Volume XXXVII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, October 26, 1956. Number 5 Seniors Give Boo Carnival October 31 If your chalk always crumbles as you start to mark on that auto, or if the porch light comes on as you are making your escape from the scene of the crime, fret no more. The senior class has the solution to all your problems. On Wednesday night, October 31, the senior fun(d) raisers invite you to a Big Halloween Carnival in Old Chapel and the Day Student Center. The time is seven thirty. There will be door prizes from downtown stores and a variety of amusement and entertainment. For a small charge, the Tunnel of Love and the Spook House will delight the adventure-spirited. There will also be the fortune teller, the penny pitch, apple bob bing, the jack-o-throw, the bean contest, and Elinor Dodson to do your caricature. In case your thoughts turn to food, there will be a concession stand with hot dogs, cold drinks, pop corn, and homemade candy. The "cake walk” is another feat ure of the evening when the sen iors will furnish the prizes—home made. They have also planned a program to bring the evening to a climax. Don’t forget to enter your favor ite beau in the Spook of Salem Contest, either. It costs only ten cents to enter his picture and a penny a vote. Stop by the living roorh of Clewell before one thirty Wednesday afternoon. “Mr. Spook” will be crowned at the Carnival. Jean Stone, chairman of the gala event, and Dottie Ervin and Patti Ward, assistant co-chairmen have sent invitations to the Academy, Bowman Gray, and Wake Forest. Salem Dean Will Preside At Meetings The North Carolina Association of Deans of Women, headed by Mrs. Amy R. Heidbreder, will meet on October 30 at Wake Forest Col lege. Mrs. Heidbreder is president of this organization for the second year. Included in the group are all women’s college deans, counse lors, and advisors in the state. As part of the program planned for the meeting, those of the group who have not seen the Wake Forest campus will be shown a tour. The morning speaker is Rev. George Colgin, Administrative Resi dent in the Department of Pastoral Care at Baptist Hospital, who will discuss modern methods of coun seling with young people. Dr. Catherine Carmichael, Dean of Women at the University of North Carolina, will summarize the findings resulting from her 1955-56 study. Her subject will be: “The Dean of Women Moves Into the Future.” Elder Heads MYF Group The Methodist students at Salem had an organizational meeting Tuesday night at which they elected officers for the coming year. Jennie Elder, a freshman from Siler City who has been quite active in Methodist conference work, was elected president. Mary Hook was elected vice- president; Frances Adkins, secre tary-treasurer; and Eleanor Evans, program chairman. Nancy Blum Elected To Reign As May Queen Tiller Is Maid Of Honor Dr. Rondthaler was not a morbid person . . . He saw death frankly and forthrightly as inevitable, but not as the end of everything ... In his view, death was for some an untimely event, for others a blessed release, and for all, a normal tranistion into the eternal . . . Dr. Dale H. Gramley. . . . never at a loss for something to say during forty years . . . During these forty years a nineteenth century boarding school became a twen tieth century college . . . Dr. Gordon Spaugh. ... A Christian gentleman who believed that life taught us many beautiful truths . . . He was a living example that true greatness lies in the quality of mind and heart . . . Miss Evabelle Covington . . . Like Abraheun, he went where he was called and was faithful' in all things . . . Mr. Russell Crews. “Help your child to wonder.” ... If anybody awakened Salem Aca demy girls to wonderment, it was Bishop Rondthaler . . . Miss Mary Weaver. Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler are settled on the Main Street of our mem ories and will remain there forever . . . Mrs. E. R. Hamilton. Freshmen .. . The Salemite announces the beginning of a Creative Writing Competition open to members of the Freshman class. Entries will be selected from both classroom and in dependent compositions and must be turned into the Salemite office by November 23. All entries become the property of the Salemite and the top three stories will be published. The winner will re ceive a $5 cash award. Plan It Reviewed rustees of for Nancy Blum, a 'Winston-Salem girl, was elected May Queen by the Salem College student body in the elections held Wednesday night in Old Chapel. * The large turnout of students voted Rose Tiller of Draper to be Maid of Honor. Both Nancy and Rose, who were judged on their beauty, poise, and charm, are home economics majors. In another student meeting on Thursday night nominees for the May Court were presented. Out of a field of approximately forty girls, twelve Salemites were chosen for the Queen’s Court. They are: Ruth Bennett, Harts- ville, S. C.; Sis Bridgers, Wilson; Noel Hollingsworth, High Point; Jeane Humphrey, Lumberton; Susan McIntyre, Lumberton; Nol- Iner Morrisset, Lynchburg, 'Va.; Louise Pharr, Charlotte; Agnes Sams, Statesville; Lou Scales, Rockingham; May Terry, Spartan burg, S. C.; Nancy Walker, Kins ton; and Beverly Wollny, West- field, N. J. Freshmen were elected to five of the twelve court positions. There are four juniors, two sophomores, and one senior on the court. Upperclassmen re-elected for the second or third year were Nancy Walker, Agnes Sams, Louise Pharr, Susan McIntyre, and Jean Humph- The Salem College Board Trustees met this afternoon its annual fall session. The meet ing followed an official dedication service for the new Mary A. Wea ver wing of Salem Academy. Topics included in the business were operating budget for this year, enrollment, library and in firmary reports, the Progress Fund, audit of last year’s operations, and building and grounds improvements. The Progress Fund total was $1,801,864.63. President Gramley proposed alterations in the college gymnasium in order to provide of fice space for the staff. It was reported that a land survey was taken in anticipation of increased parking facilities. The proposal to remodel the se cond floor of Main Hall for class- rooms and office space was entered, rey. Freshmen Get Snowbound Saturday at noon seventy fresh man eagerly boarded a bus for Davidson. The roll was checked, coats were thrown on the shelves, and we were off! We were hungry and informed Barbara by singing “Here we sit like birds in the wilderness”. As a result, we were each given a brown sack containing fried chick en, (Southern that is), a cheese sandwich, a pear, a pickle, and a biscuit with a dab of ham in it. Naturally, there weren’t enough brown sacks to go around; how ever, Salem girls share, and the three unfortunate girls without lunches were showered with pears and pickles. At last the bus driver announced that we were only five miles from Davidson. This was the signal for hair to be unrolled and lipstick to be applied. As we approached the school, all we could see were red beanies peering at us. Everyone panicked; we didn’t want to go. Mr. Bus-Driver, we’ll give you our piece of chicken if you’ll only take us back to Salem.” Just then a business-like young man stepped on the bus, and told us to step forward as our names were called. He said that some of our dates wouldn’t be there until after the game, because they were in the band. This brought a series of groans from the girls as they pic tured a “tubby-tuba-player”. Because of heavy coke-drinking, most of us girls needed to “fresbeti up”, so we walked to the Student Center before meeting our dates. After “freshening up” we came out of the budding, our names were called, and our dates came forward. We went to the football gatne and saw Davidson stomp Stetson 43 to 7. After the game there was a tea dance. Between the dance and dinner Salem girls were seen in frat houses, playing bridge, and stroll ing in the rain. After dinner there was more dancing. All of us were given a whirl by the ten or fifteen stags. I noticed several girls impressed by a dashing Frenchman, Jytte frantically talking Danish to a Nor wegian, and Beverly’s blond hair going wild as she rocked and rolled. Salem-Davidson Day was a suc cess. We have several very bad cases of "snowed freshmen.” Maybe the Class of 1960 will boast another Harriet Harris ! —Rosemary Fancy Symphony, Civic Music, W F Play Highlight Week Tonight. If you can beg or bor row a ticket, try to hear the Swe dish Male Chorus at Reynolds Auditorium—sponsored by the Civic Music Association. The Chorus is the “top of its kind” . . . will be singing the music of Sibelius, Grieg, and LarS-Erid Larssen. Saturday. Wake Forest plays Carolina in Kenan Stadium, Chapel Hill. Raw Edge is still at the Carolina threatre; Canyon River at the Winston. Sunday. Toward the Unknown starts at the Carolina; Winston will be featuring Walk the Proud Land. On the Waterfront starts at the Winston-Salem drive-in. Monday. 8:00, Wake Forest play, The Innocents; a suspense story based on Henry James’ short story. Swedish Male Chorus The Turn of the Screw. One male and four coed parts. To be pre sented “areana style” on the fourth floor of the college library at 8:00. Tuesday. 6:45 p.m. the FTA will sponsor The Snows of Kilimanjaro in the science building. (See back page.) The Innocents will be presented again at Wake Forest. Winston-Salem Symphony — Cle mens Sandresky soloist. (Details on page 3.) Wednesday. The Senior class is sponsoring a Halloween carnival in Old Chapel at 8:00 p.m. The Innocents at Wake Forest. Thursday. A music film will be shown at Salem. Search for Bridey Murphy be gins at the Carolina. These Wilder Years is playing at the Bel-Air- Drive-In. Friday. The Innocents. The Aca demy is presenting a series of one-act plays at 8:30 p.m. IN ASSEMBLY NEXT WEEK I Tuesday. Dr. John Watson Moore, recently retired from the Winston- Salem City School system, vydl offer advice on “How To Study and How To Prepare For Exams.” Thursday. Sponsored by the Inter national Relations Club, manned by students and faculty, and moderated by Dr. Africa, a panel ‘ will, bat around varying opinions on Presi dential candidates and political parties with an eye to the coming election.