1955 and I es Volume XXXV Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, April 29, 1955 Number 22 Board Asks Change In Apportioning At a recent meeting of the Fin ance Board, the members accepted a proposal recommended by the executive committee. The proposal provides for the following changes in the yearly apportionment of each individual’s student budget fee: Organization 1954-55 1955-56 Y. W. C. A. .. .....$ .85 $ .75 J A. A .....$ .95 $ .90 I. R. S $ .75 $ .60 *T V May Day $ .75 $ .90 Salemite $ 3.50 $ 3.60 j Sights and Insights $12.50 $12.65 $ 9.50 $9.55 j The allotment for the following groups remains the same; The Pierrettes, Lecture Series, Class Dues, and Student Government. A study committee composed of Gertrude Johnson, Nancy Peterson, and Carolyn Kneeburg made the above proposal. To be put into effect, the recommendation must be passed by the Student Government Council and then approved by two- thirds of the student body. The study committee recom mended ; that the revised budget be put on a one-year trial; that a per manent budget committee (to study the budget throughout the year) be established with the treasurer of Student Government as chairman; that a finance report be made at each chapel meeting conducted by Stee Gee. The Board offered these reasons for cutting the budget of certain organizations; The I. R. S. has access to a special fund in case dance tax must be paid; and the price of dance bids has been raised. The Athletic Association no longer buys equipment for the gymnasium. The Y. W. C. A. projects have decreased in number and the in creasing success of the auctions has added to the Y treasury. Terry Harmon and Betty Morrison perfect a scene from the May Day pageant—under the carefid direc tion of chairman Mary Ann Raines. Directors Prod, Dancers And Cast 'Polish Up’ As Curtain Call For May Pageant Nears By Mary Ann Raines With May Day only a week away, rehearsals on the pageant are at least started. Every day at five o’clock, music can be heard floating out of the May Dell. In fact, the music floats so far out of the May Dell that third floor Bit ting has been beseieged by phone calls from the Academy and irate neighbors, complaining of the noise. (No appreciation of good music!) Delinquent Dancers Delay When rehearsals first started, 1 thought things were planned so perfectly that there would be no problems. How wrong I was ! It’s strange the way college girls for get how to read and tell time, especially when rehearsals are con cerned. There are always a few cast members who struggle down into the May Dell, after having been paged over the loudspeaker for fifteen minutes, (more phone calls from the Academy), saying. Two Of Merriman’s Students To Qive Recitab Next Week Bonnie Hall will present her graduating recital May 6 at 8:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Hall from Elkin. * A piano major, Bonnie is a pupil of Mrs. Margaret Merriman. Her program is as follows: Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2 Beethoven Adagio sostenuto Allegretto Presto agitato Preludes, Op. 28,, Nos. 1 and 22 Etudes, Op. 10, Nos. 3 and 12.... Chopin Pour le Piano Debussy Prelude Sarabande Concerto in A minor Schumann Allegro ‘ Mrs. Merriman will be at the second piano. Nell Newby To Play Monday Miss Nell Newby, a sophomore piano major, will present her sopho more recital in Dean Clemens Sandresky’s studio on Monday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. Nell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newby of Thomas- ville. She is studying toward a B. M. degree with Mrs. Margaret Merriman. Since she has been at Salem, Nell has been very active in extra curricular activities. She was this year’s president of the Methodist group on campus, vice-president of Clewell Dormitory, and an accom panist for the Choral Ensemble, of which she has been a member for two years. Nell’s program includes: Organ Prelude in G minor Bach Sonata Op. 24, No. L.Beethoven Andante-allegro Adagio Allegro vivace Intermezzo Op. 116 Brahms Etude Op, 10, No. 4 Chopin Bagatelles Nos. 1 and 4 Tchereptiine Toccata Khachaturian “Was I supposed to be at rehear sal ?’’ Reiland Rushes Around The assistant director does most of the undesirable work concerned with the pageant. Sally Reiland spends hours chasing cast members, typing- up rehearsal schedules, (which, incidentally, are ignored) carrying the sound equipment in and out of the gym, helping with the blocking of scenes and, as her title implies, generally assisting. This is twice as difficult a job when one considers the time spent dodg ing certain faculty mernbers who insist on having their assignments done. This year, of course, ' we have special problems. We have to keep one eye on the Teenie-Weenie Genie (alias Terry Harmon) to make sure she stays out of the sun so that she won’t ruin her ethereal, out-of-the-lamp look. Edwards Tapes Tunes Thrice The taping of music is always a problem. Anne Edwards spent hours recording several practice tapes. Extremely relieved, she left a tape with one of the dance groups and trotted away to study forNiComprehensives. An hour later, the choreographer came to tell her that the music was too fast. So Anne spent the next day hunting for and recording a new piece of music. The tape was returned that evening with the complaint that the The Dean Reminds 1. Students who plan to spend the night off campus after the May Day Dance must have all arrange ments (invitation from hostess, per mission from home for freshmen, and sign-out, etc.) completed by noon on the Saturday of the dance. No exceptions will be made to this deadline. 2. A room registration fee ($10.- 00) receipt must be presented at room-drawing. Mrs. Perryman has agreed to open the treasurer’s of fice for the entire day (Monday, May 2) from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. in order that this fee may be paid. new piece of music wasn’t even on the tape. Frantically, she taped the music a third time and then went to the dance practice just to make sure it was right. Upon playing the tape, Anne realized what was wrong. The speed of the record was forty-five, but it had been re corded on thirty three and a third. The set and effects are two other problem areas. Roseanne Worth ington has searched Winston-Salem and neighboring cities for a smoke bomb. Finally, giving up the search, she volunteered to get a group of girls to sit behind a tree on May Day and smoke cigarettes. Money Works , Miracles Jo Money fainted quietly when I told her what sets I wanted. Actually they were quite simple— a ship hull, a fountain, (with run ning water), and a cave. Miracul ously, the ship hull showed up ac cidentally several weeks ago. Mr. Yarborough and Mr. Lawrence were building it for an Academy dance. The cave dwindled from a grand stone structure to a half-set made of sticks and burlap. The fountain was discovered in the woods behin(J Mr. Byrd’s house. With great excitement we waited for it to be brought to Salem, but the fountain never arrived! It never got beyond Winston-Salem Teacher’s College, where it now stands as f)art of the decorations for their dance on May 6. Gertie Balances Betsy and Budget Betsy Liles causes Gertie John son many headaches. At every meeting Gertie makes a speech about the necessity for economy. As soon as she finishes, Betsy pops up with her suggestions for im proving the programs, “Of course, it will cost a little more, but . . Gertie begins balancing the budget again. There are many other problems which have arisen, but to go into them now would take many hours. I have just received a message from the Teenie-Weenie Genie. She doesn’t want to be ethereal; she just wants a teenie-weenie sun tan. Oh, well! 2 Alumnae Chosen To Head Drive Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Raleigh and Mrs. Agnew H. Bahnson, Jr. of Winston-Salem have been named by the Alumnae Association as , chairman and co-chairman of the Alumnae Committee for the $2,200,- 000 Salem Academy and College Progress Fund. Mrs. Wilson will serve as chair man of all fund-raising committees recruited among the alumnae of the academy and college, with Mrs. Bahnson serving as co-chairman. Alumnae chairmen and co-chair men will be named in all communi ties in North Carolina and in other states having 10 or more alumnae residents. Members of these com mittees will solicit local alumnae in each city and town by personal in terview. All other alumnae will be soli cited through the mails by class agents who will be appointed for each class having living alumnae. Active alumnae include some 3,- 900 former college students and ap proximately 1,000 academy students, exclusive of former academy stu dents who also attended Salem College. The president of the College Alumnae Association is. Mrs. Court- Mrs. Thomas Wilson ney Mauzy of Charlotte. The newly elected president of the Aca demy Alumnae is Mrs. Albert L. Butler, Jr., of Winston-Salem. “The initial response to our soli citation of service throughout the state and in some 20 other com munities from New England to Florida indicates a high degree of- success in the forthcoming cam paign,’’ Mrs. Wilson said. She announced that the first area meeting fqr shaping up the alum nae organization was held Friday in Rocky Mount, with a luncheon r — Mrs. Agnew Bahnson, Jr. at the Ricks Hotel and a gathering later at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Robbins. Mr. Robbins is (Continued On Pace Four)

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