Number '24' Volume XXXVIII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, May 2, 1958 Walker Begins Her Reign as Queen of the May The May Queen Has Other Attributes While talking to Nancy Walker, Salem’s May Queen, I was very surprised to find that she is plan ning to spend the summer at home with her parents. Other than being at Kinston, she will stay at the family’s beach - home on Ocean Ridge. “I don’t know what Mother will say,” she confessed, ‘‘but I want to get a job while I’m there; maybe on a paper or something. Also I’m planning to catch up on a little reading. This summer I want to digest my four years of college.” I wondered why she wasn’t plan ning another one of her trips again. Her only reply was that she had done so much in the way of travel ing that she didn’t want to add any more experiences until the old ones had sunk in somewhat. Year before last, Nancy lived with a German family during the summer. She did not study, but she became acquainted with the language and the people. During high school she knew a German boy, who was an exchange student. He taught her to appreciate Ger man literature and the language, so when she came to Salem and discovered that she could take Ger man, she immediately enrolled and became an honor student. At pre sent she is reading Faust by Goe the. During the past year, she has read manj^ German short stories in German and English translation. As the male sex goes, she prefers European boys to American boys. As for the women, she says that she has never found a word in German equivalent to the English word “diet.” After seeing that German women didn’t bother about styles, she be gan to notice the American wo men. Although she enjoys the way American women pamper them selves with high styles and cos metics, she says that many times it is carried to the extreme. Nancy does not like perfume and a great deal of jewelry. Being in music, she cannot wear rings, or bracelets, so this accounts for her lack of them. She dislikes having an3'thing around her neck, and wears only pearl earrings. She dislikes seeing someone with a short neck wearing a high necked dress and seeing a peter pan collar on a large neck. She enthusiasti cally approves of sack dresses with good lines. “They have such de lightful back interests.” she re marked. Last summer Nancy went to Michigan and was a student at the University of Ann Arbor. Her main interest was music, but she also took “Great Books”. This course originated at the University of Chicago and is designed to give the student “free rein” in the studying of great works. She audited a drama course and used the book. From Ghosts To Death of A Sales man. By belonging to the Arts Council’s Foreign Film Club, she has seen many of the plays she studied last summer, such as Green Pastures and Miss Julie. Although the movie. Crime and Punishment was entirely in French (she’s never had French), she says she enjoyed seeing the French treatment of a Russian novel. This year she has enjoyed reading 1984, Desire Under The Elms—a plaj*- by O’Neill, and The Fountainhead. At present she is reading By Love Possessed, which she feels was overrated. Among her favorite authors are Orwell and Fluxley. She dislikes Hemingway, for “he really thinks he’s pretty special.” After read ing The Sun Also Rises, she con cluded, from a remark by a friend, that he threw in Spanish phrases so that everyone would know that he spoke Spanish. Then he jumped from France to Spain so that we could hear how much he knew about bullfighting. Speaking of Europe, Nancy says that before a person goes abroad, they should really brush up on art. She admits readily that she could not begin to judge art. She at tributes this to the fact that she May Dell Transformed; Spring Officially Begins The narrator begins with a poem on May by Herrick. The audience sits on the hillside anxiously await ing the court procession. The girls in their long colorful dresses stately walk down the winding path of the May Dell. A slight breeze stirs the grass. The skirts rustle. The queen stands as she is crowned. She then sits in the rustic outdoor throne and the girls in the court has never had any real close con tact with artists and has never stu died art, except for her course in art appreciation here. Comparing art to music, she says she can’t conceive of anyone understanding a complete performance who has never had any training in music. She named Eric Newton as the best Rondthaler lecturer Salem has ever had. While in Michigan, she went with her Connecticut roommate to the Shakespearean Festival at Strat ford, Ontario, where she saw Hamlet and Twelfth Night. She was very excited when the Pierret tes chose the latter of these last fall, and decided she must be in the cast. She played the part of the page. The actors she saw this (Continued on Page Six) surround her. The narrator begins. “Billy Big elow, do you remember . . .” Suddenly, there is a splash of color—bright red, hot orange, corn flower blue, dazzling chartreuse, brilliant purple. The crowds of people mill aimlessly past the Car nival show.s—the Arabian Dancer, the fat lady, the two-headed lady, the half-man, half-woman. The Parisian Can-Can girls. Billy Bigelow and Julie Jordon meet at the Carnival, dance to gether, and fall in love. Mrs. Fow ler, the Carousel owner, watches jealously in the background. The crowd breaks up into small bunches. The narration' stops. The scene shifts to a picnic—cloths are spread on the ground . . . food. The Choral Ensemble appears. The sound of their voices echo through the tree-lined dell. The dancers twirl and their skirts swish to the music of the Carousel Waltz. And then, “Once A Year Day” is snng as the hillside is covered in an array of color. The last notes die away. The dancers disappear. The color fades. The pageant is over as the nar rator begins again with the opening lines of Milten’s poem on May.