Page Four THE SALEMITE October 9 Three Little Words (Co-tinued from page two) black robes or gay sweaters. Then one fine Sunday morning 1 was able to say, “Salem College, here I come.” I have never seen such a sea of attractively coloured hair (in Assembly), neither have I experienced such easy friendliness and warmth peculiar only to Am ericans. In place of cloisters stand attractive l)uildings expressive of Salem’s 182 years of academic, social . and moral record. As for the unforgivable idea about nuns, it is best to forget it though I must remember to congratulate a home friend of mine who expressed the. wish of seeing me return as one such ! I love the clear toll of the class-bell which reminds me of the church-chimes I had been used to counting daily. The falling of maple leaves, an occasional squir rel crossing one’s path, the beaus on week-ends, fraternity pins, the .small talks and the ‘you-all’s are a part of Salem life. Yesterday 1 .was 10,405 miles away in a place called Singapore. 1 did, not know Salem then. To day my feet rub upon Salem’s brick paths, I jostle and joke with Salemi tes, can’t resist her piping hot rolls. Tomorrow . . . well, that’s another day so long as the three little words play their part. “Y” Cabinet Holds Retreat A retreat was held by the YWCA for all cabinet members on Mon day at Miller Park. Plans were discussed for October, November, and December. The “Y” will sponsor Religious Emphasis Week, Oct. 19-22, with Reverend Kenneth Goodson as the guest speaker. Tentative plans have been made for Salem-Davidson Day, an auc tion sale, and a student-faculty coffee. Reverend Sawyer, who is advisor for the YWCA, sfioke to the group informally concerning their work on Salem campus. Miss Margaret Barrier, who is also an advisor for the “Y” attended the retreat. Never Again By Frank Kinney If you have found that the excite ment, romance and admiration so necessary to a woman's happiness IS being lavished on others leaving you lonely and neglected, stop and think for a minute. Happiness is something 3'ou earn. Admiration .is the coin of pacunent for the woman w’ho is good-to-look-at. Most women are average looking, of average build, complexion, and stature. Most women dress aver agely well and wear average look ing hairstyles. The goal to strive for is to be above average if you wish to stand out. ' The rewards 3'OU gain will be greater than youi fondest expectations. Never again wear an average looking hairstyle for your hair can be the frame that makes your face appealing. Have your hair dressed in a dramatic manner with a fine permanent wave from The Hair- designers Beauty Salon, 416 N. Spruce St. Phone 4-2411.—(adv.) TWIN CITV I DRY CUANINO COl Phone Dial 7106 Winston-Salem, N. C. 612 West 4th St. BRODT-SEPARK MUSIC CO 620 West Fourth St. Phone 3»2241 Music of All Publishers TOWN STEAKHOUSE QUAUTY FOOD S. Hawthorne Phone 2-0005 TOM PERRY’S SPECIALS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY 5% OFF MEAL TICKETS Sunday Breakfast 9 A.M.-10:45 OP^E EGG, BACON, TOAST, JUICE, COFFEE^35c Sunday Only Dr. Michael Lewis will speak at Vespers this Sunday night. The services will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Day Student Center. * it * * * The Arts Council will present James Larkin Pearson, Poet Leaur- eate of North Carolina, at 4:00 p.m. on October 11 at the Arts Council Center. His wife, also an author ess from Guilford, will assist him. They will read his poetry and disr cuss their research on a forthcom ing biography which Mrs. Pearson will write. The hostess group will be the Se'nior Woman’s Club. * * * + * The A. .A., ha's announced changes in the requirements for the hockey tournament which will be held the first of November. This year each player must have six practices to be eligible for varsity. This 'does not include physical education ' classes. Practices will be held each after- The TODDLE HOUSE 878 W. Fourth St. Phone 2-3737 noon of the week, Monday through Thursday from 4:30-5:30. * * * * Alice McNeely, president of the Student Government Association, has asked for suggestions for the naming of the new Honor Book which is being signed by all mem bers of the student body. The name, when decided upon, will be imprinted on the front of the book. All ideas should be given to Alice. PRINTING^ MORRIS service Next To Carolina Thean, ¥ * * Sandwiches—Salads—Sodas “The Place Where Salemite, Meet” Victor, Columbia and Decca Records ^omc^Shiouc/ ^ Fourth at Spruce St. =& BITTIR CLIANINB! URV CI.EAJVERS’ 3lO WOKTN CLAWKMONT AVWUE » ^WO NS 3 A 4 ft | 525 S. Main Street | Phone 2-1983 l\ I i I Wonderfully Soft . . . Need We Say More? 9.95 to 14.95 WE^ FOURTH ST. at SPRUCE