Volume XXXIX Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, Nov. 7, 1958 Number 7 Who’s Who For 1958-59 Announced Committee Chooses Six Seniors, Campus Leaders Six seniors active in campus a*"- fairs have been chosen to repre sent Salem in the 1958-59 edition of Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. They are Ann Brinson, from Coral Gables, Flo rida; Frankie Cunningham of Win- Outstanding Poet Will Visit Salem .* .vwgOwnBrBM ' Standing by the fountain in back of South dormitory are the seniors chosen to represent Salem in *^^Vho’s Who in American Colleges and Universities”. From left to right they are: Marilyn Shull, Frankie Cunning ham, Margaret McQueen, Ann Brinson, Marcellle Van Liere, and Jean Smitherman. Local Artists Display Varied Talents Oil Paintings Show Freedom In Art Form ■;‘The music students have relin quished their privilege of being the most frequent viewers of Salem’s art exhibits to the faculty whose offices are located on first floor Main Hall. The privilege will also be the students’. On the brick wall opposite and adjoining the steps to second floor, hang oil paintings by “Four Experimental Artists”. The exhibit includes along with the paintings information about the artists, their written Manifesto, and a brief history of Expressionism. It (comes to Salem through the Art Department at Davidson and feat ures the work of Judy Joy, Richard Carlyon, Eleanor Rufty and James B^mgardner. James Bumgardner attended Salem and is a native of Winston-Salem. All four artists are young, in their twenty’s or Eirty’s, and now live in Richmond, Wrginia. with the background. They blend into the background, giving a feel ing of continual movement. Bum- gardner’s “Portrait of Judy” is an example of Expressionism. The colors he used are raw, uncon Ventional. The contours are harsh, irregular, and the figure is abruptly separated from the background. Carlyon’s “Sketchbook Quartet” is similar to “Portrait of Judy” in technique; Joy’s “Young Portrait” combines expressionism with cubism for an unusual effect. A flat, two- dimensional plane is characteristic of all the paintings. Rufty, Bumgardner, Joy, and Carlyon represent emerging Ameri can artists striving for independence from European traditions. Their paintings are worth a second glance, and a second thought. Arts Council To Present, Showcase Expressionism, the characteristic dement in these paintings, is best mderstood by the last two senten ces of the artists’ Manifesto. It •eads: “The essential fact about each one of us is our constant, ncessant, and active concern with irt . . . A celebration of unre trained freedom . . . An asserta- ion of Life. It is terrible, it is rightening, it is beautiful”. Under- tanding that the artists’ purpose s to express himself should help he passing critic who judges at irst glance. The methods used by the four experimental artists” vary. Rufty’s Nuns in an April Forest” and -arlyon’s “Legend of the Field” re subjective approaches to the ubject. The hazy figures in these •aintings do not contrast sharply The Arts Council of Winston- Salem is putting on the Arts Show case November 13-15. Those taking part in the showcase productions for these three days are the Dance Forum, The Little Theatre, and the Salem-Symphony Trio. The Dance Forum will present the ballet “Pas d’Ecole” and the Little Theatre, the play “Dark Lady of the Sonnets” by George Bernard Shaw. The program sponsored by the Salem Symphony Trio will in clude an original work commis sioned for the Showcase by Mrs. Margaret V. Sandresky, a program of seven Spanish songs by Mrs. Joan Jacobowsky, and a perform ance of the theme and variations from the “Trio in B Flat Major” by Beethoven. Those desiring tickets to the Showcase may purchase them for a dollar at the Arts Center, 610 Coliseum Drive. The Arts Council is a council of the art organizations in the com munity and is dedicated to promot ing, financing, and advising these various organizations. The Arts Council Showcase, rgiven in celebration of the opening of the recently completed Art Cen ter, is being presented mainly to thank the community members for help in the building of this new center. Photograms Exhibited In Main Hall As a part of Salem’s new Graphic Art course, Susan McIntyre and Elizabeth Smith have recently com pleted a display of photograms. They are now being exhibited at the southeast end of Main Hall. These photograms are a study in design. The photograms were done in the darkroom of the Science Building under the supervision of Mr. Britt (What will he be doing next!) He explained the developing process to the girls so that they could do the actual wqrk themselves. i Susan and Elizabeth used bits of colored plastic, leaves, ,and even test tubes, watches and rings to form the various shapes they wanted for their design. Since all of the work had to be done in complete darkness, the design had to be thought out ahead of time. The girls experimented with single, double, and triple exposures, find ing that the double exposures gave the best results in contrast and shades of grey. The poetry and prose writings of Reed Whittemore, who will be a campus' visitor at Salem College on November 10th, are earning for him a reputation as one o*" America’s outstanding contemporary literary figures. Two books of poetry have been published by Mr. Whittemore. They are “Heroes and Heroines” (Reg nal and Hitchcock, 1946) and “An American Takes a Walk” (Univer sity of Minnesota Press, 1956). His poems have appeared in the New Yorker, New Republic, Nation, Se- wanee Review, Kenyan Review, Poetry, Furioso, Chicago Review, New Orleans Poetry Review, Sat urday Review of Literature, Yale Review, and the Virginia Quarterly Review. In 1957 a series of six of his essays were published in the New Republic, and he has also contri buted to Esquire. He was one of the founders of the “little maga zine,” Furioso, published by Mr. Whittemore from 1946 to 1953. Mr. Whittemore was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1919, was edu cated at Andover and Yale, and did graduate work for a year at Prince ton. During World War II he served four years in the Mediter ranean Theater as a captain in the U. S. Air Force. He has taught during summers at the Universities of Iowa and Minnesota, and since 1947 has been on the ^'acuity of Carlton College in Minnesota where he is Associate Professor of Eng lish. In 1957 he conducted the Writer’s Conference at the Uni versity of Indiana. The humorous, satirical vein of Mr. Whittemore’s poems is dis tinctly pointed up by James Dickey in his review of “An American Takes a Walk” for Poetry Maga zine. He says: “As a poet with certain obvious and amusing gifts, Reed Whittemore is almost every one’s favorite . . . The subjects of the world stand around you, during your reading of Whittemore’s poems, revealed in their inconse- quently, ridiculous, very recogniz able and humorously contemptible attitudes, and never in their most deeply characteristic and unknown gestures, in unmanageable love.” For Mr. Whittemore’s visit here, whicfi is being made under the auspices of the Arts Program, As sociation of American Colleges, a program of stimulating activities has been planned. He will speak to the student body in chapel Monday, November 10th. From 4 o’clock until 5 o’clock he will be in the Day Student Center. Coffee will then be served. Mr. Whitte more will be in some of the classes all day Monday and part of Tues day. ston-Salem; Margaret MacQueen of Clinton; Marilyn Shull of Chevy Chase, Maryland; Jean Smitherman of Elkin; and Marcille Van Liere of High Point. The girls were nominated on the basis of qualities set up by the National Committee, whose offices are in Tuscaloose, Alabama. The following areas were considered: 1. The student’s excellence and sincerity in scholarship. 2. The student’s leadership and participation in extra-curri cular and academic activities. 3. The student’s citizenship and service to the school. 4. The student’s promise of *'u- ture usefulness to business and society. Ann Brinson, a mathematics major, has been most active in Stu dent Government. A Dean’s List student, she served as Treasurer of the Stee Gee Association last year, and presently she is heading the Judicial Board Planning Com mittee. An Oslo scholar last year, Fran kie Cuningham divides her time be tween activities associated with her music major with Student Govern ment. As vice-president of the stu dent body, she serves as Chairman of the Chapel Committee and of the Presidents’ Forum. Student Government is also the area of greatest activity for Mar garet MacQueen. Before becoming president of the Association last year, Margaret, a language major, served on the WRA Council. Marilyn Shull, a piano major, hos divided her time btween or ganizational activities of the music students, the Stee Gee Association and the Pierrettes. The current editor of the Salem- ite, Jean Smitherman, is an English major. Her second major area o*" activity is the Pierrettes, campus dramatics group. Marcille Van Liere, a home eco nomics major, also comes from the area of publications. This year she edits the Sight* and Insights. She has also worked with the pierrettes and in Student Government. The Salem College Who’s Who Committee was composed of Dr. Gramley, Dr. Hixon, and Dean Heidbreder of the administration. Dean Sandresky of the School of Music, Miss Margaret MacQueen representing the students, and Dr. William White, Miss Mozelle Pal mer, and Dr. Inzer Byers from the faculty at large. DIRECTORY The Pierrettes, campus dramatic group, step up production on “Mary Stuart”. Story and picture page 5. ♦ ♦ ♦ The new Pointiff of the Roman Catholic Church is discussed in Beyond the Square” on page 2. ♦ ♦ ♦ A new photo-feature, the “Por trait o*" the Month” appears on page 3, along with a feature on our library custodian. Nelson. ♦ ♦ ♦ Salem professor, Stephen Paine, discusses his views converning jazz —found on page 4. ♦ ♦ ♦ Dean Heidbreder’s job takes her to New York City. Report on page 6.