Volume XLI Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, October 7, 1960 Number 3 Wilson Foundation Gives 9 Fellowships For Study Before October 31, well over 9,000 college seniors will be nominated by faculty members from univer sities and colleges in the United States and Canada for Woodrow Wison graduate fellowships. The opening of the annual competition for the'^academic year 1961-62 was announced on Oct. 3, by Dr. Huge Taylor, President of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Found ation. The program, designed to reduce the nation-wide shortage of quali fied college teachers, awards 1000 fellowships for first year graduate study at any university of the re cipient’s choice in the United States or Canada. Those who receive awards are not asked to commit themselves to college teaching, but merely to “consider it seriously” as a possible career. The Fellowship is open to college graduates mainly in the humanities and social sciences. Both men and ii women are eligible, and there is no ;j limit on the age of the candidate ’■or on the number of years he may have been out of college. Each -'elected fellow receives a $1500 stip- - j end for living expenses plus full tuition and family allowances. To encourage college seniors of outstanding ability to study for ad vanced degrees with faculty jobs as heir goal is the aim of the program ivhich is administered by the Wil- on Fellowship Foundation under $24,500,000 five year grant from he Ford Foundation. According to Dr. Hans Rosen- haupt. National Director of the pro- ’^ Jram, the grants have been awarded f to graduates from 560 different col leges. Almost 90 per cent of all {he 1000 Fellows in 1959-60 con tinued study after the first year, and more than 75 per cent of all LnEA Sells l^^ovie Tickets The SNEA is sponsoring two movies this year. The first, to be held on Thursday, October 13th, is ^oung Bess,” starring Jean Sim- ■ mons and Stewart Granger. The second, “Les Girls,” starring Gene Kelly and Mitzi Gaynor, will be s'hown on February 2nd. This year they have scheduled only two, in stead of the usual three, in order that they might get better, more popular movies. The movies will be shown in the Science Lecture Room at 6:45. Season tickets are now on sale for 75 cents. SNEA urges you to buy them now. The first meeting of SNEA will ;’l>e held at 6:30, October 11th, in IBj^he Science Lecture Room. I NOTICE ;'i' The Legislative Board has passed ’■tseveral changes in rules suggested iliby the Judicial Board. The changes ' ;are effective immediately. In the freshmen dorms lights ust be out at 11:45 on Friday [nights. On that night call downs will be given for noise until 11:45, [and light restriction will be given after that time. Quiet hour on Saturday night will begin at 12:15. Students are reminded, however that at this hour some students will be asleep. All students are requested to return to their rooms quietly in consideration of others. the Fellows eventually end up in academic positions. Of the nomi nated candidates who failed to win Woodrow Wilson Fellowships more than 80 per cent of them went to graduate school anyway, often with help from other sources. Every candidate for the award must be nominated by a faculty member; the Foundation does not accept applications directly from students. Candidates are elected only after screening and personal interviews by one of fifteen regional committees of educators. Nominated students may declare themselves active candidates for the award by sending the necessary ap plication forms to the chairman of the selection committee for the region in which the prospective candidate is located. A list of the fifteen regions and the names of the regional chairmen may be ob tained from the Foundation’s na tional headquarters. Box 642, Princeton, New Jersey, or from Dean Hixson at Salem. Names of fellowship winners will be made known by March 15, 1961. Felicity Craig Heads Salem’s "Archway” Tuesday, October 4, Felicity Craig was elected editor of Archway,' Salem’s literary magazine. She has .appointed to her staff Suzanne Taylor as art editor and Julia Leary as business manager. The assistant editor and a four-member reading staff have not been announced. Felicity, an English-history major from Jamacia, gained experience serving as assistant editor of last year’s Archway. Two of her stories and one of her poems appear in this edition. She says that the past staff noted several ways in which the magazine could be improved and that these suggestions, along with an able staff, should make an even better publication for this year. Flicky hopes to get a wider selection of student work both in a greater variety of forms of writing and in better representation from each of the classes. She com mented that she was particularly interested in having more art work included in this year’s magazine. The new' organization, now offi cially named the Literary Society of Salem College, also approved several changes in its constitution. Among these is a re-statement of its purpose to read: To stimulate literary origin ality in the student body and to create more interest in the literary arts. To provide a means of publi cation for the work of stu dents who write, paint, or draw. To publish a literary maga zine once a year. A section concerning the mem bership of the Society was added. It stipulates that “The Membership . . . shall consist of all students who show an interest in writing, painting, drawing, or in helping to publish the literary magazine. Any new students who are interested in Archway can get a copy of last year’s edition from Flicky. The new staff encourages the interest of the entire student body. Any work a student wishes to be considered should be given to a member of the magazine staff. This work, if approved by the reading staff, is passed on to the editorial staff for final consideration. ARCHWAY will be issued this spring. Marji Jammer, chairman of the Senior Follies, looks on as Jessica Marlow, Janet Yarborough, senior class president, and Julia Leary read over their parts. Senior Class Presents Follies On Current Events October Twelfth Do you feel out of it and not up on it ?—the subject of current events, that is? Well, get fifty cents, find yourself a senior, and buy yourself a ticket to Senior Follies, for current events will be the subject of the catastrophe of :he class of 1961. Mark October 12th (Wednesday), at 8:30 in the evening on your calendars, and Classes Plan Coming Projects The upperclassmen will hold their class meetings during the assembly period on Tuesday, October 11th. The senior class will be making their last minute plans for the pro duction of Senior Follies to be given October 12th. Dr. Hixon will speak to the senior class on “Ways of Seeking Employment”. Her speech will include the prospects of graduate study and the prospects of jobs not requiring further study. She will discuss the means of se curing fellowships and scholarships for graduate work. The seniors will be asked to fill out applications for occupational and educational oppor tunities. The junior class will complete their plans for the Little Sister pro ject. These plans are to be kept secret until announced. A discus sion of the investigations made for obtaining a “big name artist” to appear will also be on the agenda. This project is to help the junior class raise money for the Junior- Senior banquet at the close of the school year. The sophomore class plans to have an evaluation of FITS with special emphasis on Field Day. They will begin their plans for the Christmas banquet by organizing the class into working committees During this assembly period the freshman class will take their lib rary examination. The freshmen have received instruction in this field, including a tour of the library building, a seminar dedicated to the library with special emphasis on the reference books, and study sheets as an aid. No class meeting will be held for the freshmen at this time. don’t forget to come! Come to think of it, you may change your mind after you finish reading the rest of this article. Now this production is quite a work of art, or so I was told in between hands of bridge in Bitting living room (played sitting Indian style around the coffee table, by the way). Marji Jammer has been writing the script all summer, and is now directing, producing, (and just about everything else) the re sults of her labors—in fact, I was told, “this is a Marji Production”! She has, however, excellent support from her class, especially from Jessica Marlowe and Julia Leary, her leading actors. My next question, “What about the music ?” brought a rather puz zling response: there really isn’t much music, they told me! This is rather hard to understand, judging from past Senior Follies that I have seen. I commented on the fact, and was informed, in the midst of hys terical laughter of the four bridge addicts I had trapped, that this is definitely a different production from any ever presented here be fore—and any that will ever be pre sented here again, they added (still hysterical). At this point, Cathy Gilchrist was reminded that it was her bid and that she had opened in two spades. A yelp which sounded something like “WHAT!” seemed to indicate that it was a good time to exit as gracefully as possible before I got so confused that I couldn’t leave, and before I was accused of kibit zing. Don’t know whether I have nerve enough to go see Senior Follies or not! How about you ? Remember October 12th at 8:30 in the even ing. Tickets are on sale from any senior for only fifty cents. Danforth Foundation Offers An nual Teacher Study Grant When it was announced last year that Mr. Carl Meigs, a professor of English at Salem College, was not to be here this year because he had been awarded a Danforth Teacher Study Grant, many Salem- ites did not know exactly what Mr. Meigs had received and why. One of the first things one might wonder is, “Just what is the Dan forth Foundation ?” The Danforth Foundation was established in 1927 by Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dan forth. Its purpose is to serve the educational needs of young men and women, especially on the spirit ual and cultural level. The Found ation promotes the training of teachers in the areas of higher education. Its ultimate goal is to raise the standards of teaching in American colleges and to help the need for better trained teachers. Another question might be, “How does a professor receive a nomina tion ?” The nominations are sub mitted to the Foundation by the Dean of the College. Salem Col lege, with its enrollment of 465 stu dents is able to make only one nomination per year. The Danforth Foundation seeks persons with outstanding academic ability, an active, inquisitive mind, and a personality that encourages creative effort in the classrooms. Too, the nominee must possess in tegrity and character as well as serious commitment and inquiry within the Christian tradition. How ever, a teacher deeply rooted in a non-Christian faith is eligible, pro vided he is willing to take an active part in a predominantly Christian program. Not only is there a program for those already teaching, but also one for college seniors. There are approximately one hundred fellow ships given annually to qualified college seniors. However, Salem has never made a nomination for an undergraduate. Mr. Meigs, who has been granted a leave of absence from Salem, is presently at Tulane University, . where he will spend eleven months on graduate study.

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