CC^L-b«01 LMNIAltf Volume XL Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, February 1960 Number 1 3 l^an Stars As Moses In Fry’s 'The Firstborn’ iNan Williams will star as Moses in the Pierrette Production of “The Firstborn” April 6th and 7th. Chris topher Fry, also the author of “The Lady’s Not For Burning”,^ centered this religious drama in poetry around the Biblical Moses, but the story he tells is not found m the Bible. Pharoah. She is the only character in the play who recognizes the im portance of both camps, Egyptian and Hebrew, and is torn by her love for her brother and her love for Moses. Nina Ann Stokes will play Ra- mases, son of the Pharoah and the “Firstborn”. Although he does not appear to be the central character, Ramases soon emerges as a young er, idealistic counterpart to Moses. Pat Stallings wall play Ramases’ 15-year-old sister, Tuesret. Three characters represent the I Hebrew' camp. Peggy Brown will play Aaron, Moses’ brother. Sue Sample will be Miriam, Moses’ sister, a woman who describes her- Nan Williams iNan will portray Moses as he was after returning from the Wilderness | and before he became dedicated to j the Hebrew cause. Fry depends on conflicts w'ithin the characters to present the suspense, since the, story’s end is know'n. jpuan Bell will play Seti II, Pha- | rpah of Egypt, in w'hose home/ ! Members of the Dansalems pose in the Salem dance studio. Standing are Charlotte Rawls and Joan Brooks, kneeling are Dot Smith and Betty Wilson and lying on the floor are Babs Schaffer and Trisha Weathers. Dancers Stage Varied Moods Nina Ann Stokes self as “a kind of residue”, who w'ants nothing but^peace. Crockett Rader wall be Shendi, Miriam’s son. He is the same age and temperment as “The Firstborn , Rameses, and draws Moses to the Hebrew' cause. , Toni Lamberti and Joy Robinson will be overseers. The action of the play will take place, on one side of the stage, in Miriam’s tent, and, on the other side, in the Pharoah s palace. By Susan Hughes Perhaps you have noticed that for the last several weeks the bulletin hoard in the dining room hall has been full of announcements con cerning Dansalems — lists and lists of rehearsal times, names of dances, and names of performers. All this is part of their preparation for the second annual Dansalems recital Fran Bell Moses was reared. The, /as developed bj' Fry, is not an his torical figure. He stands as the leader of the Egyptian camp, where Moses had once been a devoted servant. iFelicity Craig plays Anath, the P,haroah’s sister. It was Anath who discovered Moses as a child and reared him as a servant to the Students Hear Sherwani Rondthaler Lecturer Felicity Craig The Rondthaler Lecture Series Committee will present Latif Ahmad Sherwani, Deputy Secre tary of the Pakistan Institute ot International Affairs in chapel Monday. Mr. Sherwani is visiting North Carolina colleges to observe adult education and research m the field of international affairs, and he plans to visit the Salem campus until Wednesday, Feb. 17. Born in 1917 in Panipat, India, he received his Master of Arts de gree at Delhi University and did further study at the University of London where he was a Nuffield Foundation Fellow attached to the School of Oriental and Africian Studies. He received certificates m public administration, business management and economics by the Institute of Public and Business Administration, University of Kara chi. Before becoming Deputy Se cretary to the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Mr. Sherwani served a' First Secretary-General iof the United Nations Association of Pakistan; Principle Assistant to the Secretary-General of the Com monwealth Relations Conference held in Lahone in 1954; and also at tended several international con ferences. Mr. Sherw'ani has visited Le banon, Turkey, Italy, Sw'itzerland France, Germany, the United King dom, -and the Neitherlands. He states his objectives in visiting the United States as; 1. To study and observe the or ganization and functioning of na tional non-governmental organiza tions conducting research and adult education programs on international affairs. 2. To observe teaching and re search on international affairs at American colleges and universities and 3. To observe the organization and functioning of World Affairs Councils and other local groups carrying out information and adult education programs in the field of world affairs. which will be held Thursday, Feb. 18, in Old Chapel. Work began in October, when members of the Club began work ing on ideas for themes and choreo graphy. The dances w'ere chosen and planned by the club with the help of Miss York, and then the dancers signed up for the dance in which they would prefer to partici pate. Try-outs were held, and everyone in the club was given some part in the production. They are even in cluding two male performers this year. The program promises to be especially good this year because of the wide range of subjects and tone of the dances. One of the most dramatic dances is based on the legend of Prometheus... The music, “Sand Storm” from the Desert Suite, provides the background for the swirling agonizing move ments of Patricia Weathers who plays Prometheus. As the story progresses, the music becomes more subdued and Prometheus is finally rescued by Hercules, portrayed by Henrietta Jennings, and the dance ends on a triumphant note. Also, The Bond is a dance with a very heavy tone. The theme is the de pendence of men upon each other, Contrast, the Beatniks meet the career people. This is one of the most original of all the dances. The music used in this dance includes part of George Gershwin’s Ameri can, in Paris. For the Sportsmen—and women— in the audience, there is a bit of comic relief—a pantomime of wo men golfers. Moonface, which fea tures Johnny Smith of “Boyfriend” fame and Bill Miller, is another stylized dance in a light vein. The club also plans to use one of the spirituals featured in the Choral Ensemble’s new album as the background for one of their dances, and they have added their own touch—bongos. And as a typi- celly American note they are in cluding a Western in the program, in keeping with the great American past-time — watching Gimsmoke, Have Gun, Will Travel, and filling coliseums when Rodeos come not to mention the romance surround ing mining towns and Billy the Kid. The recital will be at 8:30 p.m. and tickets go on sale Monday, PeL. IS,—50«f for students and $1.00 for adults. After the recital, thjj Danselems plan to attend the Arts Festical in March where they will see Jose Linon and his company perform. This year the emphasis of the Fes- pendence or men upon eacu i and the dancers’ movements are tival is The Dance, and during the full of the tension and pull which suggest this bond. The mood of the recital changes with a stylized dance called Search for Joy. The dance is built on the music of Uiszt’s Les Preludes. In week our club will present one of their dances—probably the Beatnik Dance-A:o be judged by Limon. Further plans of the Dansalems in clude a Chapel Program here at Salem scheduled for April 4th.