THE SALE MITE Re^leotlOHl.. Once, long ago, in a far away country, on top of a green hill, shaded by green trees, was a little green schoolhouse. Every morning 28 little children would skip and jump up the smooth green hill and every afternoon they would skip and jump down the smooth green hill. While they were on the smooth green hill, they were in the little green schoolhouse. They learned things there. They learned about sub tracting and Columbus and Alice in Wonder land. They learned these things in the sun shine and when it rained. (But the sun shone most of the time in that country). This may seem strange. A little green schoolhouse may seem strange, but there was one thing that was stranger than either of these things. These 28 tihildren had never seen a mirror. This may sound strange to us, but it was the normal thing in that country. There were no mirrors in that country. Not one. A wise, wise king had had all the mirrors broken 182 years before. You see he was the cousin of the Sleeping Beauty’s father and he was wise about mirrors. He was wise and you shall see why. One day the 28 children were reading the story of Alice and the March Hare. The teacher was seated quietly at the shiny desk waiting to answer questions. She knew the children would have questions. They were anxious to understand things. They were anxious to understand and not just to read. She smiled at their serious faces as they quietly turned the pages. She smiled because just a few minutes be fore they had been laughing at two squirrels playing in a tree outside the window. They could be gay and they could be serious. They were happy children. All of a sudden there was a “knock, knock” at the little green door. The children looked up and the teacher smiled. “Come in,” she .said. The door slowly opened and there stood a handsome young man. He was dressed all in red velvet. He wore tight red velvet pants, a red velvet shirt, and around his broad shoulders was a flowing red velvet cloak. He stood in the doorway and smiled. The 28 children and the teacher smiled. He did not speak. He did not have to. The happy children and the quiet teacher in the green schoolhouse enjoyed just looking at him. He stood there smiling for a second, then from under his red velvet cloak he took a large flat package wrapped in red paper with a black ribbon. Then he turned and walked away from the little green schoolhouse into the green forest. The happy children and the quiet teacher eagerly opened the package. There, under the red paper and black ribbon, was something they had never seen before. There was a huge mirror Avith a gold frame. “Oh,” said the happy children looking bewildered. “Oh”, said the quiet teacher, looking worried. She knew. She tried to fold the paper over the reflection, but then a strange thing hap pened. The paper became red dust in her hands. She did not know what to do. She did not know what to do. Then the little girl with the long curls saw her blond curls for the first time. She liked what she saw. She touched her blond curls. The little boy with the brown eyes saw his brown eyes. He liked what he saw. He touched his brown eyes. He did not like blond curls because there were blue eyes with them. She did not like brown eyes because there was brown hair with them. Slowly the children saAV their hair and ey^ and noses. They liked what they saw. They did not like the other hair and eyes and noses. The teacher had tears in her eyes as the little girl with the blond curls and the little boy with the brown eyes walked out of the little green door into the green forest. They said as they walked' slowly away, “I shall go to a place where all children have blond curls.” “I shall go to a place where all children have brown eyes.” Soon the green forest was full of wandering children and the teacher stood in the green door with a tear in her eye. ®t)E ^alemite Here And There By Freda Siler Last week Communism was very much in the news. At home Mc Carthy raged against the army and nearly everyone raged against Mc Carthy. Abroad the Communist question concerned the war in Indo- China, a big sale in Russia, and the failure of peasant cooperation in China. The war in Indo-China, which has been going on for over seven years, may soon come to an end. At least it will if the French can make it. The French now realize that they cannot triumph over the Communist forces, although they are .strong enough to keep the Com munists from winning. In preparation for the forth-com ing Geneva Conference, the French have announced that they will ne gotiate. They say, however, that they cannot accept a cease-fire that will turn Indo-China over to the Communist forces. How this will work out we can only wait and see. The U. S. is now financing this war up to 70% of the total finan- icial cost. This aid has been sup plied mainly in the form of weap ons, but we have also sent 250 Air Force technicians to Indo-China, We are fighting Red aggression there in ..munitions as we did with men in Korea. After 36 years of Communist rule, the people of Moscow finally saw on sale such materials as silks and satins. These materials, made . in Soviet textile plants, were rather high for the Russian people, how ever. Cost‘of these luxuries: velvet, $52.50 a yard; flowered silk, $32.; plain and striped corduroy, $35, Average Avage in Russia — $175 a month. The crowd at the sales, so large that the militia stood by to keep order, was awed, both at the beauty of the materials and, no doubt, at the prices. The Communist collective pro gram seems to be running into trouble in China. The richer peas ants don’t want to give up what they have, so they raise only what they need. . The poorer peasants are afraid to step up production because then they would be elevated in class and lose some of their land. The rest of the peasants think that “social ism” will solve all their worries, so they don’t worry, they just wait for “socialism” to come. The Communist party also ran into a little trouble in Italy. In the Reddest province there, 66 of the communities — 1,500 registers party members—turned in their party cards. Their explanation: “It costs too much to be a Communist. There are too many things we must con tribute to.” McCarthy continued his^ fight against subversive activity in the army by questioning Private Mar tin Belsky, a doctor who was drafted and denied a commission because he refused to answer ques tions about Communist affiliations. He still refuses to answer. Speaking of McCarthy, President Eisenhower said, “We are defeat ing ourselves if either by design or through carelessness we use me thods that do not conform to the American sense of justice and fair play.” McCarthy replied, “Far too much wind has been blowing from high places in defense of this Fifth Amendment Communist Army Of ficer.” Last week Eisenhower appointed the first Negro to a sub-cabinet position, Chicago Attorney J. Ernest Wil kins will be Assistant Secretary of Labor for International Affairs. But the main thing to note about Wil- (Continued On Page Four) Play Review Published every Friday of the College year by the Student Body of Salem College T Subscription Price—$3.50 a year Editor-in-Chief —— Alison Britt Associdfe Editor : Connie Murray Managing Editor 2 : Sally Reiland Feature Editor 1- Be;'/ Copy Editor Boyd By Mary Anne Raines and Connie Murray In producing “The Member of the Wedding” last Wednesday and Thursday, the Pierrettes scored another triumph. Much of the credit is due the director, Miss Elizabeth Reigner. The play is a delicate one to handle in that its meaning could be lost by- a group of amateur actors, reducing it to a ridiculous comedy. Miss Riegner did an excellent job in interpreting the problems of an adolescent girl trying to grow up. Laura Mitchell as Frankie Ad- dams, the unhappy .adolescent, gave a convincing performance. She communicated to a responsive audi ence the fellings of loneliness and insecurity which so often accom pany adolescence. The audience was always aware of her inner con flicts, because she managed to por tray them through her actions as well as her speeches. With seemingly boundless energy, Laura was Frankie at every mom ent. She never lapsed in her in tensity, whether in a childish action or an adult realization. As Berenice Sadie Brown, the^ Negro mammy, Jane Brown gave a sincere performance. She handled the role, which could have been farcical, with such feeling that the audience really experienced the loss she felt at the end of the play. Even in her lines rebuking Frankie and John Henry, Jane con veyed the deep love and attachment which Berenice felt for the child ren. As the Negro mammy whose “glass eye bothered her socket”, Jane was adequate and typical. Ten-year old David Parrish, who played the part of John Henry West, won the hearts of the audi ence as the seven-year old cousin of Frankie. He was aware every moment of the situation around him and completely lost himself in his role. David showed excellent concentration and timing, and should be commended for a job well done. In the supporting role of T. T. Williams and Honey Camden Brown, Don Britt and Bruce Do well were excellent in their por trayals of two entirely different types of Negros. Mr. Britt played the understand ing, mellowed T. T. with a sym pathetic nature. Mr. Dowell as Honey perfected the shiftless, re sentful Negro who played the bugle, and justly rated the title of “Light- foot.” The other members of the cast were subjected to smaller roles, but should be commended for their in terest and patience. Though ap parently insignificant, three of the supporting characters gave very significant clues to the actions of the main characters. Ginger Dysard was Janice, the bride; Herb Bunin played Jarvis, Frankie’s brother, and Doug Carter was cast as Frankie’s business- minded father. Other members of the cast were Juanita Efird as Mrs. West, Caro lyn Miller as Helen Fletcher, Jane Graver as Doris, Ann Mixon as Mary, Paulette Nelson as Sis Laura, and Bob Benton as Barney Mac- Kean. Special mention goes to Emily Baker and her crew for the set. The colors and style were sugges tive of the whimsical, romantic at mosphere in which the three main characters played the kitchen and yard scenes. It pointed up the closeness of the three as they experienced the mom ents which “even now are passing and will never come again”. ^ Credit, is also due Martha Thorn burg for the moody music of the colored people; Sandy Whitlock for properties, including a stove, refrigerator, and sink with running water; and Francine Pitts, for colorful, well-suited costumes. Louise Fike was in charge of the constantly-changing, atmospheric lighting, and Ruth Lott headed the make-up crew which mastered age ■and youth, whites and Negro.s. By Donald Caldwell Iodine knew that she would have to accept graciously. She couldn’t possibly let the whole school down. Going with Charles Medlin and Clem Sandresky wasn’t enough to keep her occupied, so she might as well be president of the Student Government. She had several good pictures that could he used tvith her press releases-—the one of her addressing the Idle Valley scout troop or the one taken when she was president of her first grade class? Oh well it really didn’t matter, the papers would probably take some new photos in real executive-looking poses. Iodine put on her best cashmere and her new skirt for dinner Monday because she knew the nomination committee would announce the candidates for stee gee president Alice would surely come to ask her if she would accept before she made the announcement. Iodine almost choked on her first filet when Alice rang the gong and announced that the candi dates for president of stee gee were Bobbi Kuss and Sue Jones. Iodine consoled herself Avith the thought that she had ahvays been the athletic type anyway. She would really go all the A?ay Avith the A. A. Salem Avould organize the first a?o- men’s football team in the Atlantic Coast Con ference and they Avould play bi-Aveekly games with Carolina, Duke, State, Davidson and Wake Forest. Maybe they would get a bid to the Orange Bowl—anyway, the Shrine Bowl. Or maybe vice-president of the Student Government. “Isn’t she Avonderful?” everyone would exclaim as she introduced Robert Mit- chem and Montgomery Clift to give a panel discussion on “What I Like In A Date.” She Avould really surprise the faculty Avith the ease she had in discussing Avorld affairs with Churchill, McCarthy, or BisenhoAA^er. She had ahvays felt close to Florence Night ingale and Avould love to carry hot tea (the price of coffee is rising) to all the poor broken-hearted girls avIio had just gotten “dear Joan” letters. Surely she Avould be an excellent president of the “Y”. Her press re leases Avould carry pictures of her in the Little Chapel dusting the hymnals. Everyone Avould knoAv that she Avas the guiding spirit on campus. But AAuth all her originality. Iodine was cer tain to he chairman of May Day. Her theme Avould be the Mardi Gras, and she Avould trans form the May Dell into a typical Nbav Orleans ballroom. Surely the American Ballet troupe Avould gladly come to help Avith the dances, and Rudolph Bing Avould help Avith the sets. Or maybe she could stage “Kismet” or Ca|i Can” for those unfortunate girls Avho hadnt seen them. Miss Byrd would certainly put up a figkt for her to be editor of the Salemite or Sights an ^ Insights because of her remarkable literary ability. She had been the star reporter foi the Idle Valley High School “Purple and Green.” Iodine’s Salemite Avould have an American Press hook-up and Avould come off the press tAvice a day. She Avould have Steinbeck an HemingAvay as guest columnists once or twme a Aveek. With a Salemite reporter covering Washington and New York, and maybe a or eign correspondent in England and Russia, ® Salemite subscription would double. ® would pose for pictures seated at a typeAvri er, talking on the telephone, and waving a penci in the air. ,, The idea of the Sights and Insights rea j intrigued Iodine. She could run full-P^& pictures of each girl and a double-page pio n of herself. The theme would be future caree girls of America—movie actress or house aD She Avould definitely have to decide Clem and Chuckle, or maybe she Avould a a double dedication in her annual. . If the decision would be too great, o might have to resort to being president of Pierrettes. After much protesting she wo agree to be the star of all the They Avould build a new auditorium tor production of “Volpone, The Fox.” 2- negie and Christian Dior would do the ■f| , (Continued On Page Four)