Volume XXXVIII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, January 31, 1958 Number 13 V Va , \ 'y ^ > 4' *' ^' ^,v , ./.••4:.T,..-^a'"pi'^ * '^v-' ff{' 5 ^l«ELs“s1fs M^ro ■SLs"JuTSNgL”v'-|LE\T?™t^^^ ""lock, iEANE Humphrey" NANCY cri'dlebaugh. and martha jarvis. WTOB Announcer, Lone Male Senior, Jim McDaniels, Receives His Deploma uring Honor Chapel On Thursday Nominating Study Group Proposes Improvements For Election Of Officers Last spring there was a great deal of satisfaction as to the means of electing the officers of the various student organization on Salem’s campus. A committee that consists of the presidents of the organizations and other inem- !)crs selected by various means was organized. The main objec tive of the Nominating Study Group, which is headed by Mary Ann Hagwood, is to improve our means of electing officers. The committee has met and dis cussed the objections. By secur ing handbooks from other colleges they have been ^ able to discuss more freely the “pros and cons” of our means of election. Much was gained from the discussions that compared our means of elec tions to the elections in other Sauer’s Art Displayed In Music Hall Thursday afternoon in assembly Salemites watched Jim McDaniels receive his A. B. degree. Jim gra duated from Gardner-Webb Jr. •College in 1951. He entered Salem in 1951 and, left in 1952 for four years service in the Air Force. In 1956 he resumed his studies at Salem College with an English major and History minor, presently with W. T. O He IS B. and plans to eventually begin teaching. Since students are so accustomed to the “ultra feminine” atmosphere around Salem, Jim’s face has been the welcome male addition to many of our classrooriis. He, single handed, maintained the more mas culine attitudes and defended man hood in more than one class dis cussion. We might well consider Jim due a second reward for dip- chapels To Bring Recital, Student Teacher Judging Mueller To Play Flentrop Organ In assembly on Thursday, Feb ruary 6, Mr. Mueller will demon strate the new Flenthrop organ. Assembly will be held in Old Chapel for this demonstration. In addition to explaining the worknigs of the organ, Mr. Muel ler will play three Bach chorals, a Mendelssohn sonata, and a chorale by Walther, “Praise Ye the Lord . This is one of the first faculty re Three Finalists Try For Title Tuesday’s Chapel will feature the citals to be held during Chapel. Miss Student Teacher contest. At that time the three finalists se lected by the F. T. • A. will present their philosophies of education an reasons for being interested in the teaching profession. The three finalists are Anis Ira, Mary Wrike, and Martha Jarvis. the girls present their speeches they will be questioned by the jud ges who will then decide the wm; ner of the title. The judging group will be composed of the faculty Committee on Teacher Education, Dr. French, Dr. Austin, Miss Byrd, Mr. Curlee, Dr. Lewis, Mrs. Snow, Miss Sampson, Miss White, and Dr. Welch; ex-officio members, Dr Gramley, Dr. Hixon, and Mrs Heidbreder; representatives from the city schools, Miss Grace Brun son, Mrs. G. C. Efird, and D. MC Self; and representatives from the county schools, Mr. Raymond Sar- baugh and Miss Kathleen Emerson All three of the finalists have completed their student teaching and had excellent records Anis did her teaching in the third grade at Wiley School and Mary Curtis did hers in the second grade at the same school. Martha did her work at Reynolds High School m the field of speech and English. _ The five girls who are now doing their teaching were not eligible for the competition because state rules require tha tall contestants for the title have completed their practice teaching. All of the practice teach ers this semester are located at Griffith School which is in the hor sy th County School System. Three of the Salemites are m the elemen tary division of the school-Ldlian Holland in the fourth grade, Shir ley Redlack in the fifth grade, and Molly Lynn in the first grade. The only two in the high school are Marybelle Horton and Mary Ann Hagwood. Marybelle is teaching home economics and Mary A^ri : working in hte social studies field lomacy when his masculine view points were being trampled. Don’t consider Jim, however, in the category of the haggered or hen-pecked male who can’t hold his own. He dealt many low blows English classes as he would ex pound with a hearty “YEA” to the Miltonic slaughtering of wo manhood. Dr. White has lost a cohort, because he no longer has companion who will re-echo his deep-seated feelings concerning male superiority and the frailty of ■vomanhood. But Salemites have emerged un tainted by Jim’s concept of woman and Jim has emerged harboring a fondness for us and our “sacred halls and virgin trees.” All in all, we would say having im on our campus has been a re freshing experience. Jim even re lented and admitted quite frankly that he had come to feel a part of Salem College and is rather re luctant in leaving. Jim, won’t you stay with us one more semester ? The art exhibit recently hung in Memorial Hall is a collection of landscapes and still lifes done in oils by Richmond-born David Sauer. This showing is an ex change exhibit with the art de partment at Davidson College, and is the second display of Mr. Sa uer’s work on campus. Those who remember the first exhibit will notice a considerable change in his painting. Mr. Sauer received his B. F. A. from Richmond Professional In stitute and his M.A. in Fine Arts Education at Teacher’s College, Columbia University. He began painting at the age of nine and exhibited at fifteen at Virginia Museum’s Fourth Biennial Exhi bition of American Art. He held his first one-man show at the Harry Salpeter Gallery in New York, March 29 to April 17 of 1954. Mr. Sauer has just re turned from a year’s study in Eu rope and is now living and work ing- on the James River. Tryone Power Will Appear In Greensboro schools. The committee has arrived at several suggestions that it feels would greatly benefit qur student organizations; however, before these suggestions can be adopted they must be approved by the Student Government and then ap proved by the Nominating Com mittee. The committee believes that our method of electing of ficers is a sound one, however, the committee feels that much can be gained by having each the fresh men and sophomore class to elect two representatives to the com mittee. The presidents of the freshmen and sophomore classes would also serve on the committee. Another method suggested is to sponsor a public opinion poll. The students would nominate two of ficers for each office. By this method the general opinion of the students could be obtained rather than just the opinion of a few. Every elected officer should be elected by a simple majority rather than by many re-votings. These re votings create confusion and gener ally decrease the amount of interest in an election. The committee not only agreed on elections by a sim ple majority, but decided that pub licity of the Nominating Study Group was a necessity in promoting a better means of electing officers on our campus. Pierrettes Announce Play Try-Out The Pierrette Spring production will be “The Glass Menagerie.” The play has two roles for women and two roles for men. The try-outs for this production will begin Mon day night at 7:30 in Old Chapel. There will be numerous positions to be filled on the technical staff. Anyone interested in lighting, sound, costumes, sets, publicity, and so on, are urged to come by Old Chapel Monday night and sign up for a technical job. Tyrone Power and Faye Emer son will appear in person in “Back to Methuselah” to be presented on the stage of Aycock Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. on February 25. George Bernard Shaw’s “Back to Methuselah,” as condensed by Arn old Moss, is a Theatre Guild-Arnold Moss production and will be given in Greensboro under the auspices of the Theatre of 'Woman’s College. The production is not to be a “staged reading,” but will be a fully acted play, complete with scenery and effects designed by Marvin Reiss. Costumes are designed by Patricia Zipprodt. The play is directed by Margaret Webster. Co-starring with Power and Miss Emerson will be Arthur Treacher. Also in the cast will be Moss Valerie Bettis and Roger Boxill. The presentation here will be part of a 42-city tour which began Jan. 6 in Orlando, Fla., prior to the opening in New York on March 17. The Theatre of Woman’s College is now accepting mail orders for tickets. Scholarship Recogintion Given Girls In the Honor’s Day chapel on Thursday, January 30, Dr. Ivy Hix son, Academic Dean, announced the new members of the Honor Society and read the Dean’s List for the fall semester of 1957-58. To be eligible for membership in the Honor Society, one must have completed five semesters of college work; one fourth of the grades must be A’s and if any C’s are made, they must be balanced by A’s. No failures can be on the re cord. The standards for admission to the Honor Society are compar able to those of Phi Beta Kappa. ,The new members of the Honor Society are Ruth Bennett, winner the Oslo Scholarship; Anne Brin son, treasurer of the Student Body; Mary Frances Cunningham, a member of the Order of the Scor pion, chapel organist, and accom panist for thq Choral Ensemble; Margaret Mac Queen, president of the Junior Class; Jeatie Smither- man, feature editor of the Salemite; and Anne Summerell, house presi dent of South. These girls will join old members Martha Ann Bowles, who has completed her degree and who was active in Y work; Mar tha Jarvis, editor of the Salemite; Betsy 'Ross Smith, president of AA; and Nancy Walker, May Queen and president of the Music Club. The requirement for Dean’s List is a general average of B plus on all subjects taken. From the senior class are Martha Ann Bowles of Winston-Salem, Gail Landers of Columbia, Tennessee; Phyllis Cars well of Winston-Salem; Rebekah Hinkle of Winston-Salem; Nollner (Continued on page four)