[^lume XL Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, January 15, 1960 Number 1 2 irst ''Pfohl House Girls** Will Graduate Sandi Prather Joins In Last Will G* Testament I, Mary Louise Lineberger, leave the freckle on my nose to Jette Seear. L Betsy Gatling, leave “Monoto nous” to one who is a far better performer than I—Jess Byrd. I, Connie McIntyre, leave my eleven o’clock curfew to Carol Doxey. I, Carolyn Ray, leave Jim Bray to his wife, I, Millie Fary, leave my Christ mas banquet gift to Mary Lu Nucko's. 1, Norwood Dennis, leave mid night organized recreation in Cle- well basement to Alice Huss. I, Jane Bellamey, leave my in ability to make decisions to Stee Gee. I, Frances Jennette, leave Salem College by the grace of God. I, Sandi Shaver Prather, leave my bobbi pin to Sally Wood. Pfolil House leaves the prophesy that Salem College will never allow any more mid-year graduates. We leave our grades on compre- hcnsives to the rest of the senior class. We leave our spacious living quarters to 3rd floor Clewell. We leave our burned out light bulbs, water fountain, mail boxes, and bulletin board to our faithful friend, Mr. Yarborough. Pfohl House leaves sadly . . . the seniors . . . but in good faith that you will soon follow. , cooking. —— " f i^mid the beauty, music, and dancing of May Day, a debutante wi" be presented by her proud ad mirers and supporters. Her unique personality will combine both the Wfitten and artistic expression of Salem College girls. In a sense, ^ffice Makes Changes I. Any student with 4 consecutive exams who have not notified Miss Simpson are requested to do so immediately. II. All work must be turned in by 6Jp.m. on January 20 (the day be fore Reading Day). Students are reminded that they cannot leave campus or have dates on Reading Day. III. The traditional Deans Coffee will be given from 9:45-11:15 on Reading Day. Students and faculty are cordially invited. Further in- foirmation will be posted. IV. Speech auditions will be given to freshmen and sophomores early second semester. The students will have a tape recording made of their voices to discover any deficiency m speech. V. Registration for 2nd semester will be held Monday, Feb. 1, from 2-5 p.m. Upperclassmen will regis ter with the heads of departments and freshmen will register with other faculty members on first floor of [Main Hall, students will receive envelopes containing grades and other information when they regis ter. The Home Economics Depart ment has announced several chan ges for next year. A new three hour course. Home Economics 227 on the history of housing and home furnishings will be offered. Beginning next year Flome Ec. 350 will be a three hour course with one hour of lecture and two two hour labs. Course 360 on home residence and management will be decreased to a two credit hour course with a change in emphasis tojmanagement instead of residence. prepare to. enter, Miss Literal y Magazine, escorted by every Salem College student. Granted, the comparison is fanci ful, but th^ publication of a literary ma’zagine on May 7 is being gfiveii mundane attention by the editors. Now the quest is for short stories, essays, poetry, critiques, and art work created by Salem students. Is there, stuffed behind discarded textbooks and old quiz papers, a manuscript that you never quite finished? Have you been looking for an excuse to polish up those essays on religious apathy among Civic Concert Presents Star Eileen Farrell The second concert in the 1959-60 series presented by the Civic Music Association of Winston-Salem will feature Eileen Farrell, a world fam ous soprano: Miss Farrell will open her pio- gram with two peices by Bach: Bete, Bete and My Heart Ever Faithful. An aria by Gluck is her next selection: Oh Stygian Gods. Then she plans to sing five songs by Franz Schubert: To the Lyre, You Love Me Not, Fishermans Song, To the Lute, and To the Eternal One, followed by Ocena Thou Mighty Monster from Oberon by Von Weber. ^ _ Following the intermissmn she will continue with ■ an ana from L’Enfant, Prodique by Debussy, Cornflower, also by Debussy; tmee by Francis Poulenc: Queen of Sea gulls, Hotel, Voice de Pans; There Shall Be More Joy, by Nordof , Hickory Hill, by Sargent; Lenstead Market, by Benjamin; Where is Dis Road A-leadin’ Me To. a negro spiritual by Arleii; Sing to Me, Sing, by Homer; and another aria Pace, Pace, Mio Dio from La Forza del Destine by Verdi. of Civil Defense? The poem that came to you in fragments during one of the Lec ture Series would be of interest to the girl who sat beside you or even to the law student at a near-by university. Why not submit your articles, all of which will be con sidered for publication and many of which will be eagerly read on May Day when every girl receives her copy ? Turn these works in to Felicity Craig ill 304 Strong Dormitory by February 3 at 6:00 p.m. All articles must be typed double-spaced. If you prefer to communicate through the media of paints and charcoal, talk with Toni Lamberti or Beverly Wolney, and select your best work of the semester, or begin a special piece of art for the magazine. The deadline for all articles and art work is March IS at 6:00 p.m. Many students and campus lead- The Honor’s Day program will be held in assembly, Feb. 8. Dr. Hix son will announce the Dean’s List for first semester and new members of the Honor Society. Dr. Byers will speak for the pro gram. Also at this time, nine sen iors will graduate. Pfohl House closes its doors se cond semester after sending eight graduating seniors to take their places in the world. Millie Fary, an English major, will reside in Greensboro. Next fall she plans to teach but until that time she will be engaged in another profession—at present un known. Mary Louise Lineberger will marry Bucky Allen on April 9 and will live in Durham. Mary Louise majored in economics and sociology. Carolyn Ray will become Mrs. Joe Bennett Feb. 27. A sociology- economics major, she plans to teach in secondary schools. A history major, Norwood Dennis is going to New York and try for work with the U.N., on Wall Street, or with American Field Service. Frances Jennette, who majored in math, has signed a contract with Creeds Elementary School, Virginia Beach, Va., where she will teach Virginia history and reading in the seventh grade. Betsy Gatling, major in English, will teach English in the Virginia public school system. Jane Bellamy plans to marry Vic Venters Feb. 27 and live in Rich- lands, N. C. Jane majored in Eng lish. Connie McIntyre will marry Lee more pre-med student at Emory. Connie hopes to teach art. Another graduate, day student Sandi Prather and husband Gordon will move to Greensboro where he is employed with Vick Chemical Company. iViany MUUCIIUS emta \^UI1IUC iVlCAUuyiC win ers have expressed a desire to have Hand March 13 and live in Atlanta a literary magazine at Salem, where he is enrolled as a sopho Tliosc who are especially interested have organized and selected the following officers: Nancy 1 ane Carroll, editor; Felicity Craig, assistant editor; Toni Lam berti, art editor; Susan Hughes, business manager; Libba Lynch, as sistant business manager; and Lib- bie Hatley, publicity chairman. Mr. Meigs is serving as faculty advisor for the group. The greatest need at present is for your original con tributions, so get to work and see your name in print! /tHHOUHceS, "/Ka picket Meeded! Murphy Comes For Humanities The Humanities Club will present Dr. Timothy D. Murphy as speaker in assembly Monday, Jan. 18. Dr. Murphy, whose speciality is logical analysis, is a professor in the philosophy and religion depart ment at Wake Forest. His topic will be “Contemporary Philosophy.” Dr. Gramley announced Wednes day that the college will take over the exam bluebooks for this semes ter and “from henceforth”. Exam tickets will be discontinued. Dr. Gramley thanked the Legisla tive Board for bringing the matter to his attention. He explained that the practice of charging $.50 a semester per stu dent for the use of bluebooks dur ing exams “wasn’t equitable”, since music and chemistry students would not in all likelihood use the same number of books for answering exams. Drama Group Will Present Fre nch PI ay By Peggy Brown “But what’s the 38 for, Johnny,” I asked on my second trip to J. Smith, Milliner, to ask about Am- phytryon 38, the Little Theatre’s next production. “You know, it’s been bothering me too,” he replied. “I’ll just call Doris (Pardington, the director) and ask.” W’e were informed that the author of this satirical farce, Jean Giraudoux, had attempted 38 times to recreate the Greek legend in the form which was translated and adapted from his French into this present form. The legend involves the God Jupi ter (Bill Griffin) and his lOve for Alkemena (Mrs. J. “Spotty” Simp son), the wife of the great Greek- General, Amphytryon (also Bill Griffin). Mercury (Johnny Smith) is Jupiter’s partner in crime, and the play opens as they discuss plans for Jupiter’s conquest of Alkemena on earth. As is common in Greek plays, the servant -to Amphytryon (Sosie, also played by Johnny Smith) plays an often subtly in fluential part in the action. The play, first produced in 1937 by the Theatre Guild, Inc., has a Grecian theme and background, but makes no attempt at historical or geographical realism. I’ve been ad vised to expect great things of the set. Since Johnny is working on costumes, we know they too will be a marvelous addition, if his help to us on The Boy Friend is any indi cation. Save your money, girls, or start hinting to your date. Amphytryon 38’s dates will be February 9-13, and prices are $1.00 for students and $2.50 for adults. Miss Battle’s Introduction to the Theater class got a quick look at the set under construction for Am phytryon 38 during a field trip to the Little Theater Tuesday after noon. Millard McDonald, the com pany’s new set designer-technician, explained his plans for the three- act “heavenly” play, which include, among other celestial novelties, a cloud-wagon.

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