4, 1957 Mcuftime: Salem Cotton dresses . . . crinoline ruffles showing beneath a blowing skirt . . . khaki skirts (with a buckle in the back) . . . cord suits . . . bur- niudas . . . sandals . . . white Capezios . . ■ bathing suits . . . sunburned noses . . . birds chirpping . . . new green leaves . . . last white Dogwood petals . . . convertibles . . . limeade . . . Moravian iced tea . . . picnics . . . Tangle- wood . . . trips to the beach . . . Arpege drift ing on cool breezes . . chats on the lawn after meals . . . bare feet wiggling in and out of flats in class ... the pool . . . night swimming . . . candlelight serenade ... a kiss in the moonlight on back campus ... “I love you” Modern Bride magazines . . . walking up town . . . term papers . . . Reading Day . . . Exams . . : laying on the grass singing . . . green . . . day-dreaming . . . European itiner aries . . . procrastinating . . . persuading a boy to go to the May Day pageant . . . apply ing for a job . . . buying summer clothes . . . straw hats . . . smiling up at the sun . . . opening all of the windows . . . leaving the room door open at night . . . excitement over the coming end . . . sorrow over leaving . . . making plans for the rest of life . . . Noxzema Strong scholarships . . . Chopin at a sen ior recital . . . chasing a tennis ball that went over the fence . . . short, summer formats . . . tears during the last singing of the alma mater . . . mosquitos . . . May Dell . . . May Day practices . . . powdery dust . . . electrical storms . . . waiting for the court and for the queen to come down the hill . . . fairies . . . trolls . . . Delltasia . . . Maytime; Salem —M. J. Daily Challange J\/a? %elUa4ia All Salemites prepare the day To welcome in the month of May. Nature has \yell adorned this scene For coronation of the queen. She has decked the earth with flowers, Nursed them with her April showers. A joyful time, this springtime day The jester thought along his way. To the queen’s court he danced along. How could a day like this go wrong! Little he knew what lay ahead. For through the woods some trolls were spread. Out of the woods they each pounced out; Shrieking they chased him all about. Ilunchedbacked and faceless were these trolls. Evil spirits compelled their souls. The little jestef tried to run But he was snatched by more than one. They kept him in the strongest net ITntil the rescue by Jennette. The story ends, thus, happily; The court was filled with jubilee. Since no more trolls exist today, AVe’ll unite to celebrate May. —Ann Siler Published every Friday of the College year by the Student Body of Salem College OFFICES—Lower Floor Main Hall Downtown Office—304-306 S. Main St. Printed by the Sun Printing Company Subscription Price—$3.50 a year Editor-in-chief Associate Editor.. News Editor Feature Editor ... Faculty Advisor . Martha Jarvis - Mary Ann Hagwood Lucinda Oliver Jean Smitherman Miss Jess Byrd Business Manager Ellie Mitchell Advertising Manager Rosemary Laney Circulation Manager ....Mary Hook Pictorial Editor Ann Fordham Asst. Business Manager Peggy Ingram Cartoonist — Anis Ira Headline Editor ... Mary Jo Wynne Columnists Margaret Mac Queen Sue Cooper Beyond the Square .. Once again the time is here The day which all Salemites fear. Time to draw rooms has come. With all its tears, screams, and humdrum. Things so very bad And all summer you’re sad. Yet come October And all your tears are over. —M. J. Last week, the U. S. took its first action under the Eisenhower Doctrine as the Sixth Fleet was hurried toward the Eastern Medi terranean because of the revolt in Jordan. Now the revolt has quieted down and King Hussein has ap parently gained control over the Communist and anti-Western up risings. If this triumph lasts, it will be an important defeat for Egypt’s and Syria’s anti-Western movement. If Nasser accepts his defeat in Jordan, to save his face, he may deny having anything to (do with it or seek another spot in the Middle East to win fresh triumph. In the near future. Congress will take up the question of improving the speed of postal service. Post master General Arthur E. Summer- field says that he will not be satis fied until letters may be delivered between any two American cities on the day after mailing. This will call for research and development of new machines and more fre quent daily deliveries. Where is all the money coming from—prob ably higher postage. In the current investigation of the Teamsters Union and Dave Beck, Senator John L. McClellan says exposures are the inevitable by-product, not the objective of this process. He has never been considered a headline hunter, and is seeking permanent cures for the misdeeds of some labor union of ficials that are being uncovered. He sees a need for two kinds of laws. One would assure free and open union election to select of ficers, and determine union policy. The other \yould guard again,st the misuse of union fiin,ds by requiring adequate accounting and auditing procedures. The St. Lawrence SeaWay pro ject is. growing more cOstly all the time. There is inflation ,in ,eon- , struction costs and errors in plan- ] ins. Instead of the estimated $96 billion in 1954, the U. S. share has gone up to $143 million. Tolls will be higher than expected and, thus, less attractive to shippers. Tolls in the early years of operation can not cover expenses, but in 50 years the canal is expected to pay the cost of construction and operation. , Lewellyn E. Thompson, Jr. was recently selected as U. S. Ambas sador to the Soviet Union. He speaks Russian fluently and is now Ambassador to Austra. He will succeed Charles E. Bohlen. Next month, Britain will have its first H-bomb test. Prime Minister MacMillan finds that this is a con troversial issue that cuts across party lines. Many Britons are un happy and uneasy about the ' tests but they will go on. There are Soviet protests agaifist British tests, . yet Moscow is stepping up its nuclear tests. Russia’s tests are estimated at more than forty since 1949. There’s been an important change in the weather in the Southwest. Heavy snows and spring rains have soaked fields that w'ere blowdng away in dust. There’s new hope that the drought is really ending. Weather Bureau forecasteres note that pow'erful forces in the upper air masses appear to be at work to bring crop-producing rains throughout the Great Plains in the growfing season ahead. For the first time, travel by air promises to exceed either train or bus travel, in passenger-miles, dur ing the year ahead. The big in crease is in' airline trips of more than 500 miles. Trains and buses still dead on short trips and carry far more people. Government of ficials predict by 1960 that more than 60 million passengers will ride the Scheduled airlines. • —Sue Cooper In the heart of the Susquehanna River valley in southeastern Pennsylvania lives a unique group of people called the Pennsyl vania'Dutch. This group includes Mennonites the Amish and the Dunkards who came tt> America in 1683 bringing with them a tongue which, is principally “archaic German” al though some English words have crept into it. Now, after more than 200 years as a living language, the native dialect of the Pennsyl- vanic Dutch may be passing out of existance. The National Geographic Society says in another generation “Dutch” will be “about all”. However, today, perhaps one half of the population of Berks, Lehigh, and Lebanon counties speak Pennsylvania Dutch and Eng lish, also. At least three colleges offer courses in it, Pennsylvania State University, Franklin and Marshall, and Muhlenberg. There is some literature, but it is chiefly a spoken language. Such classics as “Did you bell? Ack, 1 belled, but it did not make 1” lead to a sign on the door which reads “Bump, the bell don’t make.” Mothers instruct their children, “Run the stairs up and shut the windows down,” Making a verb from out. They say, “Outer the light, the electric is not to waste.” The word “stroobly” is hair disheveled as no other word can describe it. Words such as “dopplich” (stupid), “furhuddled” (mixed- up), and “sprity” (spray) prompt such phrases “You are so dopplich it furhuddles me and I forgot to sprity the lawn.” This might lead to “Ach rell, the paper wants rain any way, so t’s no different.” In Pennsylvania Dutch, a “Glook” is a mother hen and her chicks are “peeps”. A “tool” is a small paper bag, and we might hear it used in the market in this fashion, “Shall I put it in a tool, or do you take it so?” Adverbs are used with great abandon in sentences like “Don’t let her run off now yet,” or “I’ve known her long already.” A man who, has recently returned from a vacation might be greeted on the street with “Ah, your off is all?” In such questions, the voice rises at the end and is left dangling. I invariably -want to add ‘gone’ to expressions such as this and to ones like “The pie is all.” When giving directions to a stranger, a Pennsylvania Dutchman might advise him “turn 'the courthouse around and then turn over” which means “go around the courthouse and then turn at the first street.” Anyone who could follow directions like that would no doubt be a linguistic expert or no stranger at all. These quaint people who even eat strange food such as “shoo-fly pie” and hand made “pretzels” will leave you with “AVlien the little clot comes, the story’s all, ain’t?” —Sidney Pegram ^haui^kt AThat would happen if Salem College: mixed the dorms . . . installed a three branch system (legislative, executive, and judicial) . . . participated in more community service projects . . . invited other schools to take part in our vesper services . . . had a faculty-stu dent play day for the freshmen during orien tation . . . compiled a personal devotional booklet . . . took slides of all activities to sho^r the freshmen . . . invited a Hungarian student to speak . . . had town parents for each stu dent . . . made election campaigning more ex tensive . . . had unlimited cuts and overnigM® ... had more foreign students? These are a few of the suggestions made by other schools at the recent NSA conven tion at Hollins College AVould they work at Salem? —Sally Bovard