Page Two THE SALEMITE October 25. IQS7 Salem College Proudly Presents Farces Co-starring LACK OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE DISORDER PLAYING BRIDGE Performances are given regularly at most class, dorm, and organization meetings. Letters to the Editor Beyond The Square Caesarism Threatens America Dear Editor: We are members of tlie Salem student Iwdy . . . we are members of our various classes . . . that is where separation and the distinc tion of Salem girls should stop.. With the junior class, there is a disgusting situation however. There are two cliques—Strong girls and South girls. Strong girls naturally feel “at home” with their dorm, however, with the reception some of us get when we go into the “sacred halls” of South, they seem to want us to stay at home. Working together on the little sister party aided partially in get ting the “campus cliques” together but it must go further than that. Certainly, we want to be close t(^ a few girls but, why can’t we be friendly to all? A friendly “hello, come on in” would even be appre ciated by the Strong girls when they visit South. That certainly would be better than the cold stare most of us get now. Maybe South girls feel “un wanted” when they visit Strong. We certainly hope not and try to make them as comfortable as pos sible. If it’s South or if it’s Strong being too cliquish, let’s compromise and do .something for more har mony in our class. —Lucinda Oliver When we pack our suitcases for the weekend and visit friends at other colleges, there is always something that impresses us tha( we don’t find on Salem’s campus. Lentil 2 years ago the impression most evident to me was the pre sence of a Student Center on most college campuses, and the absence of one here. In the summer of 1956 the basement of Old Chapel underwent a series of face lifting operations, and in the fall Salem opened her doors to a Student Center. Those doors have re mained open for 2 years, but each day the number who pass through the portals has dwindled until now Salem might as well have built a small snack bar near the Lily Pond as that is the prime use of the Union. On Saturday and Sunday nights It is deserted—during the week,—completely friendless. As your 'Student Center Chair man, I welcome any ideas to pro mote a busy Union, Plans are underway for curtains, coatracks, and the transformation of the old 78 rpm type juke box to the mod ern 45 rpm type. A subscription to fashion magazines such as Vogue, Mademoiselle, and Harpers’ Bazzar has been planned. The Student Union is your Union. I want }mur ideas and suggestions, and also I want your patronage of the Student Union. —Lillian Holland ®tie ^alemite Published every Friday of the College year by the Student Body of Salem College T — OFFICES—Lower Floor Main HaH I Downtown OfHce-304-306 S. Main St. Printed by the Sun Printing Company Subscription Price—$3.50 a year Editor-in-chief Martha Jarvis Associate Editor Mary Ann Hagwood Wews Editor Lucinda Oliver Feature Editor . Jean Smitherman Faculty Advisor Miss Jess Byrd Business Manager Ellie Mitchell Advertising Managers: Ann Brinson, Patsy Gilmour. Circulation Manager Mary Hook Pictorial Editor Ann Fordham Asst. Business Manager Peggy Ingram Cartoonist Anis Ira Headline Editor Mary Jo Wynne Columnists: Margaret Mac Queen, Sue Cooper, Rachel Rose, Shan Helms. Proofreaders ..Rachel Rose, Eleanor Evans Typists M. G. Rogers, Lillian Holluns Re-write Editor Judy Golden Is America heading toward Caesarism? Amauny de Riencourt, a noted French ■scholar whose book was reviewed in the Oc tober twenty-fifth issue of U. S. News and ■World Report, says that this country is head ing toward this type of government. This change will not come from revolution, but from evolution, as is seen in the light of world history, especially when compared to the rise of the Caesars in Rome. The key to this evolution, as seen by Mr. Riencourt, is that as a society becomes' more equalized along class, economic, political, and other lines, it begins concentrating greater powers in the hands of one person. Because of the events of national history, the President of the United States is the per son who is gathering this new growth of power and centralization. During his term as President, Andrew Jack- son began the trend toward more powerful presidents. While in office, he vetoed more bills than had been vetoed since the establish ment of our nation. The events leading to the Civil War and the period of Reconstruction were the errors of weak presidents who let Congress control the government. Therefore, the necessity of a strong leader Avas emphasized. The growth of Big Business and the control it had on politics between the time of Recon struction and the New Deal was also attributed with consolidating the managements of politics in the hands of a few. The French scholar cites the election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, as the turning point of American politics. For the first time it was necessary for a president to be nation ally, not partisan conscious. The economic crisis of the period also necessitated quick action by the president. In many eases this action would be impaired by constitutional law; therefore, the laws Avere overlooked. The result Avas a greater concentration of power in the president’s hands. Riencourt compares this tactic of supplying the public’s desires regardless of the method to the bread and circus idea in the time of Roman Caesars. Another Caesarian technique, intrigue, was employed in Roosevelt’s fireside chats and other mass appeals. Along Avith the rise of presidential powers in the New Deal came the rise to political machines which were necessary to keep a man in office and to get him elected. How did these changes take place during the time of the New Deal? Mr. Riencourt ansAvers that they occurred through the elastic character of the American political system. Of course time of Avar ahvays raises the national deader to a place of more prestige. Congress is hidden behind the leadership of the president. Add to this increase of power the president’s leadership at war conferences and it is seen that the president is in an al most alarmingly poAverful position. In addition to these historical events, the limitations of Congress, the natural desire for masculine leadership, and, most important, the American tradition of hero worship complete the picture of our movement toward a dic tatorship. Consider Mr. Riencourt’s opinion in the light of the Little Rock situation, or the Yalta Conference, and of the Congressional timidity on the question of tidelands oil. However, hoAV would the government man age in time of national disaster if it had to Avait for Congress to determine all procedures? There is also the provision for re-election and impeachment in our Constitution, plus the tAvo party system Avhich guards against the possi- bdity of one man’s gaining complete control. Meanwhile Salemites are doing a little thinking of their oAvn on the course of Avorld events. Considering the opinions of tAvo hundred and tAventy-five Avho participated in a poll Salem girls do not believe that Arkansas Gov ernor Orval Faubus was motivated by purely political reasons in his f ecent actions to pre vent integration in the public schools of Little Rock. However, there was little margin be- tAveen those Avho believe that he Avas motivated by Avhat he believed to be the best interests of the people. But, most believed that the federal intervention Avas, justified. This is an interesting thought when considered m the light of Riencourt’s vieAvs. The campus was overwhelmingly in favor of the United Nations and believed that it has been beneficial in managing world problems. However, there Avere a few dissentei's who be lieved that the United Nations has had no effect on the Avorld situation. Other interest ing vieAvs Avere: It has been helpful in improv ing AA'orld economic conditions and that it has been ineffectual in the area of disarmament. As for the iicav “bag” look from Paris, don’t expect to see too much of it on campus. The views on the significance of the satellite varied cimsiderably. It was generally felt that Russia was ahead of us in scientific ad vancement and in the race for control of outer space. Of course, this carried the connotation that Americans should “wake up” and put more emphasis on scientific research. As for the purpose of the satellite, it was felt that it was the beginning of space travel but that it could also be developed into a military Aveapon, especially if used to photo graph militray moA^ements. Regardless of Avhether it means the end of the Avorld or that we’ll eat lunch on the moon Salemites were thinking of national and inter national events even though fcAv are regular readers of “Beyond the Square.” —Martha Jarvis Behind The Ivy Once upon a time in the ancient old town called Old Salem Restoration, Inc., there lived a group of girls — several hundred in fact. Their names were either Susie or Sally, or Mary Salem, and they Avere called college students, because they lived at Salem College •—a group of buildings covered by Virginia Creeper and dormer windows and authentic tile roofing. There were other people in the college— there Avas the administration. On the Avhole these Avere kindly people who took tuition money, made a few rules, and saAV that the leaves were swept off the streets. And there Avas a faculty made up of pro-, fessors who taught classes, or, rather, lectured. The Avomen on the faculty were hard working and accident prone. They very often fell and broke arms and legs on stairs and benches, and basketball courts. The men on the faculty had only minor accidents, for they didn’t go in for anything really strenous—except Walky^ ing to Harry’s for coffee three times a day. One or two of them did scald themselves Avith hot coffee, though. But they philosophized and said that all coffee drinkers led lives of quiet desperation. The faculty and students got along just fine except in the classrooms. The relationship was strained just a bit in the creaky-floored hall of learning because the professors insited on taking roll every day and expecting papers and other assignments to be in on time. But relations really got strained when one Susie cut her Saturday class to go to Davidson, and her professor gave an unannounced test. She received an “F” on the test. (The committee on class attendance giveth, and, the committee taketh away.) There were other things to do at Salem ex cept go to classes. There Avere lectures and concerts, but most girls thought these inconse quential. But what the girls really enjoyed Avas going away from Salem for a Aveekend, so ey could come back and report a fabulous time Avith a fabulous boy, at a fabulous dance at tabulous Carolina — all this meaning her niuch, forgot her at the dance, and she had a splitting headache the whole .Aveekend. The most fabulous, fabulous thing that could ^^appen to SaRy or Susie Salem is for them to. get pinned,” for then the other Sally’s and iisie s sing to them in the dining hall; and, course, getting pinned gives them some- Uing substantial to daydream about during Class. Sally, Susie, and Mary Salem were all ro- mantic and sentimental at heart. They all ■hAr.! Q fget married and have nnUi Q 1 ^^eir purgatory, that is until Sputnik fell on it. —Tendrils