Volume XXXIX Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, May 8, 1959 luniors Present In Honor Of Senior Class the rising senior class, Grace Wal ker, it is “really going to be some thing ex-tra special this year”. The Old Town Country Club will be' the setting for this banquet to be held next Wednesday, May 13, at 6:00. The junior class under the leadership of the committee heads has been working hard to make this Junior-Senior the best yet. Frances Jennette is over-all . chairman, Joan Brooks is entertain ment chairman, and Louise Adams SNEA Inducts New Members Next T uesday SNEA will feautre the induction of 45 new junior members and the installation of officers Tuesday, May 12, in Old Chapel at 6:30 p.m. Officers for the coming year are: Ann Beck, president; Vera Britt, vice-president; and Mary Scott Best, parliamentarian. The Children’s Literature Class will present a “shadow-graph”, and a puppet and marionette show. Re freshments will be served. Time for Salem’s traditional Jun- land Gwen Dickerson are in charge ior-Senior Banquet is here again Ff transportation and place, re- and according to the president of spectively. Vera Britt is chairman of the decorating committee. Miss Byers and Dr. Welch, class advisors, are planning to contribute fb the entertainment, and their ap pearance is certain to add to the program. Even the menu has been planned to be in keeping with this special event. The plans for the Junior-Senior do sound “extra special” this year, and every junior and senior can be assured of a wonderful evening with good food and entertainment. Jazz Authority Talks In Chapel The freshman class will present Judge Rich Fryer as speaker for .their chapel program Thursday, May 14. He is from Greensboro and is a distinguished N. C. Super ior Court Judge. In addition to being a judge, he is an authority on jazz. It is this subject on which the program will be based. Judge Fryer plays jazz records and then explains their meaning to his audience. He adds his own talent to the program by playing a saxaphone. Seniors Exhibit Individual Styles In Art Creation At this time each year all the senior art majors put on a repre sentational showing of their work. The class of ’59 has five girls who are putting on an exhibit now. Susan McIntyre, from Lumber- ton, N. C., is exhibiting in the Stu dent Center. Her work consists of nine oils, a statue, various forms of graphic art, an enamel painting, ..and four water colors. She also is displaying a portion of her sketch book, and the transfer of some of these sketches into her oil paintings can be seen. Some of her work is completely non-objective, and much of it has an abstract quality al though none could be classified as true abstraction. The other exhibits are in Main Hall. Margaret Taylor, from Kinston, N. C., is showing seven oils, five ink drawings, and five water colors. She has concentrated on composi tion rather than subject matter, stressing movement of form, using varied techniques of texture. Her water colors are concerned pre- dominently with the technique of working quickly for a design effect. Elizabeth Smith, from Rocky Mount, N. C., has on display four oil paintings, six water colors, seven pieces of graphic art, and some ceramic work. Two of her oils are done in warm colors, one in cool colors, and one in a combination of both. She likes to experiment with both color and the medium itself. Freshman Plan The faculty has granted cuts for a Wednesday afternoon in October so that the plans for a revised Rat Week may be carried out. On Thursday, April 30, the student body gave a vote of confidence for this new plan which would shift the emphasis from ratting to organized group activities. The name of this event would also be changed. Now that the faculty has given their ap proval and the cuts, the final plan may be worked out. In October, oira Monday, the rules will be announced to the freshmen in assembly. On Tuesday, prepara tions for the field day and the pro duction will be completed. Since cuts are now permitted, ..Wednesday afternoon will be devoted to a field day including athletic events and some recreational activities. The Wednesday night; following this a production will be presented on freshman-sophomore party will conclude the whole program. The Salemite Offers Subscriptions The Salemite is now offering sub scriptions to the 1959-1960 issues to all graduating seniors or transfer students. The price will be $3.50. The Salemite will be mailed to you free of charge every week during the school year, except vacations and exam time. A subscription to the Salemite will be an easy way to ke’ep in touch with your friends in the stu dent body and the faculty, as well as a means of knowing when such events as the Senior Follies, the Rat Week production, or recitals are being held. If you want to know the student opinion on cam pus, as well as items of interest to alumnae, you must read the Salem ite each week. Contact Betsey Guerrant, the business manager, for your sub scription. Margaret Fletcher Gives Senior Recital, May II A miracle is in process in the i from 1:30 to 5:00. And to add to music building. Margaret Fletcher this predicament, she has a test is giving a senior piano recital on and a term paper assigned for the only one hour of credit! The usual day after the recital. But Mar- amount of credit given for one garet wanted to perform and she semester is three hours; for the has planned a difficult and interest- degree, four hours credit is Another problem is that she Margaret Fletcher had to practice teach from the be ginning of the semester up to two weeks before the recital is sche duled. This means that she taught from 8:00 to 12:30; went to class mg program. She opens with a Tausig trans cription of the Bach D minor Toc cata and Fugue. The Beethoven j Sonata in A flat, opus 26 does not follow the usual sonata form in that the first movement is a theme and variations, not the usual sonata-allegro. After intermission she will play the Rand, Jeux Deau and Franck’s Frelude, Chorale, and Fugue, a work that has not been performed at Salem in some time. The recital will be May 11 at 8:30. In her hometown, Elkin, Mar garet studied with Mrs. William I Waring, a Salem graduate. She gave a recital her senior year. At Salem she studied with Willis Stevens for three years; when he left to do more graduate work, she began to study with Mr. Heide- mann. She gave a sophomore re cital also. This summer she will have close association with famous musicians at Tanglewood, the summer camp sponsored by the Boston Sym phony. Dansalems Perform For TV Audience Thursday For the last performance of the be used creatively for the inform- year the Dansalems will present a fifteen minute television program on WSJS on Thursday, May 14 at 1:30 o’clock. The dual purpose is to entertain the public, as well as to inform them about Modern Dance. Debby McCarthy will demon strate how locomotion, axial move ments, falls and floor patterns can Gard©n Council Sponsors 18th Century “Holiday ’ ■ :■ . History Society Elects Easley New President Fhi Alpha Theta, national honor- , ary history society,, recently elected J;#:. officers for next year. Caroline ,'pEasley of Rock Hill, S. C. was elected president. Da. Africa was .^elected sponsor for the group. Phi Alpha Theta plans to hold several tiopen meetings next year to promote interest in the study of history on Joy Ferkins, from Stokes, N. C., has on exhibit ten water colors, six ink sketches and about eight oils .Her work is mainly concerned with color and design. She strongly ob jects to titling her pictures. She wants to spectators to see in her pictures whatever they feel, not what her idea was, and a title might change their interpretation. Feggy Newsome, from Winston- Salem, N. C., likes to work in water colors and ink, and her exhibit con sists mainly of work in these me diums. She also is showing three oils and some ceramic pieces. Some of her work shows her preference for an oriental influence, but she tries to experiment in as many techniques as possible. Her main purpose in painting is pleasure. Asked if any of their work is for sale, most of the girls answered with a hopeful “yes”. By Barbara Alman Amidst the gleam and flickering of candlelight, Salem Tavern be came the axis around which re volved May Holiday, the second an nual 18th century Salem Fair. Sponsored by the Winston-Salem Council of Garden Clubs, the ex hibition Wednesday and Thursday promoted interest in Old Salem as well as raised additional funds to maintain the council’s community projects. Among the institutions supported by this organization are Old Salem Restoration and Tanglewood Ar boretum. The group also under takes beautification designs such as the recent planting of trees and shrubs along Coliseum Drive. Adding to 18th century air hover ing around the Tavern, a Moravian attired woman played Germanic melodies on the harpsicord. Her traditional costume was a simple brown dress accented with a white embroidered satin bertha and a snugly fitting cap of white lace with a pale blue ribbon tie. The blue ribbon denoted her status as a mar ried woman. Widowed women wore white ribbons, single sisters pink, and little girls cherry red. The musician’s dress must have indi cated that she was a lady of con siderable wealth, probably a visitor to the community. The village wo men generally confined their dress to extreme simplicity—drab colors of brown, grey, blue or black for the most part, with a white ker chief at the neck. Behind the tavern across a stone terrace bordered by geraniums the exhibit booth area showed all the finery of a county fair. Lighted by oil burning torch lamps the mid way was surrounded by stands “strickly for the birds,” where bird houses and seed were sold, and also antique sales, bake sales and other fair-like concessions were operated. Fandora of New York entertained the children with a trained monkey and dog show and with burro rides. A German band and Salem College Choral Ensemble performed at the fair, and Jim Ball, professional auctioneer with a national tobacco ■firm, auctioned blankets. May Holiday was not confined to the Tavern and its fair grounds, however. The horticultural show at the Old Salem Fire House and open houses and gardens through out the city constituted another facet of the event. ative portion of the show. The prayer of unmarried girls, “Saint Catherine” will be danced by Alta Lu Townes, Marjorie Foy- les, Ann Fretwell, Judy Shannon and Linda Seay. Another poem, Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold >vill be interpreted by Jean Kane. Joan Brooks will be narrator for both poems. As a contrast, “Schizophrenic” will show how proper dance forms I can be used to express motion.' Peggy Brown is the ‘Schizophrenic’ with Susan Lloyd portraying her mirror reflection. The finale will be a dance entitled “Nautical Vision”. Alta Lu Townes, Sara Lou Richardson and Jane Pendleton are sailors; Susan Lloyd is the Spanish dancer. On May 11 the Dansalems will get away from dancing for a while with a picnic at Miller Park. Dr. Welch, whose invaluable help made the Speaking Chorus possible, will be a guest of the club. The presi dent, Alta Lu Townes, will give a summary of the year’s activities. Dean For Speaks Vespers Mrs. Amy Heidbreder, Dean of Students, will speak at the Mo ther’s Day Vesper Service this Sun day night. May 10. Her topic will be on what it means to be a mother. Vespers will be held at 6:00 in the Day Student Center. Everyone is cordially invited to at tend.