*SifM txJcLeee us«ARf 0ljp S>abmitp Volume XXXVill Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, December 6, 1937 Number 10 Nancy Walker Will Reign As May Queen Nollner Morrissett Is To Be the Maid Of Honor Practicing And Teaching Keep Beauties Busy Having graced the May Dell for three years, Nancy Walker will reign this year as the Queen of the May. Nancy is a tall graceful brunette with sparkling green eyes. She charms everyone with her soft lyrical voice and bright smile Nancy is a typical Southern belle. Nancy is capable of entertaining her friends not only with her musical ability but also with her subtle wit. A girl who experiences very in teresting summers, Nancy will tell you about her summer in Germany where she lived with a German family or about her summer study ng at the University of Michigan She is not only a beauty queen but also a photographer. It is not unusual to see Nancy carrying camera over her shoulder. And you will probably find her shooting pictures of her friends on the May Court rather than up on the hill posing with the other girls. See Feature iContinued on back page) ...Y nilFEN AND MISS NOLLNER MORRISETT, MAID OF MISS NANCY WALKER, MAY QUEEN A Photo by Grlgg. HONOR. Annual T©a To B© 0iv©n By Horn© Ec D©partm©nt The Home Economics Depart ment will honor the Senior Class, Faculty, Trustees, Parents of Home Ec. Majors, Home -Ec. teachers in Winston-Salem and Alumnae of Salem living in Winston-Salem at their annual Christmas Tea to be given tomorrow afternoon from 3:00 until 5:00 in the Home Man agement House. The purpose of the tea is not so much to show off decorations or the Home Management House Wut to get those invited better acquainted with the Salem Home Economics Department. As is the usual custom, the re freshments for the afternoon will be prepared by the Meal Manage ment Class. Over-all chairman for the tea, Camille Suttle and Home Ec. Club president, Martha Lackey have an nounced the following committees Decorations are being headed by Lucinda Oliver with sub-chairmen Jane Rostan decorating the ^living room, Peggy Ingram, dining room Amory Merritt, front door, Anna Yelvertbn, upstairs. The serving committee will have Katie Teague and Lynn Ligon pouring punch, Marcille Van Liere and Shirley Hardy replenishing the table, Marybelle Horton, Iva Stin son and Jerome Moore preparing the food in the kitchen. Barbara Williams is chairman of the clean-up committee with Ann Neely, Dorothy Starling and Elame Falls working with her. Lynn Warren is chairman of the committee to supply punch bowls, punch cups, bon-bon. dishes and he like. History Club Inducts Six New Members Nancy Walker was chosen as the May Queen for 1958 in an election held Monday night in Old Chapel. To serve as the Queen’s fVst at tendant is Nollner:-Morrissett. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. amt Mrs. Henry A. Walker of Kinston, North Carolina.' She is a piano major working toward a B. M. de gree. During her Freshman and Soplro more years, Nancy served on the YWCA Cabinet. She was ateo a member of the Salemite and Sights and Insights staffs her sophomore year. Nancy was president of the International Relations Club thir- ing her Junior year, as well as vice-president of the Music Stu dents Organization. She sang in he Choral Ensemble and served as Chairman for May Day music. This year Nancy is president of the Music Students Organization, and she is a member of the Inter national Relations Club. Nollner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Landon Dewey Morris sett of Lynchburg, Virginia. She is a sociology-economics major. Nollner was house president of Sisters dormitory during her so phomore year. In her junior year she was a marshal and the class treasurer. This year she is a member of the See New* (Continued on Page Six) "Christmas At Sal©m Is Th©m© Of Holiday Dane© Munch It’s not a breakfast Supper or lunch. It’s the Junior Class’s , “Midnight Munch”. It’s after the dance From twelve to one. Buy tickets next week. Now all ya 11 come. On Thursday, six members were inducted into the Delta-Lambda chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, national honor society in history The installation ceremony took place in the Friendship Rooms of Strong, followed by dinner in the refectory and a meeting in the Friendship Rooms. The speaker at the meeting was Dr. Austin, a faculty member of Phi Alpha Theta. Membership into Phi Alpha Theta is based upon a high aca demic record in the field of his tory and an above-average record in all other courses. The six new members in Salem’s chapter are Miss Byers, a professor of history; Shirley Bowers, a senior from Win ston-Salem; Mary Ann Hagwood, a senior from Elkin; Nancy Willis, a junior from Rock Hill, S. C.; Sue Cooper, a junior from Selma, Alabama; and Rachel Rose, a jun ior from South Miami, Florida. Officers of the Delta-Lambda chapter of Phi Alpha Theta are Becky Hinkle, president, and Ruth ’■’enuett, '■ccretary-treasurer. The faculty advisor for the group is Africa. Christmas at Salem” wjll be the theme of the I. R. S. Christmas dance which will be held in Cor- rin Refectory, December 14. Music, furnished by the Duke Ambassadors, will begin at 9:00 and end at 12:00. There wdl be an intermission at 10:15. At this time, the I. R. S. council and their dates will be presented in a figuru. Following the figure, light refresh ments will be served in the dining room. Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00, the Duke Ambassadors will present a concert in Memorial Hall. Everyone is urged to come, with or without dates. This concert is for the benefit of the entire student body. . , r The price of the ticket for the dance is $3.50 which includes the concert. Individual tickets for the concert will 4ie sold for $1.00 per person. Tickets will go on sale the last of the week and you can buy them from your I. R. S. mem hers. permission. There is a breakfast foltowing the dance sponsored by the Junior Class and dormitories will be open for girls and their dates. Students attending the dance and staying on campus must be in their own room at 1:00 for room check. This will be explained to you by yos» House Presidents. Dance Rules Are Stated News Briefs Dr. Students are expected to arrive at the dance by 10:30. They are not allowed to leave campus after or during the dance. Those staying off campjis mus( be off campus by 1:00. Rules con cerning staying in town are stated on page 35 of the handbook. Stu dents attending the dance have 1:00 Envelopes containing fifty cents worth of Tuberculosis Association Christmas Seals will be placed in everyone’s box on Friday. AH stu dents will be contacted during the week of December 9-13 for pur pose of collecting from those 'who wish to buy the seals. This is a worthy cause and all are asked to cooperate in this drive. * * ♦ Dr. Gramley and Dr, Hixson spent December 2, 3, and 4 in Richmond, Virginia, attending the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Second ary Schools. Miss Simpson joined them on the 4 for the registrars’ meeting. Salem Academy’s Senior Bazaar ■vill be held Friday from 3:30 until 5 p.m. in the Social Room of the \cademy Building. Seniors will sell Christmas gift, hems to earn money for their gift to the school and other class ex penses.

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