almttp Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, November 1 1, 1955 FTAToHold Meeting In Greensboro Salem will be represented at the Fall State Convention of the Future Teachers of America to be held at Woman’s College in Greensboro, I Saturday, November 12. The theme of the convention is “Let’s Take Inventory,” and the principal speakers are to be Dr. I Charles Carroll, State Superinten dent of Public Instruction, and Dr. I Franklin McNutt, professor at Woman’s College. Topics to be discussed will include History and j Growth of the F. T. A. in which ! Emily Baker will lead a discussion j of the history and growth of F. T. I A. on the national level, and Judy Graham will lead a discussion on the history and growth pf F. T. A. on our Chapter level. Dr. Welch will be moderator for this group and Susan Glaser will be recorder. Other topics to be discussed will be the Activities of ; F. T. A., Past and Present, and the Future Worth of F. T. A. Dr. Welch and Miss White will accompany the Salem represent- , atives to the convention. ChoralGroup To Sing Here The Choral Ensemble performed in the Club Dining Room on Tues day, November 8. The program was presented for the presidents of the North Carolina church-re lated colleges. The selections in cluded “How Excellent Thy Name”, “Jesus Walked”, and “Stranger In Paradise”. Next Thursday, November 17, the Choral Ensemble will present a program in the ballroom of the Robert E. Lee Hotel for Piedmont Industrial. The program will begin with “How Excellent Thy Name”, a re ligious selection, and “Jesus Walked”, a Negro Spiritual. As a conclusion, two popular arrange ments will be sung: “Stranger In Paradise” and “Coming Through The Rye”. FTA To Show Cagney Movie Next Week At last it’s here! Yes, the FTA has finally procured that film clas sic, A Lion Is In the Streets. Straight from Holl)rwood (via Films Inc.), it stars James Cagney, Bar bara Hale, and Lon Chaney. The Film Catalogue says that it is a “Powerful dramatization of the best-seller novel which in some ways parallels the life story of Huey Long.” It should be very entertaining, because the story of Long, Louisiana political demago gue, and his rise and fall is almost legendary in the South. It will be shown in the lecture room of the Science Building on Thursday, November 17. There will be only a slight admission fee in order to raise money to send a delegate to the FTA convention. Don’t miss this chance for a good movie at low cost. IRS Reminder Girls going to golf at Reynolds or horseback riding are permitted to wear Bermudas or pedal push ers, as long as there is no loitering on front campus. For any event other than these, which are school- sponsored, this is not permitted. 11 ■ iii? 11 r mi \ m X' '& i Carol Campbell and Martha Jarvis rehearse a scene from The Skin of Our Teeth. Director’s Lively Loose-Leaf Notebook Watches, Reacts Nightly to Continued Play Rehearsals By Mary Walton The sheets of Miss Reigner’s looseleaf notebook are turning quietly night-by-night in Old Chapel. Pasted neatly in the mid dle of each is a printed page of a play. Laboriously at first the sheets turn, slowly, almost inaudible, sen sitive to the atmosphere so preg nant with the tenseness of try-outs. “They’re letting us die a slow death. Can’t they understand what we’re saying?”, they bewail their plight when, with one sudden sweep, the sheets are flipped back. Startled out of their lethargy, they begin turning again, more at tentive this time to the readers who are gradually forgetting them selves and assuming more and more the characters of Sabina, Mr. Antrobus, or the fortune teller. Love Feast and Y Party Given OnNovember 9 The Y Council held its annual party for Salem’s foreign, students Wednesday night at eight o’clock in the Day Students’ Center. Gifts were distributed to each of the stu dents and refreshments were ser ved. Malin Ehinger received a yellow cardigan sweater and a matching silk tie. Mary Margaret Dzeval- tauskas was given a white cardigan and a tie ; Duksung Hyun’s sweater and tie were red. Duksung entered Salem last Jan uary but Mary Margaret and Malin were new to our campus this Sep tember. Mary Margaret comes from Panama and Malin is from Halmstad, Sweden. Also on Wednesday night the Y Cabinet held a Moravian Love Feast in Little Chapel for Salem upperclassmen. Earlier in the week, a feast of this type had been held for freshmen. This simple service of fellowship and thanksgiving has been cele brated by the Moravians for over two hundred years. It symbolizes the early church’s custom of break-' ing bread from house to house in happy fellowship. The service was conducted by the Moravian students on Salem s cam- The pages rattle excitedly, anti cipating the Day of Identification, when Sabina, Mr. Antrobus, and the fortune teller become one, re spectively, with Carol Campbell, Riley Matthews, and Judy Graham. “The crisis is over; we shall live at last!” But momentary panic grips the pages. “Will we really be brought to life here in Old Chapel? On that very stage? We might even be left just half alive or maybe crippled I” The choking thought of a pos sible relapse practically wads up the sheets of their own accord, but Miss Reigner, quickly closing her notebook, avoids such a mishap; the sheets flatten out for a sooth ing rest until seven o’clock the following evening. The lines, at first faltering, flow more evenly, and the pages sigh rhythmically, falling softly, secure in the faith of complete cure. A timely rattle escapes them each time Dr. Spencer’s faux pas must be practiced. Why can’t he leave Abel in peace, where Cain left him long ago ? This line was really written for him, because you know these history professors—the facts must be dug up_from the mouldy past no matter how much tact may protest. In the height of their glee, the sheets practically fold at the “sound” of Dr. Africa’s tie. The footlights blink, bewildered at the tall thin professor. At this, the edges of the sheets just can’t re sist curling up with laughter. One sheet gets so excited it al most forgets and turns itself, but bashfully folds down its corner as a hand reaches out to turn it. ClubTo Give AnnualDance The Home Economics Club of Salem will sponsor its fall Gingham Tavern Dance on Saturday night, November 19 in the Day Student Center. The theme this year will be “Autumn Leaves”. A professional combo from Win ston-Salem will play for the dance. It will take place from 9 until 12 p.m., and 12:15 late permission will be granted to all who attend. There will be a charge of $1.00 per couple and .75 stag. Dress for the dance will be informal. Night after night and week after week practice continues, and the notebook gleefully chimes out “Jingle Bells” every time it is opened. I hear a rumor that Miss Reigner has to put it under the loose bricks in front of the Old Chapel steps to control its vivacity. Rumors, however, are not very dependable, but I can vouch for the spirit of the Pierrettes; and who or what could be immune to such enthusiasm—even a looseleaf notebook ? Number 7 Chapel Plans Include Tree, Ivy Planting The Senior class will plant a crab: apple tree and ivy in a traditional ceremony to be held during chapel hour on Tuesday, November 15. The tree will be planted on back campus near the lily pond. Begun at Salem in 1891 by Miss Emma Lehman, tree planting has become an annual service and ap proximately 65 trees and ivy plants have been placed on Salem campus by senior classes. Members of the student body and faculty will assemble in Memorial Hall Tuesday and march from there to the lily pond. The procession will be led by Dr. Dale Gramley and Denyse McLawhorn, president of the Senior class. Denyse will present the tree to the college on behalf of the class, and Dr. Gramley will accept the gift. Then each Senior will throw a penny around the roots of the tree in order that the copper con tent will enrich the soil and bring the class members good luck. Dr. Gramley will turn the first spade of earth. He will be followed by the class officers: Denyse Mc Lawhorn; Ann Coley, vice-presi dent; Jane Langston, secretary; Carolyn Spaugh, treasurer; and Emily Baker, Nellie Ann Barrow, and Ella Ann Lee, former class presidents. The Chapel Committee has se cured for Thursday’s assembly the retired president of Salem, Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler. After serv ing forty years as the head of the Academy and College, Dr. Ror^d- thaler served as Bishop of the Southern Province of the Moravian Church. Although he is retired. Bishop Rondthaler continues to teach his widely known Men’s Bible Class at the Home Church, where he has taught for twenty-five years. Versatile Teacher Finds Time To Harmonize In South Dorm By Beth Paul A group of us were standing around the piano in South har monizing when we noticed a bari tone voice had joined us. We soon learned that this was Mr. Willis Stevens, one of the new faculty members of the Salem Col lege School of Music. Informal singing, we later dis covered, is not all that Mr. Stevens has done. He was choir director for a small Episcopal Church in New York for a while. He also sung in the Church of St. Mary Willis Stevens the Virgin and in St. John’s Cathe- name given to Mr. Stevens and dral. The Psalter Singers was the Miss Suzanne Bloc when they gave concerts together in Times Hall. Mr. Stevens is a native of Sara toga Springs, New York, one of the larger resort cities of the north. He attended the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, and "then I was drafted into the Navy. My second year in the Navy, I was sent to Columbia University for officers’ training.” In 1948 he finished Columbia with a liberal arts degree; he later received a masters degree in Music ology there after studying under Paul Lang. The next two years were spent at the Juilliard School of Music, where he obtained a piano degree. Then he taught pri vately in New York City. This past summer while studying piano in New York, he was pro gram director and disc jockey for the 42nd Street Library. The re corded music of his program was piped out into the nearby park via three lound speakers for the people to enjoy. Mr. Stevens has been kept busy while at Salem teaching piano and preparing for his faculty recital— to be given on February 6. He is also scheduled to play at Catawba College in January. In speaking of Salem, Mr* Stevens said, “I’m very impressed with the high standards of the Music School. Salem is a very friendly place, and I find the people here especially helpful and hos pitable.”