v'-OLLEGE LlBFiARV Nonh GansJiB*. Volume XXXVIII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, April 18, 1958 Number New Officers Are Installed In Official Ceremony Hixson Tells Sophomore Test Results The Sequential Tests of Educa tional Progress (STEP), which were initiated at Salem this year, were taken by the sophomores on March 21 and 22. The highest ranking sophomores were: Mathematics: '1, Nan Williams 2. Sandra 'Shaver, Sarah Tesch 3. Betty Ann Parker 4. Susan Foard 5. Joan Brooks, Abbye Davis, Harriet Herring 6. Frances Jennette 7. Meribeth Bunch, Gwen Dick erson, Emily Littlejohn Reading: 1, Nancy Jane Carroll 2. Susan McCotter, Evelyn 'Vin cent, Nan Williams 3, Caroline Easley, Harriet Her ring, Rosemary Laney 4. Julia Cox, Susan Foard, Sarah Tesch Science; 1. Nancy Jane Carroll 2. Betsy Guerrant 3. Susan Foard 4. Harriet Davis, Harriet Her ring, Susan McCotter 5. Henrietta Jennings 6. Janet Barnett, Nan Williams 7. Sarah Tesch, Barbara Williams Social Studies: 1. Susan Foard 2. Carol Doxey, Marie Stimpson 3. Harriette Dwelle, Nancy Neese 4. Joan Mason, Sarah Tesch, Nan Williams 5. Louise Adams, Meribeth Bunch, Nell Wiggins Each sophomore may get her in terpretative leaflet from her ad visor when making preliminary registration. New Presidents Reveal Their Plans For 1958-59 Before installation Curt Wrike chats with the new Stee Gee president Margaret MacQueen. In the background are Patty Kimbrough, Mary Jane May hew, and Frankie Cunningham. ‘'On Campus” Roommates Are Out Of College Miss^ June Gentry once claimed that there was not anything un usual about her—there was abso lutely nothing on which to base an interesting article for the Salemite. But everything she does contradicts this statement. This black-haired modern dance instructor lives a few houses up from the Post Office with Alice McNeely, the assistant to admis- sTons at Salem College, ' Their apartment is in the basement and Stee Gee Hears NSA Reports And Plans For Evaluation Of Curriculum The Student Council held its first meeting under the leadership of its new president, Margaret MacQueen, on April 14. Margaret welcomed new and returning mem bers and then continued witJi an nouncements and general business. The highlight of the meeting was a report by Ann Bolin and Nor- wood Dennis on the N .S. A. vention, which they attended at Randolph-Macon College on April 10, 11, and 12. Ann and Norwood reported that student responsibility in education was the theme or e N. S. A. Convention. This was presented under three main topics. The new president announced that a joint faculty-student com mittee has been set up to stu y Salem’s cut system. The members are Sally Wood, an Williams, and Margaret MacQueen. Anyone having suggestions or ideas may present them to these peop e for discussion by the committee. Margaret also stated that the faculty evaluation program has been completed and will be pre sented to the faculty for their ac ceptance or rejection on May 7. The first was the need for in creasing the number of faculty members. By 1970, 500,000 new teachers will be needed m the United States. To meet this d mand, college students taking edii cation need to be encoumged ^ teach A curriculum should be de veloped in high schools and co leges which would interest students in education. Courses should lay stress on independent thinking and ideas, rather than memorized ^^Curriculum evaluation was the second topic. The importance of increasing effectiveness of '"Struc tion and improving student atti- !ude was stressed. This might be accomplished through faculty committees to judge portance of courses taught, faculty evaluation, and by seminars corn- nosed' of class members discussing their class programs. Independent (Continued on page four) they jokingly call it “The Cave.” It is attractively decorated with copper Turkish incense dishes, lamps, and a few paintings by Ralph Herring, Miss McNeely’s fiance. The living room is about eight feet square with low ceilings, and Miss Gentry is constantly bumping her arm when she raises a clothes hanger to see if a dress needs pressing. The furniture in the living room consists' of a few bookcases, a television set, a coffee table, a chair, a couch, and a covered board which serves as an extra sofa. The only thing left now, though, are two chairs and the T. V. set. Miss McNeely is getting married in June, so she has moved most of the furniture to her new apart ment in town. The white kitchen is very clean, and* they • do their own cooking when they have to. Since neither of them are accomplished chefs, they wait until they are hungry and forced to prepare a meal be fore they start. And Miss Gentry can’t remember whether yams are made from Irish potatoes or sweet potatoes. If she has a midnight snack, she punishes herself by not eating breakfast the next morning. She says that sometimes they wait until Seven o’clock to start sup per. When Miss McNeely gets hungry, she fixes supper for Miss Gentry and they eat. (Continued on page three) On April 10, the officers for the school year 1958-59 were installed. Mary Curtis Wrike, outgoing Stu dent Government President, sum marized the progress which Salem has made in the past and, at the same time, presented the student body with some suggestions for continuing growth. Said Mary Curtis, “Our govern ment system is a central part in education. We should set effective educational objectives and seek to attain our goals of government through them.” It is Curt’s opinion that when we fail to attain our goals it is often because we are not responding to what is put before us. Therefore, if we are to progress as individuals and as a self-governing body, we must take advantage of the educational op portunities at hand. Only in this way will we be nearer to achieving the student’s ideal: “the greatest development of intellectual power. Margaret MacQueen, in her in augural address as new Stee Gee President, defined student govern ment as a “demonstration of per sonal honor and a willingness of taking responsibility; moreover, it affords us the right to uphold or tear down ideals and traditions.” Every student has a part in the government of Salem. To be in formed participants, and therefore good governors, students should ead the Salemite, use their right of petition, and discuss matters with the , representatives on the Student Council. Following the Farewell and In augural addresses, the new officers were installed, with each old officer administering, the oath of office to her successor. The new officers a^e as follows: President of Student Government, Margaret MacQueen; Vice-Presi dent of Student Government; Frankie Cunningham; Secretary of Student Government, Nan Wil liams; Treasurer of Student Gov ernment, Sandi Shaver; Senior Class President, Mary Lois James; Junior Class President, Norwood Dennis; Sophomore Class Presi dent, Leafy Pollock; President of IRS, Ruth Bennett; President of YWCA, Mary Jane Mayhew; Pre sident of WRA, Martha McClure; President of Pierrettes, Martha Goddard; Editor of the Salemite, Jean Smitherman; Editor of the Sights and Insights, Marcille Van Liere; Chairman of May Day, Patty Kimbrough; NSA Co-ordinator, Ann Bolin; Chief Marshal, Betsy Gatling; President of the Day Stu dents, Mimi Burt. In the following paragraphs, the new organizational heads outline their tentative plans for the com ing year. (Continued no Page Five) Pulitzer Prize Winner Schlesinger, Speaks Here On Thursday night, April 17, the Lecture Series brought to the cam pus Mr. Arthur Schlesinger who, the New York Times says, “ranks among the foremost in the new generation of vigorous social thinkers.” Mr. Schlesinger is a noted his torian, author, and lecturer. In 1938 he was graduated summa cum laude from Harvard, where he is now a Professor of History. The following year his honors essay, published under the title of Ores tes A. Brownson; A Pilgrim’s Pro gress,” received high praise from the critics and was a selection of the Catholic Book Club. Upon re ceiving the Pulitzer Prize forThe Age of Jackson in 1946, he be came the youngest historian ever to receive that award. Mr. Schle- singer worked on his prize-winning book as a Henry Fellow at Cam bridge University, England, and subsequently as a member of the Society of Fellows at Harvard. Two other books by Mr. Schle singer are “The Vital Center, published in 1949, a brilliant dis cussion of contemporary political and social problems, and “The Gen eral and the President,” which was written in collaboration with Rich ard Rovere of the New York Times and which deals with American foreign policy in terms of the is sues raised by President Truman’s dismissal of General MacArthur. Mr. Schlesinger has also contri buted articles to Life, Fortune, At lantic Monthly, Harper’s, Saturday Evening Post, and other periodi- During the 1952 and 1956 presi dential campaigns Mr. Schlesinger was a member of the staff of Gov ernor Adlai Stevenson. He has also served in recent years as a consultant for the Economic Co operation Administration and the Mutual Security Administration.

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