November II. iQ^n Pierrettes Lauterbach (Continued from page one) ember 14th, is the date of the first complete run-through. There will be costume and technical rehear sals followed by three dress re hearsals. Liliom is a project of the Pierettes and English 201. The crews are made up of members of both groups and the Freshman Salem Players. There is yet a great deal of work to be done. If you like to paint, there is ample carousel scenery waiting for you; if you want to work on properties or costumes collect your ideas together and be ready to present them; if you’re interested in the stage crew (ar ranging scenery the night of the play) drag out blue jeans and shar pen your muscles.' Regardless of your choice, check by Miss Reig- ner’s office and give her your name, you’ll get a store of fun and in valuable experience. (^Continued from page one) sian and American nations in their coun^try which is a great hardship on the Koreans; especially since we had promised them their liberty. Students of U. S. in World Affairs will note that this is an age old problem. In Southeastern Asia he said that Mr. Truman’s four point program was a beginning step but it must be administered with good states manship. Here too we must en courage nationalism actively; we must have land and tax reforms, and again we need “to swipe the Communist program”. ' Only in the Philippines have we obtained some prestige in the East. According to Mr. Lauterbach this was due to the fact that we have given them the political freedoa^ which we promised. Therefore, we must beat Russia at her own game in the East and we must remember that “we can- We specialize in Wedding, Birthday, and Party Cakes also Bread sliced any thick ness. DOBY’S BAKERY 640 W. 4th St. Dial 2-4126 L.1^l>erf5 WIMSTON-SALEM We feature nationally famous brands for The College Miss ‘Reznicks For Records” REZNICK’S Complete Stock of Record* & Sheet Music Across From State Theatre 440 N. Liberty Dial 2-1443 Glamour Portraits Coppedge Photography Practical ^ 120 JV. Third Street