Volume XXXVIll Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, February 28, 1958 Number 1 7 Salemites To Welcome Parents On March 8 This year Freshmen Parents’ Day will be held on the weekend of March 8. Dr. Gramley has written a letter to each freshman’s parents inviting them to visit Salem and meet the faculty and classmates of thier Singing Fete To Be Held On Campus The National Association of Teachers of Singing will hold their regional meeting Saturday, March 1, in Memorial Hall with Geraldine Mcllroy and Peggy Jones attend ing as contestants from Salem. Mr. Paul Peterson is in charge of local arrangements with Geral dine Cate from Meredeth College acting as chairman of the auditions. Voice competition is being held in two divisions, Preparatory Di vision for those aged sixteen to eighteen and Student Division aged nineteen to twenty-two. _ There will be a total of twelve singers from Lynchburg, Charlotte, Greensboro and Asheville. Harvey Woodruff, chairman of the judges for the regional _ com petition has announced that judges will be brought from three other colleges, in the area. Earl Berg from Queen’s College, Charlotte, Mrs. Virginia Linney, Applachian State Teachers College, Boone and Richard Cox, High Point College. (Continued on Page Six) daughter. Parents are invited to attend classes, and the mothers may spend that Saturday night in the dorms. Saturday’s schedule will include: 11:00-2:00— Registration in Strong Friend ship Rooms. (Here each parent will receive a program and name tag.) 12:00— Lunch in Corrin Refectory 2:00-4:00— Open House in the Day Students’ Center. (Here the parents will meet the faculty. Displays of Sights and Insights and the Salemite w'ill be set up also.) 4:00-5:30— Dormitory “At Home” in Clewell and Babcock. (Parents can visit rooms then.) 6:00— Dinner in Corrin Refectory. (Parents will meet the president, deans, treasurer, and others). 8 :00— Freshmen Stunts, presented in Memorial Hall. Five committees have been ap pointed to work on the various phases of Parents’ Day. Ann But ler is in charge of registration and programs, and Ann Landauer is in charge of faculty-student relations. Boyce Ritch and Janet Yyborough are responsible for writing the scrip; and Libba Lynch and Gertie Barnes will produce the stunts. Chairman of the dinner-planning committee is Ann Phillips. Elections Begin Monday; Will Last Four Weeks Meigs Promises To Qive Excellent Performance In “The Glass Menagerie” Dr. Elizabeth Welch haculty Will Give Play On March 6 Mr. Meigs finished practicing a scene from “The Glass Menagerie, came over to me and began to talk about his part in the play. Mr. Carl Meigs, who is a pro fessor in the English Department said that taking a part in this play was' to help him teach. He said that it is essential in teaching drama to know more than an in terpretation of the lines. He feels that a student will appreciate a play more if he understands what goes on behind the scenes. Mr. Meigs feels that instruction should, therefore, include the mechanics of production along with the intel lectual approach. The last time Mr. Meigs^ acted on the, stage was as the ‘ Butler who did it” in his senior class play in high school. He did have one experience dircting a high school play while he was teaching Eng lish in a small high school. While talking about_ the students in this play, Mr. Meigs said that he does not think of the girls as students, but just as having a part in the same play. They are all working towards the same goal of presenting the play as exciting and interesting to the audience. Mr. Meigs is enjoying the part but it isn’t easy. He remarked that Tennessee Williams’ “lines are very demanding,” not only is this true of the lines, but also of the inter pretation of Tom. Tom is a difficult character to present be cause he is both the narrator and the character of the play. As t e narrator, Tom is primarily present ing memory. In this role Tom must be cool, and detached but not skeptical. Another problem for Tom as narrator is to make Amanda beautiful. As the char acter, Tom must show many changes in mood. He is tender with his sister; and impatii^it and apologetic with his mother. At the same time, he must present a de sire to escape from his surround '"fir. Meigs seems to have solved the problems of interpreting Tom. Even in the unpolished practice sessions, Tom is a living and a realistic character. In a time span of only a few minutes, Mr Meigs very capably changes moods sev- Iraf times. He changes from awaking with a hangover and bemg rather sullen to being a very wn cerned brother. He passes from^ bored and disgusted young man into an apologetic little boy. Mr. Meigs is also very natural and at ease in his general stage appearance. He seems to be equally at ease sprawled on a couch Sinking coffee. He smokes and founges^ver the cbair^^ a very relaxed manner. Mr. meigs Suches in his walk )ust as one ;Sd ew«l a young such as Tom to do. He speaks m a soft, slow drawl which is character istic of a Southerner. Even thoughi S'ion, Mr. Meigs’ performance 'tellra'sucSeSul opening Mght. —Mary Ann Hagwood On March 6 at 8:30 the faculty of Salem College will entertain the gtirdent body with music, dancing, singing, drama and comedy in an effort to make money for their contribution to the YWCA Foreign Student Fund. Tickets will be on sale for one dollar. The Salemite next week will serve as the program for the oc casion and in that issue will be a complete run-down of the cast and all the songs. It has been reported that everyone in the college faculty and many people on the staff are taking part. With theme and cast being kept top secret, directors Dr. Elizabeth Welch for the first half and Mr. Paul Peterson for the second halt have reported that the faculty has been rehearsing “frantically’ to be ■eady for the big occasion. After the program. Dr. and Mrs. Gramley are having a reception in their home for those participating in the play and their husbands and With the announcement of the nominations for president and secretary of the Student Govern ment at lunch on Monday, March 3, campus elections will begin. In the next four weeks the members of the student body will elect the girls who will lead the major or ganizations for the year 1958-59. Preceeding the announcement, the Nominating Committee will have met several times; as its function is not only to nominate candidates for the principal offices, but also to be in complete charge of all elections. The candidates for President will be given an opportunity to present their views concerning Stu dent Government at the Annual Election Kick-Off Banquet which will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tues day in the Refectory. The candi dates will present their ideas as well as their plans for improve ment. The election of president and secretary of Student Government will take place at lunch on Wed nesday, March 5, with students voting in the vestibule of the Re fectory, anytime between 12:30 and 1;15. All votes must be in at this time. In case a student does not receive a majority in the first vote, a revote will be held at dinner of the same day and the winner will be announced at lunch on the following day. After the first election, the re mainder of the principal officers will be elected on Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday, at the hours designated above. The schedule for elections is as follows: March 7, Friday — Vice-Presi dent and Treasurer of Student government March 10, Monday — Editor of Sights and Insights (By the Staff) March 12, Wednesday—Chairman of May Day and President of the A. A. March 14, Friday — Editor of the Salemite (By the Staff) March 17, Monday — President of the IRS and YWCA March 19, Wednesday — Presi dent of th Pierrettes and Day Students (By Pierrette and 'Newton Feels America Education Is Insufficient Wives. News Briefs The 1958 Basketball Tournarrient is well under way with the Juniors leading the school in the number of victories. With one more night to go the Juniors have a great chance of being the new champions. The results of the games are as ■follows: Tuesday night the Sopho mores beat the Seniors 44-17, and the Juniors beat the Freshmen 59-50. Wednesdi^ night the Fresh men beat the Seniors 23-19, and the Juniors beat the Sophomores 40-34. The Sophomore-J u n i o r game was most thrilling and the large crowd of spectators and the cheerleaders added to the excite ment of the game. High scorers last night were Lib Long with 24 points followed by Mary Jo Wynne with 20 points and Martha McClure with 17 points. Mary Curtis Wrike Stee Gee President Day Student Groups respec tively) March 21, Friday — Chief Mar- ' shal and NSA Co-Ordinator March 24, Monday—Class Presi dents (By respective classes) Students are reminded to use their representatives to the Nomi nating Committee as well as their privilege of petition. All petitions must be signed by ten per cent of the student body and must-be sub mitted to the President of Student Government by 9:00 p.m. on the day the announcement of nomina tions for the particular office is made. Salem has just played host to an Englishman who does not like tea. When Eric Newton, Art Critic for the London Times, was passed a cup of tea in the Salem dining room he commented, “Must I ? I came over here from England to get away from tea!” Mr. Newton visited Salem on his fifth tour of the United States. He has visited New Yor, Chicago, California, Baltimore, Winston- Salem, and will go to Emory Uni versity and to Virginia. The Critic felt that his tour had been rather chaotic but he has been trying to find time to write and compile an anthology of his favorite pictures with accompanying essays to ex plain his choice. This discussion naturally leads to the question, “What is your favorite painting, Mr. Newton?” Mr. Newton’s reply was ’One of Two Titians , I guess. Mr. Newton expressed a certain liking for the United States and the Americans. He finds our country extremely variable and he never knows what to expect American students possess a tre mendous amount of vitality, Mr Newton said, “and they carry on much more interesting discussions than English students.” _ However, he felt that education in America is not as thorough as it is in Eng land and that the American stu dents are more superficial than English students. Mr. Newton is a resident of London and is married with two grown children. He was educated at the University of Manchester. When he was told that Salem was smothered in tradition he said, “Tradition! You don’t know what tradition is.” The topic of Mr. Newton’s Chapel lecture was “Opposirion to Realism”. During the talk, he pre- 'sented slides to exemplify art’s changing emphasis from subject to form. In the development of Ab stract Art which he defined as a fainting about nothing”, Mr. New ton stated that art is approach- (Continued on page five) "Dansalems” Will Dance |n Festival The newly formed Dansalems, modern dance club, of Salem Col lege is planning to appear on a T.V. show on Monday, March 3, at 2:00 p.m., Channel 12. The girls are going to demonstrate variations of the basic axial and locomotor movements of dance, and will also show how the ordinary warm up exercises can be combined in many beautiful and intricate patterns. Some of the more advanced stu dents of choreagraphing are pre senting a dance depicting theme and variations. Another project of the Dan salems is a forthcoming dance re cital for the Winston-Salem Arts Council. The recital will take place at the art gallery on Friday, March (Continuod On Paffo Six)