Volume XXXIX Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, October 3, 1958 Number 2 Hanes Gives Salem College Valuable Book A portion of the work of Dr. Sam Johnson that all Salemltes lhave studied or will study has now become a part of our campus. This rare and valuable first edition of Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, printed in 1775, has been presented to the Salem Library by Mr. Philip Hanes. Mr. Hanes, serving as chairman of the Art Council’s Committee for sell ing Little Theatre tickets, donated this Dictionary in recognition of Salem’s participation in the Little Theatre drive. Miss Jess Byrd, working with Mr. Hanes, organized a group of students for selling the tickets. Martha Goddard, Pier rette’s president, acted as the chair man of’ this group and Nan Wil liams, Mary Scott Best, Jean Smitherman, Jane Leighton Bailey, and Audrey Kennedy served with her. The preface to the Dictionary is perhaps the most intriguing and interesting 'part of the Dictionary. It is entertaining and delightful reading. For example. Dr. Johnson refers to lexicographers as “those unhappy mortals . . . the writers of dictionaries whose fate it is . . • to be exposed to censure, without hope of praise, to be disgraced by miscarriage, or punished for ne glect, where success would have been without applause, and dili gence without reward.’’ Many have praised this Diction ary of the English Language. It s the first to be considered a stand ard and the first to illustrate mean ings by quotations. It’s definitions are a happy illustration of the meanings of words. On the other hand, this Dictionary has been criticized because of its coloring of definitions by Johnson s own whims and prejudices. Price, Smitherman, Williams Capture Leading Role In Pierrettes’ Fall Production Of "Mary Stuart" Nan Williams Casting for the first play of the year, Mary Stuart, by Jean Gold- stone and John Reich was con ducted the last few days of Sep tember. The play, based on the German classic by Johann Fried rich Schiller brings to the stage a turbulent era of history, as violent and crucial as our own. The Elizabeth-Leicester-Mary re lationship is one of the great mys teries of all time. Mary Stuart is not a true historical drama, for Sarah Ann Price Jean Smitherman Salem Honors Mr. Crews For Service, Friendship “To Russell, in appreciation for 40 year’s service and friendship to Salem girls” . . . We would like to add; For soup on Wednesday, for Carols at Christmas, for Kitchen Parties in January, for feeding stray dogs, and for an always friendly smile. Who is Russell ? Of course he’s the cook, but do you know, for instance that he’s the father ,of 4 college graduates; Ollie, 31, who is working on her Ph. D. in Sociology; Geraldine, 36, who gave up a promising career at Juilliard to marry a minister; Jerry, 25, who is a coach and a history teacher; and Russell, Jr., who is a business Student Body Meeting Stimulates Thought, Talk The student body meeting held in chapel on Monday, September 12 was extremely stimulating. Un usually passive and restless, anxious to get out iri time to check their mail boxes before class, Salemites' asked questions, aided Student Government President Margaret MacQueen in making explanations, and expressed their pleasure or dis pleasure with action taken. After the preliminaries were over and Margaret had presented and received approval of a proposal for increased Student Council repre sentation and had discussed the questions that seemed to cause the most confusion on the handbook test, Caroline Easley began the dis cussion from the floor by asking for clarification of the statement in the handbook “it is not permis sible for a student to have her paper corrected by another person before it is given to an instructor.” This question and revelant ones were directed to the chairman, but she deliberately left the floor open for discussion. The concensus of opinion seemed to be that correct ing spelling while typing another student’s paper or criticizing a paper for a friend is not a viola tion of the honor code. However, a student may not go through a paper correcting spelling and gra- matical errors for another student. Salemites. commissioned their stu dent body president to discuss sev eral matters with Dr. Hixson for them. They want it made clear that hour tests, are to be announced at least a week in advance, and that a student does not receive a zero on an unannounced test given when she is taking a cut. Mar garet is also to discuss with Dr. Hixson the possibility of students being able to check their cuts as they have in the past. —Nancy Jane Carroll manager and accountant in New York. Russell is so proud of his child ren that I could hardly get him to talk about himself, but I did learn that he likes football, and his favorite team is Union University where Jerry played guard for four years. Russell is also on the board of trustees and is chairman of the scout committee at the First Bap tist Church. But his first love is cooking. “No Sir! I don’t cook at home”, he said. The reason ? Because the stove’s too small. Russell likes to cook for a lot of people and es pecially for fancy parties. He get’s a lot of practice along this line in the summer as he is R. J. Reyn old’s cook and travels around the country with him. In other sum mers Russell has cooked at the Albemarle Hotel at Va. Beach (does this bring back any summer memories) at the Greystone Inn/ in Roaring Gap, and at Camp Yonal- lossie, so you may have eaten his food before ever coming to Salem. Russell said that he ’v.'ould like for us to know that we have had a part in keeping him so young in heart. “Being around you young people, hearing you chirping and carrying on, well it’s just kept me from feeling old and I guess that’s why I’ve stayed here at Salem for so long.” Well, Russell, we’d like to say that we hope it’ll be 40 years more. Directory Dr. Lewis offers a book review on page 2. Ruth Bennett interviews our for eign students on page 5. ■ An informative discussion of the Moravian Music Foundation by Erwin Robbins contains information about a new musical instrument. Page 6. And note the seven ways to be a “bad” professor on page 4. many of the events are without historical verification. The intro duction says: “In much the same manner that truth is often stranger than fiction, so it might be possible for fiction to have more veracity than' truth.” Miss Barbara Battle, director, has disclosed the cast as follows: Elizabeth, Queen of England, is to be played by Jean Smitherman. Jean, a senior Englisli major and editor of the Salemite, has had much experience with the Salem stage. She is probably most re membered for her performance as Viola in Twelfth Night last fall, for which she received the Pierro Statuette for the best actress of 1957-58. She was stage manager for The Glass Menagerie, directed Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden by Thornton Wilder in Theater Workshop, and during Orientation Week she directed “The Drunken listers” also by Wilder. Mary, Queen of Scots will be played by Sarah Ann Price who is also a senior English major. She played Sebastian in Twelfth Night. Note that Jean and Sarah Ann were brother and sister in Twelfth Night and in Mary Stuart they are sisters. Sarah played the role of the Stage Manager in Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden; she appeared as Apollo in The Drunken Sisters. Nan Williams, also a hit in Twelfth Night as the Duke of Or- sino, returns as the Earl of Lei cester. Nan, a Junior chemistry major was an Oslo Scholar last year. Her other stage experience includes the role of the , boy in Hello Out There by William Saro yan in the Theater Workshop. In Mary Stuart she plays the spine less go-between who loves Mary, but who is loved by Elizabeth,^ Lynn Sowder, a sophomore trans fer from Mars Hill Junior College will play the part of Sir Edward Mortimer, the instigator for Mary’s freedom. At Mars Hill she played the mother in The Winslowe Boy by Terrence Rattigan, and was awarded an “Oscar” as best sup porting actress. Lord Burleigh, the Lord High Treasurer, will be portrayed by the president of the Pierrettes, Martha Goddard, who is also the producer of the play. Martha proved her value as an actress as Malvolio in Twelfth Night. She Senior Follies Predicted Hit If you are among those misled Salemites who think our “senior sisters” are too dignified for such literature as fairy tales, you have a surprise in store on Wednesday night, October 8th. That is the date for an annual campus favorite, the Senior Follies. Leading parts in the production will be played by Mary Jo Wynne, Ann Brinson, Margaret MacQueen, Sarah Ann Price, Mary Jane May- hew, Katie Teague, and Martha Goddard. Susan McIntyre is chair man of the Follies, as well as pro ducer-director. A speaking chorus, directed by Dr. Welch, will be a unique feature of the presentation. The music will be written by Frankie Cunningham; -the choreo graphy will be directed by Miss Gentry. also produced The Dunken Sisters for Orientation Week. Burleigh is the Lord High Treasurer who wants to have Mary be-headed. Another sophomore transfer from Mars Hill, Marcia Black, will play Sir William Davison, Secretary of State. Marcia’s experience includes a role with the Asheville Com munity Theater as the Other Wo man in Witness for the Prosecu tion. Hannah Kennedy, Mary’s com panion, will be played by a Sopho more, Caro Calhoun. Caro played the wife in The Man Who Mar ried A Dumb Wife by Anatole France in the Theater Workshop. Paulet, Mary’s guardian is to be played by Lydia Seaber. The Lord of the Privy Seal, Earl of Shrewsbury will be played by Mary Ann Brame. Rosemary Laney will portray Count L’Aube- spine. Ambassador from the Court of France. Other characters are; Sir Andrew Melvil, Agnes Sende; Page, Elizabeth McLean; O’Kelly, Mary Jane Mayhew; Guards, Grace Walker and Abby Suddath. Rehearsals for the play will be gin Tuesday, October seventh. M. Mueller Will Present Organ Recital Margaret Mueller, recent bride of John Mueller of the Salem Col lege organ department, will pre sent an organ recital on' October sixth. Mrs. Mueller has chosen a repertoire of religious music of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and twen tieth century composers. Mrs. Mueller’s first selection will come from “Veni Creator”, a hymn written by the seventeenth century French composer, deGrigny, Dur ing the epoch the verses of hymns were alternately played by the organ master, and sung by the^ choir, with the organ master im provising on the melody. Mrs. Mueller will play two verses of improvision from the hymn. Religious music of the eighteenth century is best examplified by the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. Mrs. Mueller has chosen to play three chorale-preludes: “We all be lieve in one God”, “Glory be to God on High”, and “Kyrie, God, Father in Eternity.’’ The chorale- prelude is an organ composition based on a Protestant Chorale de signed to be played before the chorale is sung by the choir and congregation. Martin Luther was the first composer of Protestant Chorales, but to the present-day musician, chorales are best known in their harmonization by Bach. From twentieth century religious music, Mrs. Mueller has chosen “Glory be to God in the Highest Throne” by Ernest Pepping and “Go'd Among Us” from the “Na tivity” composed by Olivier Mes siaen for La Trinite in Paris, where he is organist. Mrs. Mueller, who will be making her debut ’ on Salem’s campus at 8:30 p.m. in Old Chapel Monday night, received her Bachelor of Music and Master of Music de grees from Oberlin College. She has taught at North Dakota State Teacher’s College, Ames College and Randolph-Macon Women’s Col lege. She received a Fulbright to study in Germany and a scholar ship from Oberlin to study in France. Mrs. Mueller teaches both piano and organ at Salem.

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