foolish consistency is the hob-nob . . . Of little minds.—Emerson Volume XXXVIII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, October_j^^__1^57_ Number 4 Relaxing After Show, Julius La Rosa Answers Salemite Editors’ Questions Noted Ethonomusicologist, Dr. Waterman, To Open Rondthaler Lecture Series “Eollie” “Mr, La, we are from the Salem College newspaper.” Thus, our interview began. Julius La Rosa had, just a few minutes before, stepped down from the stage. He had been escorted to his dressing room from the midst of the pushing throng of autograph seekers. Although he was rushed for time, he leisurely answered our questions in detail. We talked about the South. He said that he had been in Winston- Salem a few years ago with the Navy band. Julius La Rosa likes the South. “The people are nice and they are good to me. When people are nice to me, I like them no matter where we are. If Hitler had been good to me, I would have liked him. He wasn't; therefore, I didn t like him.. I believe in accepting people for what they are, not where they are. Yes, I like the South very much.” We asked him about his interest in Churchill. “How did you know?” asked Julius, completely surprised. “Oh, I read fan magazines oc casionally.” Mary Ann shyly ad mitted. Regardless of where we’d learned it, he was very pleased. He has read all six of Churchill’s volumes on the second World War. This interest came about acci dently. He just happened to read one of Churchill’s books and de cided that he was such a great author that he must read his other books. It had taken him about a year to read all the volumes. He ad mitted however that he had two or three fictional novels be tween each of Churchill s works. Mr. La Rosa has just completed reading some of Christopher Ma lory’s novels. and “Julie” Enjoy A Little of Eve’s Sport We had arrived in time to hear Julius sing “Where or When.” This is one of his favorite songs. He prefers Rogers and Hart num- bers, but likes most of the stand ards. Even though he has sung quasi-Rock n’ Roll numbers, he does not like rock n’ roll. He talked about women in ber- muda shorts: “I like women in bermuda shorts. In fact, I think they look as ^pod in shorts as in anything else.” He talked about small liberal arts colleges for women. “If I had a daughter, I would want her to attend a small college. I would not like the large univer sity type of school for myself. It is nice to know the people you are living with. I do not like the idea of just being a number in a large mass of people.” _ This brought up the question ot his family. Julius said that his wife usually travels with him. “She is staying home this season. We are to become parents m April.” Mr. La Rosa was very gracious about posing for pictures. Whp Mr. Grigg brought out a cpdy apple as a prop, Julius grinned. “This is the first candy^^ apple I’ve had since I was a boy.” Martha asked about his summer appearance on Matinee Theater .This was Julius’ cue to talk about his plans as an actor. He is to star in the Kraft Theater television show on October 23. The show is called “The Man in, a Trance.” Julius will play role of a singer who had a record and then dropped out of the scene and his attempts to get back into the picture. Although Julius has acted through many songs, he has never tried acting without music. ■ Before this television show goes on the air, he will have spent ap- —Photo by Grigg proximately 50 hours in rehearsal. Mr. La Rosa’s next record re lease will be in conjunction with this television production. This fall Julius La Rosa’s plans include spot appearances such as he made here, nightclubs, and tele vision. —Mary Ann Hagwood Martha Jarvis Civic Music Will Present Ballet Troupe The Concert Series of the Win ston-Salem Civic Music Association will open Monday evening with the presentation of-the American Bal let Theatre. The Ballet Theatre was formed in 1940 for the purpose of present ing United States Ballet to the world. It has completed several highly successful European tours, the most recent one terminating in February, 1957 when it returned to New York City for an opening at the Metropolitan Opera House. Last season, it also attained a goal of appearing in all of the forty- eight states. Managed by Columbia Artists Management for the 1957-1958 sea son, the Ballet Theatre’s directors are Lucia Chase and Oliver Smith. The principal dancers of the com pany are Nora Kaye, Erik Bruhn the ' and John Kriza. big! The program for Monday even ing’s appearance includes “Swan Lake,” “The Combat,” “The Grand Pas de Deux” from “The Nut cracker Suite”, and “Offenbach ii the Underworld.” All concerts are presented at the Reynolds Auditorium at 8:30 P.M. The doors open at 8:00. Dr. Richard A. Waterman of the j Department of Sociology and An- | thropology of Wayne University will open the Rondthaler Lecture Series on Thursday, October 24. Dr. Waterman is an expert in the science of ethonomusicology. Dr. Waterman’s initial appear ance will be in chapel on the 24. His topic will be “Musics of the Non-Western World”. He will also speak to the Music Plistory class, and to the Principles and Philo sophy of Education class, and to Mrs. Steven’s English class. These meetings will cover the topics, “Techniques in Ethnomusicology”, “The Value of Ethnomusicology for the Social Sciences”, and “Func tions of Music in a Non-literate Society”. These class meetings will be open to alt of those who are interested. As a result of his study in the fields of ethnomusicology. Dr. Waterman’s special interest is jazz, and he is now one of the directors of the Institute for Jazz Studies, Inc. Prior to entering the academic field, he was a professional dance band musician. Dr. Waterman received his AB from Santa Barbara College, his MA from Claremont College, and his Ph D. from Northwestern Uni versity. He has taught anthropo logy at Northwestern University, at the University of Washington, at the University of Michigan (ethno musicology), and at Wayne Univer sity. For thirteen years he was director of the Laboratory of Com parative Musicology at Northwest ern University . His main fields of specialization are African, Afro-American, and Australian Aboriginal musics. Ho has done field work in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Australia. While in college he was a mem ber of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi. Among others, he is presently Dr. Waterman a member of American Anthro pological Society, the American Musicological Society, the Ameri can Folklore Society, the Society for Ethnomusicology. Dr. Waterman is the first of three lecturers that the Rondthaler Lecture Fund will bring to the campus. All of these men are ex perts and their fields transcept de partmental lines. The fund was established as a memorial to the late Bishop Ropd- thaler, a past president of the col lege, and to his wife, Catherine Rondthaler. Faculty Members Do Work Outside Their Classrooms Surprising as it may seem to the student body, the Salem faculty is a very active group, not limiting themselves to their classroom lec tures. As I learned from talking with several faculty members, we have professors working on their Doctorate dissertations; we have aspiring authors; and we have one professor doing scientific research. Dr. B. Carson French, head of the chemistry department, is now working on an extension of his graduate subject. The title of this research pro gram is “Riboflavin Analogs Con taining Flourine.” This involves the preparation of compounds which are active as antimetabolites. (Me tabolites are chemical compounds necessary for body reactions—like vitamins). It is hoped that these antimetabolites will show activity in retardation of the growth of cancer. Compounds similar to those be ing prepared by Dr. French have recently been reported as showing positive results in treatment of rats and mice in laboratory experiments. One of the compounds made during his Doctorate study period is now being tested by the Cancer Chemo therapy Division of the Cancer In stitute in Bethesda, Maryland. A recipient of two grants, Dr. French received his first grant in the summer of 1956. It is the “Frederick Cottrell Grant” from the Research Corporation of New York. It was renewed this past summer. The second grant received for the school year of 1957-58 is from the Institute of Arthritis and Meta bolic Diseases of the National In stitute of Health. These grants provide salary for the research assistant, Mrs. Molly Johnson; chemicals used; and ad ditional apparatus which will belong to Salem when the project is com pleted. This past summer Dr. French was invited to teach organic chem istry at the University of North Carolina. He taught there during the second session. Dr. H. Michael Lewis and Dr. Philip Africa are the hopeful authors on the faculty. Dr. Lewis has completed his book and sent it into the publisher. Dr. Africa is still actively engaged in researchj on his book. “American Character and the Road Ahead” was completed by Dr. Lewis in the spring of 1957. It is now at the publishers, the Oklahoma University Press, being read. In this book. Dr. Lewis has at tempted to analyse the American character by finding its roots in the past. Pie did this through the pro cess of historical development. The historical development was divided into two parts; 1) the dis tant past and the evolutionary scheme up to the Middle Ages; 2) the more recent developments since the founding of America. (Continued on page four)