I , • iUa> Volume XXXIX g>abmtlg Salem College, WinstomSalem, N. C., Friday, January 16, 1959 Audrey Smith Is Chosen "Mrs.” Student Teacher iJacobowsky Plays Violin IConcerto In D Minor ith Winston Symphony Eugene Jacobowsky, a member of the faculty of the Salem College School of Music, will be the violin soloist at the Winston-Salem Sym phony Concert on February 3. Mr. Jacobowsky is a concert master of the Winston-Salem Symphony and has appeared previously as a soloist with the Symphony. For two sea sons, 1952 and 1955, he conducted the rehearsals for the Symphony. Audrey Kennedy Smith Will Represent Salem’s Student Teachers At Convention In accordance with 21 other North Carolina Colleges, the SNEA pre sented three candidates for “Miss event of the church music meetings, the first movement with the violin entering in an amble fashion, then settling down to the first theme. The second movement is song-like, opening with an introduction by wind instruments, sober and beauti fully colored. The finale resembles a Russian dance, full of energy and repititions. The Brahms’ Symphony No. 2 is not performed as often as his other three symphonies. The first move ment opens with a horn solo accom panied by strings. The second movement is a slow lyric one, while the third movement is a lul- labye. The appearance of Gluck’s Ip- higeriie En Aulide marked a new era in the French Opera, for it put into practice the reformed construc tion of the opera; the music now ftkterpreted each dramatic situation. Student Teacher” in Chapel on Thursday, January 15. Every year a “Miss Student Teacher” is se lected to serve as Salem’s repre sentative to the state convention in the Spring. The Salemite se lected as “Miss Student Teacher” is a representative of the college and of the qualities deemed neces sary by the college for a successful teacher. The winner is not neces sarily the best teacher, but a repre sentative one. The final selection lay in each girl’s ideas and her presentation of them, her poise, speech, and the manner in which she handled the questions posed her by the judges. The judges were county and city school officials, and Salem College faculty and administration members. Audrey Smith Happy In Roll Of "Miss” and "Mrs.” Audrey Kennedy Smith : The concert to be presented in February will include Tschaikov- sky’s Violin Concerto in D major, EBrahms’ Symphony No. 2, and '.Gluck’s Iphigenie En Aulide. The Tschaikovsky Concerto is essentially a lyric work, full of im pulsive emotional intensity, and using Slavic and Russian folk ma terial. An orchestral theme opens Dr. McCorkle .Lectures On qChurch Music y Church music will be the center *vof attention at the Northwestern . '^University school of music Febu- ^"'.rary 1-3, 1959, when visitors to the school’s annual Midwinter Confer- • 'ence on Church Music and mern- .. bers of the commission on music "lof the Department of Worship and -..^Arts of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. participate in a joint meeting. The National Council of Churches’ commission on music ordinarily ■ .(meets in New York City, but this -q year is meeting on the Evanston 'jcampus of Northwestern University 3 and is opening many sessions to J persons registered-for the school of music’s Midwinter Conference on ifelChurch Music. S Lectures and a program entitled Introduction to Early Ameri- hyican Moravian Music” will be held Monday, Feb. 2. Donald M. Me- Corkle, a member of our college . faculty who is director of the Mo- ravian Music Foundation, and prin- • cipal authority on the music of the , early American Moravians, will be ^ the speaker. Thor Johnson will A conduct musical selections by Maud ■-'.Nosier, (soprano), soloists, and j ensembles from the school of music. , Many members of the commission ■ J : and persons attending the Midwin- , . VMer Conference on Church Music .Iwill also attend the Northwestern University Handel Commemoration ’■lip Festival which is being held the . a three days prior to the joint meet ing. A performance of Handel s .. oratorio “Solomon” with Thor - Johnson as conductor, on Sunday t evening Feb'. 1, is the closing event ^of the Handel Festival and opening Karlis Leyasmeyer Draws On Personal Experiences To Speak On Commuism Dr. Karlis Layasmeyer, an au- I thority on Communist ideology, Soviet strategy and the Russian j system, will speak in Chapel at Salem on Monday, January 20. He is to be in Winston-Salem from January 19-21 on a lecture tour sponsored by International Christ ian Leadership. Dr. Leyasmeyer, now a citizen of the United States, is a Latvian who once lived in Russia and saw the Communist Revolution of 1917. Ed ucated in Russia, Latvia, England, and Germany, he later taught philo sophy and psychology in higher in stitutions of learning. Dr. Leyas meyer knows from experience Com munist and Nazi persecution, hav- Office Gives Registration, Exam Info. All required work for the semes ter, except the examination, must be completed and handed in by 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 21, the day before Reading Day. Students must report to each scheduled examination. Any emergency situation affect ing examinations should be reported immediately. Absences from the campus during the examination period may be pos sible under certain conditions and if the proper form is filled out in the office. See page 32, section H, of the handbook for details. Also see pages 52 and 53 of the handbook for Reading Day and examination regulations. The blue book fee of .47 should be ^aid to the Book Store before examinations begin. No grades will be issued by faculty members nor from the Re corder’s Office until registration day, February 2. If any change in second semester courses is desired before registra tion day, Miss Simpson should be notified immediately. Registration begins at 2:00 o’clock on February 2. The procedure will require at least an hour and must be completed by 5:00 o’clock. ing barely escaped death before the firing squad after a Communist arrest in 1941,' and later facing the Nazi ordeal. Since 1930, he has also been editor of educational and scientific magazines. Dr. Leyasmeyer has lectured in eleven European countries, through out the United States and Canada, and on radio and television net works. He has been described as “an excellent speaker . . . who, as a first hand observer and student of the present international cirsis, gives of the events leading up to the from his wide experience a tho rough understanding of world prob lems in his penetrating analysis of the present world situation.” His topic at Salem will be “Com munism — a Counterplan of Re demption.” With sparkling eyes and a man ner that revealed maturity, Audrey Kennedy Smith, Miss Student Teacher, sat in one of the brown leather chairs in Dr. Welch’s of fice and talked about her enthus iasm for people in general, and sixth grade people in particular. Even as a high school student in Rocky Mount, N. C., Audrey was vitally interested in people. She took part in civic projects and Nvas president of. the Sub-Deb Club and a member of the National Honor Society. Her favorite sub ject was English, and her favorite teacher. Miss Kate Kitchen, ex plored this interest. Audrey explained that she began to get to know little people when she was in high school. Also, Mr. Stee Gee Proposals Have Merit Pierettes Set T ryouts For "Miser” Barbara Battle, Pierrette sponsor, has announced that the spring pro duction of Salem’s drama group will be Moliere’s comedy The Miser. This light play was chosen to contrast with the weight of the fall production Mary Stuart. The Miser is the Story of an old man who loves money more than family, reputation or the girl he seeks to marry in rivalry with his son. Eventually the son joins in .a plot to steal the miser’s money and hide it, thus forcing him to allow him and his sister to marry as they wish. Before this can happen how ever an endless variety of comic incidents occur. The play in three acts has a cast of fifteen. Girls will take men’s parts in The Miser, as they have in the last two Pierrette produc tions. Casting will begin on Wednesday, February 4th and will probably be completed the following day. The play will be given around the mid dle of April. In the Student Body meeting held on Monday, January 12, the main business consisted of explain ing and discussing two changes in student government. The first is a division of the Student Govern ment into three parts—executive, judicial, and legislative. This divi sion will delegate authority so that no one person will have too many meetings to attend. It will also leave the executive council free from the time consum ing tasks of hearing cases and in dividual petitions. This matter will be the sole duty of the Judicial Board. Several new offices are created by this new organization thus giving positions of responsi bility and active participation to more girls on Salem’s student body. The second change will be the innovation of a point system. Each office will carry a certain number of points, the major offices carry ing a maximum of ten points. No girl will be allowed to hold offices amounting to more than this num ber of points. This system prevents overworking of any student and also insures that each office will receive enough attention from the student elected to the position. Participation in activities is not included, so the student can join any activity she feels she has time for. As was pointed out in the meeting, this is not a system to see who can accu mulate the most points, but it ser ves as a protection for both the student and the offices. Students ■ seemed interested in these proposals, since they asked questions' about the changes they would bring to Salem’s campus Reception to both the organization of the Student Government and the point system seemed favorable They will be voted on in the next Student Body meeting. and Mrs. Dillon Rose, with whom she lived after the death of her parents, had two small children— Jep, who was about eight at the time, and Dillion, wdio was about six. Audrey played with them, even cooked for them —; in short, she learned, “What little boys are made of.” Now she plans to put'this knowl edge to use in a sixth grade class room. “I chose sixth grade because the children are old enough to do some independent work,” she said enthusiastically, “but are still will ing to accept the guidance of a teacher.” A history major, Audrey also explained that she liked sixth grade because world history was taught during that year. Audrey hopes to teach in Win ston-Salem next year, since she likes the school system here very much, and since her husband of three weeks, Wayne Smith, will finish at Wake Forest in 1960. Married this past December 19th, Audrey and Wayne have a small trailer located in back of the gym nasium at Wake Forest. Wayne is a political science major and Audrey proudly revealed—“Pie’s on an academic scholarship, and it’s real hard to keep up with all his A’s.” “We’re not sure yet,” she explained, “whether he’s going on into political science or whether he’ll get a law degree.” The Smiths play bridge for re laxation or drop in on one of his professors now and then. Audrey likes to read, Thomas Wolfe parti cularly. She also likes to cook and she laughingly confided as she left Dr. Welch’s office that she “had to go buy groceries and defrost the refrigerator.” Merriman Sings With Civic Music The Civic Music Association of Winston-Salem will present a con cert by Nan Merriman on January 19th, at 8:30 p.m. in Reynolds Auditorium. Miss Merriman is a native Ameri- * can singer who now makes her home in California. She has ap peared in concerts throughout the United States, and she has enjoyed even greater success in appearances in Europe. Miss Merriman has sung with La Scala Opera Company and in many other opera houses abroad. She has starred in several European Festivals, among them those at Edinburgh, Salzburg, and Aix-en-Provence. Another facet of her success has been in recording. She has been selected by Toscannini for the re corded performance of many great works, among them the Missa Solemnis and Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.