_AprilVl957 ^ime /Id It is time for t!ic student body to act. Tfiis dissraceful problem has been recurring for many weeks,, and no one does anytliing' about it. There comes a time when the student body must form rules for those girls who are not capable of making their own decisions. We are falling into the pattern of saying ‘'I really should not, but 1 will." This is a problem which f.aces every student here on campus, and the cmly way to meet it is to face it squ.arely and to look at the conse quences. First of all, it destroys a girl’s will power for her to do some thing that she should not do. Secondly, though it can not be proved, it hurts the girl's grades. Thirdly, it makes her put the trivial things of life above the constant, unfaltering search for knowledge and for the beauties of life. Thirdly, she is endangering her health ;ind Avill, un- (huibtedly, become a victim of consumption. Finally, it draws her away frcMU her roommate by separating them for a few hours each day. However, all is not lost. There .are still some Salemites who have enough will power to do what should be done and to say' “no”. Yet there is still sometinng lacking in their action; too many times, these young ladies spend the rest of the evening regreting their ne;;ative decision. For these reasons your paper will no long'er remain quiet on the matter. We wish to introduce a resolution which we hope* u ill be car ried before the student body, and which we hoi>e the student body will .approve. The resolution is as follows : Since .girls of our age are not capable of making their own decisions, and since the consequences are so gre.at, we resolve that a censureship committee be formed to decide vvhther or not a student should accept any offers she may have for a mid-week date. We feel that this action will be for the ultimate benefit of the school and it will extinguish the trite statement. “1 really should not go, but 1 will." “A. F.” Verse For April Fools Po’ soul yo’ is with ya’ untied shoe, Ya slip showing and ya hair turn ing blue. Swat that fly off of your face— Tuck your shirt tail back in place. Don’t step on that long green snake! Calm down now, an’ eat this cake Yo’ don’t looks well, weren’t it good ? Must not taste like I thought it would— Do ya’ always believe all you hear An’ do all youse told without no fear ? Take heed of all this ridicule An ya sho is, an ‘April Fool’. —Lene News All Physical F.ducation classes will be excused this week so they may attend the golf match between Miss Byrd and Miss Patty Berg at the Reynolds golf course this W ednesday. ♦ * * Rock Hudson who has just re turned from Italy will speak in Chapel this Tuesday. His topic wiU be “The Difficulties That .Arose in Adopting A Farewell To Arms to Filming,” « « * Mr. Shewmake has received a personal letter from M. G. M. He will fly to Hollywood for a film test in the latter part of June. GIFTS FOR EASTER Wm. McCALUS 41)8 N. Spruce St. TROUSSEAU AND ENGAGEMENT GIFTS TOWN STEAK HOUSE S. HAWTHORNE RD. — PHONE 2-009S Hy Q—the brilliant scholar tells how to stretch your dollar Greyhound’s the way to go— saves you time as well as dough! Around the Pump Traveling Salemites seem to be hitting the roads to far away places these days. Norwood Dennis plans a trip to Maryland to see John. What else could “-A” pin stand for except Annapolis ? Hileah Moore has accepted an offer to do T. V. advertisements for a Florida business firrn. She entered the contest in March and was chosen over such contestants as Betty Furnace and Margaret Meedy. Another traveler is Sis Bridgers who is going to guide a safari through “sun baked” South Africa. ,'\ question was raised on campus concerning our obligation to the Honor System. Is it an honor offense and a breach of onr per sonal honor” to leave our beds un made? After all, the Honor Pledge is so encompassing. The faculty and administration, after considering the seventy-fifth petition, have granted free cuts to all deserving students—those with .A averages or above. “Potts” Bridges is presenting her first art exhibition at Bowman Gray Stadium. It was suggested that wild life paintin.gs are best appreciated out-of-doors. Margaret McClure has been ac tive in sports since her first day at Salem. Through the grapevine we learned that the A. A. has offered her a scholarship. Next year she will be eligible to study with Russian Olympic stars on tht art of discus throwing. Nowackyj school spirit will get you places ’ M. Foster Farley has finally aj. mitted. that he includes M in |,|j initials in order to impress hjj fiancee, Eleanor of Aquaitaine. Society’s jealousy of ClewellV basement of modern art is finally bursting forth. At a party Thurs day night, Anne Miles, Jo Smither. man, and Jane Wrike violenth splattered canary yellow spots aj| over the card table and hung j( from the wall as a mobile. Vh la art ? Nostalgic Salemites were sud. denly surprised when Don Earl Shaw passed out over the air waves. Mark Avery later explained that one young golf enthusiast had driven a ,goIf ball through the glass of Starlight Serenade. Don Earl is now in the hospital, and wants all of you cats to drop him a line and let him know what’s hoppin' around outside in this crazy' world Firwin Robbins gave her KA a rather suggestive birthday gift- one of those ever-sharp shaving kits for stubborn beards. F.r\vin said her father met some of the K.A fraternity' brothers and thought that he had run into some “wild cats” on vacation. Keep the news going— Like a fl\' on the wall We’re watchin’ \'ou all! —Anne Catlette Wherever You Want To Go When You Want To Go CALL ANDERSON, S.' C. . $ 5.45 ATLANTA, GA 8.35 BIRMINGHAM, ALA 11.05 CHARLOTTE, N. C. 2.15 ' COLUMBIA, S. C 4.65 DURHAM, N. C 2.35 COLLEGE INN RESTAURANT AND SPAGHETTI HOUSE For The Best In SIZZLING STEAKS — SPAGHETTI PIZZA — SALADS PRIVATE DINING ROOMS FOR BANQUETS AND PARTIES BETWEEN WAKE FOREST AND WINSTON-SALEM ON REYNOLDA ROAD PHONE 2-9932 You Are Invited To Visit The T>EAC0N'S DEN i^atljSfeeller Phone PA 2-7121 JACKSONVILLE. FLA $10.90 I RALEIGH, N. C. 2.90 RICHMOND, VA 5.35 ROANOKE. VA 3.15 WASHINGTON, D. C. 7.90 WILMINGTON. N. C 6.05 All prices plus tax MORRIS SERVICE Nexi. To Carolina Theatre « « * * Sandwiches—S alads— Sodas ■'^The Place Where Salemites Meet” IVs such a comfort to take the bus ... and leave the driving to us! GREYHOUND GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT 413 N. Cherry St. 3 3gg3 SPRING “I teg your pardon, pretty Miss, But would you give me one small kiss?” And why should I do such a thing? Because, my dear, today it’s spring Because there’s romance in the air Because you are so very fair!” There 3 a lot in what you’ve said. Okay, kiss me ... go ahead. MORAL: Faint heart never won real satisfaction in smoking. If you like your pleasure BIG, smoke for real—smoke Chesterfield. Packed more smoothly by ACCU-RAY, it’s the smoothest tasting smoke today. Smoke for real .. . smoke Chesterfield! O Liggett & Urers Tobacco Co.