Page 1 wo THE SALEMITE November 2, 195^ Admlni6.t/iatiQH Sco-^e4> ^K6 Maybe we are just hardheaded. But the logic behind the administra tions cancellation of the overnight privilege for Salem girls attending the Wake Forest dance is just not up to par. As it stands, after a fervent Wednesday night discussion involving the Student Council, interested students, and the Dean of Students, these are the provisions : 1) any girl who plans to attend the Homecoming Dance at Wake Forest can under no conditions have permission to spend Saturday night in town 2) these girls who attend the dance will receive late permission, en abling them to remain at the dance until it is over at midnight 3) girls who plan to attend other Homecoming week-end activities, excluding the dance, may spend Saturday night in town with via the usual procedure of an invation from the hostess 4) girls attending Pfomecoming parties, but not the dance, will con form to the usual Saturday night sign-in time of midnight. This is how it stands. And it seems unlikely that anything can be done, now or later, to change the position of the administration. That attitude seems to be this: First: it is not in keeping with Salem pcdicy to have students in formal attire hanging around local eating places in the early hours of the morning. Second: Salem girls are not, according to the reasoning of the ad ministration, “imports” at Wake Forest dances anymore. A more likely description of both Salem girls and Wake Forest girls is “Winston- | Salem college girls." .And a degree of parallel regulation should be maintained. .The announcement of the administration’s policy was presented in formally as a decision final but, as the 06an of Students remarked, “not irrevocable.” (Etie ^alemite Published every Friday of the College year by the Student Body of Salem College OFFICES—Lower Floor Main Hall Downtown Office—304-306 South Main St. Printed by the Sun Printing Company Subscription Price—$3.50 a year Editor-in-Chief -Jo Smitherman Assistant Editor Martha Ann Kennedy Managing Editor Carol Campbell News Editor Miriam Quarles Feature Editor Marcia Stanley Pictorial Editors — Dottie ErviO/ Nancy Warren Make-Up Editor Jeane Smitherman Assistant News Editor, Mary Ann Hagwood Faculty Advisor Miss Jess Byrd Around the Sc|uare Here are the major arguments presented by objecting students: First: a girl staying in town after the dance will likely change clothes before taking off to whatever has been planned for “after the dance” Second: girls who don’t go to the dance, but have permission to stay in town, will be frequenting the eating places and planned events which girls who go to the dance cannot attend Third: according to the reasons presented by the administration, tliere is no difference between a Salem dance and a Wake Forest dance— a Salem girl, in other words, will be seen in town after a Salem dance just as she would after a Wake Forest dance Fourth: we are not Wake Forest co-eds and feel that parallel social regulations should be abandoned when a parallel rule is grossly incon sistent with previous administration policy. It is this inconsistency that is the most shocking. The administration has said a categorical “no” to a privilege which has previously been tempered only by precautionary measures such as written invitations arid permissions. And the arguments in defense of such a decision only weakly undergird an obviously dogmatic position. -J. S. Business Manager Ann Knight Advertising Manager Martha Jarvis Circulation Manager P®99/ Ingram Assistant Business Manager, Suejette Davidson Business Staff: Nancy Townsend, Sue Davis. Lomax, Sally Headlines: Mary Jo Wynne, Ruth Ben nett, Jerome Moore Staff Writers: Pat Flynt, Mary Walton, Anne ^atlette, Betsy Smith, Sally Bo- vard, rat Greene, Sissie' Allen, Mar garet MacQueen, Mary Brooks Yar brough, Martha Goddard Circulation: Ronnie Alvis, Barbara Bell, Eva Jo Butler, Helen Babington, Ruth Bennett, Laura Bible, Mary Calhoun, Nancy Jane Carroll, Susan Childs, Mary Carolyn Crook, Lina Farr, Betsy Guerrant, Ellie Mitchell, Ann Powell, Pat Shiflet. B0yond TI10 Sciucir e—By Carol Campbell British and French Forces Go Into Egypt—Hungarians Oust thto Rus sians. Since the .situation in the ■ Middle East and Eastern Europe is Changing with every hour, there is no possibility of arriving at any sort of conclusion or analysis. The well informed citizen may never, in his lifetime, reach an understand ing of the events of his age. But he can be familiar with the facts and avoid jumping to false con clusions or opinions. In the Middle East the sequence of events began when Israeli forces advanced into Egyptian territory in the direction of the Suez Canal. The Canal, as you know, was seized by Egyptian Premier Nasser in July and has since been the sub ject of much debate and negotiat ing. especially by France and Bri tain whose trade with their Mid- East possessions has been disaster- ously disrupted. Immediately following the Isreali action came the ultimatum from London and Paris that they would be forced to send troops to the Canal zone unless the fighting be tween the two Eastern countries was halted. The reason given for the ultimatum was that they were merely attempting to protect the trade traffic in the Canal by set ting up a ‘Temporary’ occupation in the area. Premier Nasser, dis pite the Israeli aggression, does not want the return of British rule and when he rejected the ultimatum the British and French were true to their threat. As this paper goes to press, the bombing of Cairo has already begun and the capture of the Suez Canal is expected. The question that immediately comes to mind is of course, how America stands in this situation and whether the Israeli invasion French. According to a pact made in 1950 between Britain, France and the U, S., we are pledged to defend any of the Mid-East count ries which are being invaded by a foreign aggressor. When Egypt was invaded on Monday Eisen hower said we would keep our pact and placed the situation before the Security Council of the U. N. with the hope that they would propose a cease-firein Egypt and pledge all the U. N. countries not to use force. Ike also sent a personal plea to the British not to invade Egypt. What, then, was the reason for the Israeli aggression? The facts certainly point to a 3-way agree ment between Britain, France and Israel to use this method to re gain control of the Suez Canal. Since the seizure in July, Britain has urged the U. S. to agree with her forceful proposals to regain the Canal and been disappointed with our preference for peaceful negotiations. When the cease fire resolution was introduced in the U. N. yesterday, the British and French vetoed and began their at tack on Egypt the next day. This action was taken without a word to Dulles and Ike’s plea was ig nored. Is it just a coincidence that on the day that Israel 'marched in Egypt the British and French were absent from their posts in Wash ington ? At a time when the West could have profited by the situation in Hungary, the actions of our two allies are not only radical but ill- timed. Along with the Middle Eastern news comes the astounding an nouncement from Hungary (long a Hungarian youth, a victory seems to have been won and amidst the turmoil the famous Josef Cardinal Mindszentsy, who had received a sentence of life imprisonment as a traitor to the Russians, was re leased from prison. With the rise of rebellious factions, the Russians have evidently decided to re-evalu ate their long hold on Eastern Europe and, for the time being, relax the pressure. The surveys say that Ike will win, but the memory of the ’48 predictions (when everyone said Truman didn’t stand a chance ex cept Truman himself) is haunting the thoughts of every Republican on Capitol Hill. Ike spoke at three air-port stops in Florida and Vir ginia before the Egyptian crisis which brought about the cancel lation of further appearances. Stevenson, of course, claims that he had warned of the Mid-East danger as far back as a year ago. On Nov. 6, I predict the absolute victory of Dwight David Eisen hower, the Peoples’ Choice. The winner of the 1956 Nobel Prize for Literature is 75-year old Andalusian poet Juan Ramon Ju- menez, who has long been recog nized by the Spanish-speaking world as the master of melancholy poetry. Senor Jumenez was in formed of the honor while in Puerto Rico where he is working on a new composition entitled Stones, Men and Beasts of Mon- guer. By Martha Ann Kennedy I want to congratulate the en terprising soph who graciously con sented to enlist some real local talent for the Seniors’ Halloween carnival Wednesday night. The five eager cab drivers who appeared in the reception room of Clewell that afternoon were a mystery at first but soon informed Mrs. Heid- breder that they were ready and willing to help provide entertain ment. Their specialty: Imperson ation of Elvis Presley. Due to technical difficulties, the show did NOT go on. Of course, the real reason was that Elvis is inimitable. Any of the screaming, writhing, frantic group plastered to the TV set in the Student Center Sunday- night can verify that. There w'as scarcely a bonafide teenager in the breathless audience, but all the squealing, groaning re actions to his shimmying, eye-roll ing, and lip lickings were loud and genuine. The screen got so clouded at times that I couldn’t see him. Seriously, his appearance (the second for Ed Sullivan) this time seemed to be the real Elvis Pres ley— to TV limits — and all the criticism he has received hasn’t lessened the fact that he is one of the most dynamic entertainers ever. You have to admire him for being so completely honest about his act—several times on the pro gram he laughed out loud when the studio audience shrieked. He appeared really to be thoroughly enjoying himself and yet quite humble. I see nothing sinister about him or his growing pop ularity-. Evidently our Phys. Ed. Dept, doesn’t either. This week Miss Bryson asked her modern dance classes to emulate the celebrated gyrations as an exercise in “Exag gerated Movements.” I asked sev eral of the members about the re sults. They agree with me—The Pelvis is inimitable. visited by the majority of Salemites The Tuesday Assembly address “How to Study. and Prepare for E-xams”, w-as quite disheartening. There seems to be no getting around it—you still have to use the old bean. Excitement has been in the cam pus air, as the Middle East Crisis stirred Salemite interest in news broadcasts, headlines and general discussios of foreign affairs—things usually considered the personal pro perty of Dr. Africa’s History 209 students. Political arguments (which actually needed no stimu lation) continued into the early hours. It was getting pretty late, and between CBS news bulletins I heard the last of a conversation between two weary Juniors: “Who does Adlai Stevenson think he is— trying to stop the draft with a hydrogen bomb?” * * * If you misced the newest of the jet movies, “Toward the Unknown," which roared across the Carolina’s screen this week, don’t worry about it. William Holden, who spent his time trying to prove that he was an ace pilot and not the brain washed ex-Commie prisoner that his C. O. (Lloyd Nolan) thought | was, emerged essentially as * he Soviet satellite) that the Russians have withdrawn from Budapest. After days of riots and demon- was encouraged by the British and strations, mainly instigated by the On April 30, 1945, a man named Adolf Hitler retired to his suite in the concrete hideout of the Reich- schancellery accompanied by a friend named Eva Braun. Minutes later a shot was heard and when his aides entered the room they found their leader dead on a sofa with the poisoned Miss Braun. Im mediately the bodies were - carried outside and burned. This story, which has been questioned by speculators through out the world, has at last been accepted as true The music students (w-ho should know) were unanimous in giving Clemens Sandresky rave notices for his performance with the Win ston-Salem Symphony Tuesday night. Most of them liked the Rimsky-Korsakoy “Capriccio Es- pagnole” best, and commented that his whole program illustrated a “perfection of technique”. Person ally, I would like to see more im promptu concerts given in Chapel, because the third floor of the Music Building and music hour recitals are relatively unknown and un- William Holden. He w-as assisted by a new star, Virginia Leith, whose assets w-ere mainly a set of pretty blue eyes and good looking cashmere sweaters. The whole effort could have been condensed into a highly interesting Techni color short on test flights. The eighth KA pin on campus is now being worn by Mary Gratz, | who received same from Bach Dear of N. C. State last week-end . . . Just coincidence, but two Salem girls—Jane Rostan and Joyce Tay lor—were dating the two David- sonians who were featured in a move made of Homecoming festi vities this weekend , . . Sophomores were jolted by Mickey Clemmer’s announcement that she and Char lie Shuford will be married Janu ary 26 instead of originally-planned June. However, several of them revived sufficiently to go down town to be fitted for their bride’s- maid dresses. * * ♦ Nancy Walker reports that she ran into Miss Ann Rogers on Sun day morning of Germans at the Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church. Miss Rogers, former English teacher here, is now a secretary in a pediatrician’s office and “loves it”. She also told Nancy that Polly Larkins, ’56 grad from Tren ton, has applied for a job in the same office. Susie Glaser Fisher, also a ’56 grad and a “Miss Student Teacher”, writes that she had one of her typical accidents her first day of teaching at a New Haven, Conn., school. Seems the elastic gave way—and she had to borrow a safety pin from the principal! Observations with the official announcement made by the investigators of Berch- spider. Still hanging tesgaden. Hitler is dead. curity, he sat like a As I crossed the campus today I saw an early morning flock of blackbirds busily rapping on the cold ground, hunting their break fast. They hopped and fluttered along the chain of boxwood heads encircling the autumn grass. The sun had begun to warm the thin sheet of chilly air as I sat down on the stone steps to watch them. Someone scurried by, and they started up as a group and spun themselves into a small tree, almost as if by an unseen hand holdmg each one by taut string in a clinched fist. They complained spasmodically for a few seconds. Then they grew silent. In the silence my pze wandered to the shadows beside the steps. There above the brown leaves stretched the summer home of a to his se- fat bulging period at the end of a long sen tence. As he waked sluggishly and be gan to move, I thought of the ama zing difference in his independent solitude and the chattering flock of fearful birds. How like people they all were. The birds imitating unconsciously follow-the-herd peo ple, while the lone spider went his own instinctive way. I began to wonder about myselh Was I prone to panic in my hun ger for security, or could I, I’ke the tiny black spider, wind rny own way through life, trusting myself- Was I, too, caught by the unseen hand, with my environment like a string between its fingers? With no solution, I listened to the toll and clatter of the iron bell calling me to class. I rose and followed the crowd. —Judy Golden Is* s