. Volume XXXIX Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, December 12, 1958 Number 1 1 Seniors Plan Traditional jCaroling Traditional Christmas caroling by ■ the seniors will take place imme- . diately following the Christmas Banquet on Thursday, December 18. Margaret Fletcher, who is in charge of the caroling, will lead the seniors in a variety of Christmas music. An added feature will be a sextet, com posed of Martha Goddard, Frankie Cuningham, Jane Leighton Bailey, Margaret Fletcher, Jean Smither- man, and Mary Thaeler, who will present special numbers. Some of the places the carolers plan to sing are: the area behind South dormitory, the area between Babcock and Clewell dormitories, the homes of Rev. J. C. Hughes, .the Pfohl’s and the C. S. Starbuck’s on Church Street, the Belo and Brothers’ Houses. They will also j serenade at the Salem Home on Sguth Main Street, the infirmary,; Dr. Gramley’s home, and the ‘Square. After the caroling the seniors will be entertained at the Gram- i ley’s. A Study In Lines Dansalems To Present "Evening Of The Dance” Appearing in the Dansalemi Townes, Sara Lou Richardson, recital on December 17 are Alta Lu and Marjorie Foyles. (Photo by Grigg) The Dansalems’ much anticipated “Evening of the Dance” will be presented on Wednesday, December IRC Hears Major Party Views, Plans On Wednesday, December 17, at 6:30, the International Relations Club will hold its regular monthly meeting. This particular meeting promises to be one of the best of the year, especially for those in terested in learning more about politics. In preparation for voting in the 1960 presidential election, the club is presenting the platform of the two major parties. The Republican viewpoint will be presented by Mrs. Ann Hickman, a townswoman very interested in the Young Republi cans Club. For the Democrats, a member of the Wake Forest Young Democrats Club will speak. There will be an open discussion period. In order to supply ample room, the meeting will be held informally in the Friendship Rooms of Strong Dormitory. 17 at 8:30 in Memorial Hall. In keeping with the season, Christmas is the theme of many of the numbers. Such numbers as: “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, “We Three Kings”, “Fantasy of Sleigh Bells”, “The First Noel”, “Carol of the Bells”, and “Joy to the World” are designed to put the audience in a festive mood. “Ferdinand the Bull” and “Bach Prelude” are two other numbers which will give variety to the de lightful program. The two soloists will be Henrietta Jennings in “Swiit Things Are Beautiful”, and Agnes Sende in “Saraband”. Variety is the keynote of this year’s program. Some of the num bers will be done to music and others to a speaking chorus. Some will convey and idea and others will convey an idea and others will be done according to strict form. Me/uU Beaucoup, ZtAu fleaac^ /I PoaM>-Nou4> Uo-hA. FF By Mary Jo Wynne Coming through the archway, S Ruth and I commented on the cold ^jwind that seeped through our coats, p just beyond the archway we saw S three small boys dressed in gray S overcoats. With them was a little, M'girl, a man, and a woman. As we neared the group, we heard them » talking to Marilyn Shull and Cath ie erine Recamier, but walking by I them we realized that they weren’t speaking English. Marilyn told us the family had come from Mexico where the father had been, playing the accordian with Sp a band for two years. They were ^ Parisians and were on their way back to France. She had also learned that the six, Madame and Monsieur Vignes, Dominique, 12, Bernard, 11, Etienne, 9, and Fran cois, 8, had been traveling by bus for three days. After learning their names, they no longer were strangers. Through series of sign language conversa tions, we actually understood each other. 'Catherine’s French gave her the advantage in conversation. Finally we, interrupted, out of na tural feminine curiosity, to find out just what was being discussed. Catherine explained that she and Madame Vignes were reminiscing about Paris. The father turned to us and smiled, saying, “Les fillies parlent beaucoup de Paris!” We then realized that women’s “tete a tete” was universal and laughed with the monsieur. They declined our invitation to dinner, saying they had to go back to the bus station. Catherine and I drove them to the station, where they all “merci beaucoup-ed” me and Monsieur-Vignes told Catherine that I drove very well. “Ah-ha,” I thought, “Frenchmen don’t trust women drivers, either!” ■y In the dining hall back at Salem ■' * I mentioned to Catherine how sorry I was that the family had to leave before dinner. She then informed me that their bus did not leave until 9:00. Thinking of this family sitting in the bus station, filled with ■ people speaking a language unknown to them, I decided that our living room in Bitting was a more comfortable place —■ and we could talk to them there. Catherine agreed. We pushed back our chairs, rushed over to another table, and persuaded Corky Scruggs to go get them while we arranged supper for them. We immediately went to the dorm, called the bus station, had them paged, and Catherine and Corky left as I went into the Bit ting living room, now filled with seniors, to tell them about our com ing visitors. Rushing to the dining room, Bet sey Gilmour, Miss Sampson and I met the maids at the door of the kitchen and retrieved what food we could from their carts. The maids, just as excited as we were, helped us prepare one end of the table which had been used by the Phi Alpha Theta’s for dinner. Place cards, with Santa Claus seals on them, which Phi Alpha Theta had used, were still on the table. We tore off the names of the members and replaced them with the names of the French family. Just as we finished, Catherine entered with the family. We grab bed the hands of the children and showed them their cards at the appointed places, watching their surprise when they saw their names on the cards. The father remarked that they were “invitations,” and since we couldn’t explain what they were, we agreed that they were “souvenirs.” When Monsieur Vignes learned that Margaret Fletcher could play the piano, he insisted on a perform ance. Margaret began a series of Christmas carols, then the father requested “Jingle Bells”—he could hum it but did not know the name of it. We sang the song for him; and followed it with “Adeste Fide- lis”—^which we all sang, in Latin. The father, after the mother’s suggestion, announced that he had written parts for “O, Tannenbaum” for his boys to sing. We watched with interest as the father hummed the parts for the boys, gave them the beat, and led them as they sang, with sounds only heard when boys’ voices have not grown deeper. We could hardly remember to raise our hands and clap when they finished. Back in Bitting dorm, various Salemites greeted us and introduc tions were made by the gross. Someone snapped on the TV set, and just as if we had brought in a giant cake or unveiled some long- awaited gift, the children ran over and plopped down on the floor in front of the set. The children were especially excited because a cowboy program was on. All of them wore cowboy boots, and the mother told us they had been acquired when they first got to Mexico. The child ren had worn them continually since then. Pictures were soon taken, two more, performances of “O, Tannen baum” were given (the father apologizing for the boys’ “fatigue” —accent on the first syllable) and we all sat around sometimes just looking from one face to another and sometimes trying to talk to them. Marilyn suggested that we take them to the Moravian Candle Tea and Putz. The parents happily ac cepted, but declined for the child ren. When we inquired about the children, Catherine explained that the mother just plain wanted to get away from them for awhile. Re membering what a glorious day Saturday was for my mother when I was very young and stayed in the movie all day, I knowingly re plied with a nod, “Je comprends,” and she threw back her head, the two of us grabbing each other’s arms and laughing. The Vignes were very impressed with the candle-making (Marilyn bought them a Moravian candle), sweetcakes, the Old Salem scene and especially the Nativity. Be cause of lack of tirne, one of the Moravian women asked for every one’s co-operation ih letting us get through the line quickly. Back on campus near 9:00, we scattered the six Parisian's among three cars of Salemites, so that they could be shared among us, and drove to the bus station. We entered the station like a group of mass migrants and after settling down, the father played his accordian for us. As he played our requests, “Hi-Lilli, Hi-Lo,” “La Mer,” and others (we sang—all of us), he seemed to be saying, “Play ing this accordian for you is telling you what we have meant to one another tonight.” Later we sang “Alloette,” “Frere Jacques,” and any French song that came to mind. We also slipped in a song of our own—^“Auld Lang Syne.” When the time came for them to board the bus, we gave them a bag of cakes, rolls and apples (which Marilyn had calletf potatoes in French) to eat on the remainder of their trip. Just before they got on, the mother hugged each of us, the father shook each girl’s hand saying, “Merci, merci beaucoup et au revoir a Paris,” and we found the still uncertain children and hugged them as we told them good bye. We stood by the bus and they waved to us through the windows as we sang to them in French— something we wanted to say that Catherine had taught us — “Nous vous aimons.” They replied, “Nous, aussi.” On Christmas day they will burn their Moravian candle on their table for us. We will remember and say “Merry Christmas” to others with the glow of the Vignes’ candle shin-- ing on our faces. They were speaking in French, hut the Vignes children communicated the fact that they too played cowboys. The Vignes Family: Dominique, Bernard, Francoise, and Etienne, with Monsieur and Madame Vignes.

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