETTER BEAUTY magazine, the magazine for all women insterested in themselves, Mmn-let’s see. Walk four miles, get sixteen hours sleep., — . . . I’ll skip all that and get to the exercises. Legjs, read them out to me and I’ll get on the floor and do ’em. “0. K. it’s not my hide. Lie prone, stiffen legs and hold them parallel to the floor for the count of fifty. One—two—three—four—. ’ ’ “P’gosh sakes, can’t you count any faster?” ' ‘ Fivesivseveneightnineteneleven-i tw—Acti, are you all right? What was that crash?” “I’m only trying to be beautiful not join an acrobatic troup. What did you think it was a thunder storm? My legs collapsed. What’s next?’ ’ “ ‘To reduce hips, lie prone and with arms held to sides, roll for thirty minutes. Start rolling.” “Well — all —^ I — can—say—is— there—must — be a quicker—way —to Aouch! Oh, woe! I’m ruined for life! Why didn’t you tell me I was rolling straight to the door?” “Oh, Acti, look at the next one, it’s really a whiz. Stand on head, moving legs as though riding a bicy cle. Wonderful for the waist!” “Oh, No, not me. I can’t even stand on my feet.” “Chicken, come on I’ll prop you against the wall. You can surely do that. Up we go! ” ‘ ‘ The least you could do is not be so blamed cheerful about the wliole thing. Hey, there goes the phone. Legs—Come back here, I’m gonna fall. Legs — you wretch ■— oohhh!’ ’ Acti got some beautiful get well cards and even a dozen red roses from Thaddeus Henry. But she was heard to mumble for weeks after ward “Beautiful goats from Rum anian Goulash exercising on a Ry- crisp! Bah, Humbug!” News Con’d tAIh. Anj444ne*it Co4i'd Continued from page four that the abolishing of the Honor System may perhaps put the school in some danger, or at least put the Student Government to the trouble of another securing vote. I am far from presuming to affirm or think that the school is in danger at pre sent, or as things now stand; but we know not how soon it may be when the Honor System is repealed. To conclude: Whatever some may think of the great advantages to students by this favourite scheme, I do very much apprehend that in six months time after the act is passed for the extirpation of the Honor System, the tuition may fall at least one per cent. And since that is fifty times more than ever the wisdom of our college genera tion though fit to venture for the preservation of the Honor System, there is no reason why we should be at so great a loss, at two thou sandths of a per cent merely for the sake of destroying it. (Continued from page one) America. These provisions are: (1) the power of the Congress to declare war, with the majority votes in both Houses, and (2) the power of the president to make treaties, “by and with the consent of the Senate,” and “provided that two-thirds of the Senators present concur.” How to reconcile these two pro visions wdth the realities of thd world situation is the big problem. Imported Art Books From France We will be glad to have you come over and get acquainted -with them. Matisse 8.25 Derain 6.75 Gauguin 4.50 Lautrec 4.50 Degas 4.50 Picasso 8.25 Van Gogh 6.00 Bonnard 8.25 SALEM BOOK STORE Salem Campus Square Victor, Columbia and Decca Records Fonrtli at Spruce St. Hospitality That All America Understands A.- ^sk for it either way ... both trade-marks mean the same thing. BOmED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COU COMPANY BY Winston Coca-Cola Bottling Company © 1949, The Coca-Cola Company ^ ^ loieKcao^Jaw get ( a,* know the HOW MiLD CAM A CIGARETTE 6E ? WELUSKITCH. THE CAMEL SO-DAY TEST CONVINCED ME THAT CAMELS ARE THE MILDEST CIGARETTE iVe ever smoked! yox'l"'"'”' . „»esback ■ idiM ’‘"’‘Tit' SkitcbB^, k„.tesl of ""''Tais han't „„ an oW H(wMillian9cijare(tel»? WJ SMOKE CAMELS FOR 30 DAYS -and you'll know! . r-nast test of hundreds of d,y-„«ed throat tpecialists, after making weekly examinations, reporte IVE KNOWN THAT FOR YEARS. nancy! and I GO FOR Camels full, rich flavor, too! lOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION ^ teSIMKiHiO- tA(€mey=^ac4; *^i€€x/um.^ee! Try Camels and test them as you smoke them. If, at any time, you are not con vinced that Camels are the mildest ciga rette you’ve ever smoked, return the pack age with the unused Camels and we will refund its full purchase price, plus post age. (Signed) R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Com pany, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.