A ■ i 'I I '■'i ■I m Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, December 2, Students Elect Twelve I961 May Court Representatives Formal dresses replaced the usual skirts and sweaters, loafers and socks in chapel Tuesday as the girls nominated for May Court were pre sented to the student body for vot ing. The list of fifty girls had to be narrowed down to twelve, and the choosing brought grimaces and faces twisted in thinking and trying to recall who was who. But finally all the votes were cast and the May Court became more than just a “maybe she’ll get it . . or “I hope she gets it . . .” The May Court this year consists of three girls from each of the four classes. One of the representatives of the senior class is Sally Wood. This is Sally’s fourth year on the May Court. She’s also been a fea ture girl in the Sights and Insights, chairman of the Judicial Board, secretary of the student body, a member of Phi Alpha Theta, and a member of the Scorpion. Sally is a history major from Smithfield. This is Carolyn McLoud’s fourth year as a representative for the class of 1961. Carolyn is in the midst of practice teaching, but she still has time to carry out her duties as Vice-President of the I. R. S. and to keep up her work in English, her major. Carolyn has served as Chief Marshal and as a member of the I. R. S. Council. She’s from Elon College. Making her first appearance on the May Court is Barbara Edwards. Barbara is probably best known as President of the I- R- S. She also served as president of the class of 1961 during her junior year, as a member of the Legislative Board, as a junior marshal, and as a mem ber of S. N. E. A. Barbara is from Charlotte and is majoring in Art. From the junior class. Dot Gray son is the only girl who has served on the May Court in previous years. Dot, like Barbara, is from Char lotte. She has been a member of the I. R. S. Council and was secre tary of her sophomore class. Dot is majoring in English. She hopes to get a job with the American Stu dent Information Service in Europe this coming summer. Agnes Smith, from Richmond, Virginia, is Vice-President of her class and Assistant Business Man ager of the Sights and Insights. She has worked with the I. R. S. Coun cil and the W. R. A. Council and is the junior class representative to the Judicial Board. Agnes is an Art major and hopes to do work in that field after graduation. From Greensboro comes Anna Transou. Anna is majoring in eco nomics, sociology and plans to spend this coming summer in Eu- The Salem College May Court for 1960-61: Pam Truett, Sally Wood, Carolyn McLoud, Anita Hatcher, Anna Transou, Martha Tallman, Lynn Boyett, Diane Fuller, standing, and Agnes Smith, Barbara Edwards, Dot Grayson, and Anne Dudley, seated. WRA Initiates Tennis Interest Through A Traveling Team This year a tennis club has been formed on Salem campus. The idea began last spring and was com pleted this fall when the club was organized as a part of the WRA. Membership is open to any Salem- ite who is interested in playing ten nis. The purpose of the club is to stimulate interest in tennis here at Salem and to provide an organi zation for any student who wishes to play. The tennis club’s first meet was with the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill. Salem won two doubles matches, losing one doubles match and one singles match. They hope to play Wake Forest in the near future. The major actions of the club will be during the spring season when matches will be arranged between other colleges in the state. Susan Ray Kuykendall is serving as president of the newly formed tennis club. Other members in clude : Susan Ellison, Bonnie Bean Riki Eikendall, Jackie Lamond, Page Bradham, and Sue Smith. Any interested student is urged to join the club. rope. At the present she is serving as Advertising Manager from the junior class for the Sight* and In sights. Anita Hatcher said that she thought the girl who called to tell her she’d won had dialed the wrong number. Anita is a sophomore and is majoring in home economics. She wants to break into the world of fashion designing. She says that as a member of Dansalems she is busy practicing for the recital. Last year she was a member of the May Court and was runner-np for the title of Miss Winston-Salem. Anita is from Fayetteville. Another of the sophomore at tendants is Lynn Boyette. Lynn is from Smithfield, where she was Homecoming Queen her senior year in high school. She plans to trans fer to the University of North Carolina where she will major in elementary education. She is serv ing on the I. R. S. Council this year. From Augusta, Georgia, Martha Tallman is the most Southern of our beauties and was voted “Best Looking” in her high school senior class. A new member of Dan salems, Martha is planning to major in English and hopes to work in the field of public relations when she graduates. The class of 1964 is represented by Anne Dudley, Diane Fuller, and Pamela Truette. Anne is from Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, and plans to major in English. She says she has always wanted to be a proofreader for a . publishing firm. As for her activities at Salem, she says she is studying and having a good time. “I didn’t believe it . . .” was her reaction to the news that she had been elected to the May Court. Anne was May Queen at the prep school she attended in Chattanooga. Diane Fuller is from Kinston, but she’s known around Salem as “the girl who looks like Alice in Won derland.” Creative writing is the career she looks forward to; and she plans to major in history and minor in English. She is a member of Dansalems and the Humanities Club, but she says “I’m interested in everything . . .” She’d love to get a job anywhere outside the United States this summer. Pamela Truette, from Albemarle, makes the twelfth attendant. Pam, as her friends call her, is quite in terested in becoming a high school teacher; but she isn’t sure what her major will be. She says that she loves to dance and hopes to join Dansalems second semester. She didn’t join first semester, be cause “I wanted to ‘adjust.’ ” Novelist Sarton Appears As Rondthaler Lecturer Noted poet and novelist. May Sarton, will visit Salem as the Rondthaler Lecturer December 8 and 9. Her topic in chapel on Thursday will be “The Holy Game . Although Miss Sarton was born near Ghent, Belgium in 1912, she and her family were refugees of j World War I and made their home | in Cambridge, Massachusetts after 1920. She is the daughter of the | late George Sarton, distinguished Historian of Science at Harvard , and the Carnegie Institute. ^ , Miss Sarton acquired her lasting passion for poetry while in elemen tary school. The Shady Hill School, in Cambridge. She attended high school at Cambridge High and Latin. After graduating, she thought the theatre was to be her life; and instead of going to col- | lege, she became an apprentice at Eva La Gallienne’s Civic Repertory Theatre in New York, Later she was a member of the company and director of a student group. Since 1936 she has devoted her self exclusively to writing and lec turing. She has lectured exten sively all over the United States. She was Briggs-Copeland Instruc tor at Harvard for three years and has participated in the Breadloaf and Boulder Writers Conferences. She has been a poet in residence at Southern Illinois University and a script writer for OWI educational films used overseas during the war. She taught Short Story in Radcliffe Seminars and is now a lecturer in Creative Writing at Wellesley Col lege. A few of her many honors in clude : the Reynolds Lyric Award from the Poetry Society of America in 1953, a Lucy Martin Donnelly Fellowship at Bryn Mawr for 1953- 54, a Guggenheim Fellowship in Poetry for 1954-55, and Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar in. 1958. Her poetry is mainly lyrical; and among her poetic works are Inner Landscape, The Land of Silence, and In Time Like Air. She would have written in French if she had stayed in Belgium, but she is glad she was brought up on English be cause she is convinced “English is the best language for poetry in the world.” Miss Sarton’s novels include The Bridge of Years, Shadow of a Man, Faithful Are the Wounds, and The Fur Person. Her autobiography, I Knew A Phoenix, was published in articles published in the New Yorker, Harper’s Bazaar, and The Reporter. Concerning her career. Miss Sar ton says, “I believe that poetry and novels are a good combination. Poetry comes in spurts whereas after the initial imaginative cre ation, a novel can and perhaps must be written day after day on a very regular schedule.” The backgrounds of her novels have been laid in both Europe, where her roots are, and America, where her heart is. Faithful Are the Wounds was her first novel with an American back ground. It was published in 1955 and dealt with the suicide of an idealistic Harvard professor of English Literature. All students will have an oppor tunity to hear Miss Sarton in chapel. She will also speak to a combined meeting of Humanities, IRC, and Phi Alpha Theta Thurs day night in the Day Student Cen ter at 6:30. Friday morning she will speak on “Uses of Memory in Writing” in Miss Byrd’s Advanced Miss Sarton 1959. She has had short stories and Composition class. Ring Committee Selects Design Of Oval Onyx Class rings for Salemites are in the planning stages. The idea is under consideration by certain school organizations. The idea of a class ring was begun by the sophomore class as one of its projects. Rooney Nelson and Clarissa Joyce were named co- chairmen of the ring committee with representatives from the senior class, Margie Foyles; junior class, Lynn Robertson; sophomore, class, Anne West and Jane Kelly; and freshman class. Berry Thomp son helping in the selection of the design and in taking care of the minute details. According to the tentative plans accredited sophomores may be al lowed to order rings in the first of their sophomore year and get them around January. A gold ring with an oval onyx was decided on by the committee to present to the student body. The ring will have the person’s name and year of her class engraved in side with the school crest impressed into the stone and perfectly plain sides. The cost of the ring will be approximately 20-25 dollars. Yellow gold and white gold is being investigated as a choice for the buyer by the committee as well as little finger rings and regular rings. This year rings will arrive on campus in May. The committee hopes to take orders for them be fore Christmas at which time a five dollar deposit must be made. The ring committee tried to look into all possibilities and to satisfy the majority of people; they are enthusiastic about the rings and hope the students will support the project.