d. T Our “Miss Charm” has been elected; Look on page three to see who was selected. Betsy and Agnes are going to Oslo; Maybe they will become very cosmo. Kirk Gives Lecture On Russian Life t-; i Mrs. Alan G. Kirk, the last of the guest lecturers for this season, gave a vivid account of “Life in Russia Today” last Monday night. Mrs. Kirk is the wife of Admiral Alan G. Kirk, former ambassador to the Soviet Union. Mrs. Kirk, who lived in Moscow between 1949 and 1951, spoke on various phases of life in the Krem lin. She first reminded the audience that Russia is around the world, so far away that it is practically another world. Regarding the political aspect, she commented that Stalin’s death left a vacancy that no one man has yet filled. Ten men, including Malenkov, Molotov, and the now extinguished Beria, have shared the spotlight. Who will finally triumph is anybody’s guess. Stalin Is Praised Stalin was a god to most of the Russians. The children were taught to praise him. Each morning in kindergarten they repeated their prayer; “Thank you. Comrade Six Juniors Win Offices For 1954-55 Stalin, for a happy childhood.” The Communist Party consists of seven million people, a very small group considering the population of |J Russia is two hundred and ten If; million. The party is not for the masses and is being purged con stantly. a Mrs. Kirk mentioned that Russia has a very stratified society. The intelligensia are able to receive better medical care and their child- || ren have better schooling. || Only those in a large city can go to school. The children start J' at seven or eight years of age || and continue in school for seven years. At the end of this time ’j' those with the best political back- grounds and best marks go on to more schooling. Those weeded out go to trade schools. Some continue M on into technical schools, while others become laborers. The top half of the better students enter universities. After graduation the students have to enter state ser vice for three years. At the time of the Russian Revo lution there was a great movement toward liberation of women. NovV the women are equal to the men, so far as work is concerned. It is not at all unusual to see a woman of fifty driving a garbage truck, laying railroad ties, or sweeping streets. Seventy percent of the doctors in Russia are women. Masses Are Strange In speaking of the masses, Mrs. Kirk said, “They flow by just like a great muddy river. They are like a gray mass—no shape, no size, and silent. You think they are non-human.” “They have a patience, a strange quality this is the peasant mass. ineyre a very strange and per plexing lot for westerners to deal Newly-elected officers of the Student Government are seen above. They are, left to right, Nancy Peter son, treasurer; Dottie Allen, off-campus vice-president; and Jane Little, on-campus vice-president. » Betsy Liles And Agnes Rennie Look Forward To Summer Of Profit, Fun, And Fellowship At Oslo By Donald Caldwell I found Agnes Rennie, sopho more winner of the scholarship to Norway, in the basement of Clewell playing a game of bridge. Since she was dummy, I began to ask her questions. “Besides the general culture sur vey that is required, I am going to take Norw'egian literature, Nor Charm Week Is Held ■|^with. You never know what they’re :y|going to do.” As an illustration of her last I Charm Week officially ended today with Ann Campbell elected as our .“Miss Charm”. Tuesday, Carol Daniels spoke in chapel on hints for the bride-to-be, such as flowers, wedding music, number of bridesmaids and grooms men. LuLong Ogburn modeled a lovely wedding gown and Jean Shope, a brides-maid dress. After dinner a student-faculty coffee was held in the Friendship Rooms of Strong. Mary Anne Raines, as chairman of Charm Week, served. A local store sponsored a fashion show held in tire Day Student cen ter Tuesday night. The May Court modeled clothes' from sport dresses to evening dresses. Thursday, a skit sponsored by the I. R. S. was given in chapel. Diane Huntley was narrator, with I. R. S. members illustrating vari ous forms of etiquette. wegian social and political institu tions, and human geography,” Agnes replied when I asked what courses she planned to take. When asked about what she planned to do during her spare time Agnes answered, “I hope to have time to take some hikes in the mountains and maybe learn to ski. I asked the Norwegian boy who was here for International Day if there was a chance for some swimming and he said sure if you don’t mind freezing. So I guess that is out.” Since there will be two hundred other American students at' the University this summer Agnes said that she hoped that she wouldn’t be “too lazy” to meet lots of Nor wegians. September 3 is the sailing date that Agnes has chosen for coming home. She hopes to be able to do some traveling after school is over. After searching all over campus, I finally found Betsy Liles, the junior scholarship winner, in the Salemite office trying to get a mil- Little Chapel Is Dedicated A statement, Mrs. Kirk related an incident pertaining to daily life, t Several of the embassies had ^ordered together' a thousand fresh practically a delicacy irr> this land of few fresh foods. When . the eggs were brought^ to the bor der, the Russians hard-boiled every ’One of them. (They were afraid they would bring in disease.) Greek Orthodox Is Religion The Greek Orthodox religion kn"ought from Constantinople is the religion of the Russians. It has been altared and is now the Rus sian Orthodox religion. However, religion is not encouraged in Rus sia. On the wall entering Red Square is the inscription “Religion 's the opium of the people.” Com- rriunists are not allowed to go to (Continued On Page Four) Home Ec Club To Give Dance The Hawaiian theme and a four- piece combo will be featured at Gingham Tavern, Saturday, March 27. This dance, sponsored by the Home Economics club, will be in the Day Students’ Center from 8:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. A floor show will be presented by Salem students and local talent. Sarah Sue Tisdale and Temple Daniel are co-chairmen of the com mittees for the dance. The committees are: decorations, Barbara Berry and Carol Cooke; refreshments, Ann Lang and Fran- cine Pitts; publicity, Carolyn Spaugh and Rachel Ray; and enter tainment, Nellie Ann Barrow. Admission is $1.25 per couple and $.75 stag. The dedication services of the Little Chapel were held at 2:00 p.m. Sundajq March 21. The program began with an organ prelude by Miss Margaret Vardell. After the singing of the congregational hymn, the Te Deum Laddamus was led by Rev. Edwin Sawyer and the congregation gave the responses. Dr. Gramley spoke briefly con cerning the benefactors of the Little Chapel, its approximate cost and the purpose and significance of the most recent addition to the Salem campus. Jean Edwards, president of the Y. W. C. A., read the 24th Psalm. The act of dedication was made by Bishop Howard Rondthaler. In dedicating this chapel, he told a story of the historic significance of the West Gate during the time of the Civil War. The prayer of dedication was also made by Bishop Rondthaler. The dedication services were con cluded by an organ postlude by Margaret Vardell. lion things done at one time. Betsy hasn’t definitely decided what courses she will take, but she is sure that they will be fine arts courses. “The most fun of all is that everyone in the dorm is helping me plan what to take and where to go.” Betsy hopes to do lots of traveling on the weekends and after school is over. “I plan to keep a journal from the day I board the ship until the day I get home.” Betsy added that all the Salemites could read it next. fall. “I have a lot of reading to do before I go,” Betsy said, “for I realize the responsibility that I have and I want to take advantage of the opportunity and bring back to Salem an insight into Norway.” Betsy added as an afterthought that summer school this year would certainly be different from summer school last year when she attended the University of North Carolina. A full week of elections began Monday when the combined staffs of the annual named Betsy Liles of Wadesboro editor-in-chief of the Sights and Insights. In chapel Tuesday morning, Francine Pitts of Lydia, S. C., was elected president of the Athletic Association and Mary Anne Raines of Portsmouth, Va., was selected by the student body to head the 1955 May Day committee. On the following day Sally Reil- and of Bluefield, W. Va., was chosen editor-in-chief of the Salemite at a meeting of the pre sent staffs. Preceding Thursday’s assembly, Bobbi Kuss of Allentown, Pennsyl vania, was elected president of the I. R. S., and Sara Outland of Kins ton, was chosen to head the campus Y. W. C. A. The new Sights and Insights edi tor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Liles and was last week named a recipient of one of the sumnier scholarships to Nor way, Betsy, an English major, has been copy editor of Sights and In sights, feature editor of the Salem ite, treasurer of her sophomore class, F. T. A. scrapbook keeper, and a member of the Pierrettes. Francine, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pitts, has been active in Salem’s athletic program since her freshman year when she began her three-year membership on the basketball varsity. She was on the A. A. Council last year, volleyball manager during the cur rent year, class basketball captain, and, at a recent A. A. Conference in Chapel Hill, was chosen to edit a statewide A. A. newsletter during the coming year. A home econo mics major who plans to teach, Francine is a member of the F. T. A. and the Lablings and includes newswriting for the Salemite and working on Pierrette productions in her outside activities. Mary Ann’s parents. Dr, and Mrs G. N. Raines, are presently living in Portsmouth, Va., but are originally from Washington, D. C. Mary Ann has been a member of the editorial staff of the Salemite since her freshman year and is this year on the Sight* and Insights staff and secretary of the I. R. S. She joined the Pierrettes as a sophomore and during the current (Continued on page three) Lu Long Ogburn Will Present Graduating Recital OnMonday The Salem College School of Music will present Lu Long Og burn, pianist, in a graduating re cital at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, March 29 in Memorial Hall. Lu Long, Salem’s May Queen this year, has served on the May Court for three years. A member of the Honor Society, she has served as president of her senior class, chief marshal, a member of the Lecture committee anc|, the Scorpions. This past fall Lu Long was elected by the faculty to represent Salem in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. While at Salem, Lu Long has studied®under Mrs. Margaret Mer- riman and Hans Heidemann. Her program is as follows: Partita in B flat Bach-Bauer Capriccio, op. 76, No. 1 Intermezzo, op. 118, No. 2 Rhapsody, op. 79, No. 1 Brahms Triana (from liberia Suite) Albeniz Andaluza (Playera) .. .Granados Danse Rituelle Du Feu De Falla Concerto in F Allegro Gershwin (Hans Heidemann at the second piano.)

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