5K|f S>akmit? Volume XLI Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, April 28, 1961 Number 21 Faculty Committee Amends Current Aims And Purposes Of Salem College Dissatisfaction over our school’s current aim and purpose as stated in the catalogue was expressed by the evaluation committee for the Southern Association of College and Secondary Schools when it visited Salem’s campus last year. The present aim and purpose states “Salem College as a church re lated institution is dedicated to guiding individuals in their search for ultimate Christian values by the pursuit of truth wherever and by whatever methods it may be found. Thus the college follows the liberal arts tradition in giving equal status to the sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities . . . Salem implements its program Bernasek Gives Senior Recital On Monday, May 1st, at 8:30 p.m,, in Old Chapel, Carol Bernasek will give her graduating organ re cital. Her program will include “Concerto in G major” by Bach- Vivaldi, “Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor” by Bach, “Ah, Dearest Jesus” by Brahms, and “The Na tivity of Christ” by Messiaen. Mrs. Bernasek is a day student majoring in organ music. She at tended Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, where she studied music under Arthur Poister and Claire Coci. Entering Salem in 1958, Carol studied under John Mueller, now on a year’s leave of absence in Germany on a Fulbright Scholar ship. Her present teacher is Mar garet Sandresky. Carol’s husband, Dr. Edward Bernasek, is a research chemist at Reynolds Tobacco Co. They have two children, a girl 13 and a son 8. Mrs. Bernasek is choir director at St. John’s Lutheran Church. After graduation, she will be choir director and organist at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Everyone is invited to attend a reception in the Day Student Cen ter immediately after the recital. Group Studies New Handbook The Handbook Committee, headed by Betty Cox, has com pleted revision of the Handbook for 1960-61. The revised edition will be sent out this summer to all new students. The committee checked over the current handbook and made various corrections and clarifications throughout the book. One major change was the addi tion of a foreword, stating the aims of the Handbook. A section on the Archway, Salem’s literary magazine, was added to the section on student organizations. Under the social regulations, any rule which has been changed or insti gated by the Legislative Board will appear as revised in the 1961-62 Handbook edition. Betty Cox, as vice-president of Student Government, is editor of the Handbook, and Julia Carr, as president of the Day Students, ser ves as business manager. Dr. Gramley, Dr. H i x o n, and Dean Heidbreder are the faculty repre sentatives on the committee. Other members are Sallie Paxton, Nancy Peter, Churchill Jenkins, Sally Wood, Dean Major, Judy Summer- ell, Lynn Ligon, and Anna Tran- sou. Clewell, Babcock Elect New Leaders; Plans Discussed Anne Simons and Eleanor Work man are the new presidents of Cle well and Babcock Dormitories, re spectively. Anne has been active in extra curricular activities all her lift. She represented her home town, Wil son, in the Miss North Carolina Contest, and was elected Miss Con geniality in the local pageant. Dur ing her senior year in high school she was president of the student body and was chosen Best-All- Around of her senior class. She also was a cheerleader for four years, and was homecoming sponsor. At Salem, Anne has been secre tary-treasurer of her dorm this year and is now serving as proctor “so I can learn to give call-downs.” She was co-chairman of the Par ents’ Day Tea and is planning to dance in the May Day program. Anne is a member of WRA also. A fine pianist, Anne won the Paderewski award for music. She doesn’t like to practice, but loves to just “sit and play.” She is Porter’s Works Displayed Here Raiford Porter’s painting, which is now on display in the stairwell of first floor Main Hall, has brought more response than any other painting display this year. Reaction ranged from the very favorable to the comment that the college and the community would be better off without it. Since the title is not given with the painting, there have been many suggestions as to an appropriate name. One faculty member has suggested the title “God Is Love”. Raiford Porter, the artist, has titled the painting “Ogre of the Mind”, and refers to it as “Goyaes- que”. More of Mr. Porter’s paintings are on display in the basement of Main Hall and in the Music Hall. They range from the grotesque “Ogre” to the sensitive relation of the three figures in “Fancille”. This painting is characterized by strong Oriental tendencies and a sensitive, unusual use of color. His work is expressionistic with strong decor ative qualities. Raiford Porter received his Bachelor of Arts degree at Rich mond Professional Institute and his Master’s degree at Women’s College in Greensboro, N. C. He then won a Fulbright scholarship to study in India. There he at tended Visiva Bharati University and San Miguel de Allende of the University of Guanajuato. This period of study is largely respon sible for the Oriental characteris tics of his work, although his paint ing showed some Oriental tenden cies even before this. Mr. Porter is now a resident of Winston-Salem and teaches art at High Point College. through a curriculum based on the heritage of the Classical and Christian backgrounds taught by a church-related faculty, streng thened within the college by a tra dition of honor and by active stu dent government, and enriched by a program of extracurricular acti vities.” In January, Dr. Gramley ap pointed a committee, headed by Dr. Phillip Africa, to plan a series of dinner meetings in order to decide what should be done. The Janu ary meeting was centered around presently a member of the choral a discussion of “Goals for Ameri- ^ cans” compiled by Ex-President ensemble. Anne isn t sure yet what her gigenhower’s Commission on Na- major will be, but she wants to enter the mission held. Next year Anne wants “to see mg these goals were narrowed to some improvements made in the specific trends which seemed rele- appearance 'and live-ability of Cle- yant to a small liberal arts college. well, “and already has two com mittees working on the project. Eleanor, known to her friends as “Wookie,” is from Davidson, N. C. She was also very active through out her high school years. Her activities included Student Council, annual staff, band, glee club, and cheerleading. She was football sponsor, Charlotte Woman’s Club Student of the Year, and Best-All- Around of her senior class. At Salem, Wookie has been the freshman class representative to the WRA council and to the Legis lative Board. She was pep man ager for FITS Field Day, and was chosen the Best Freshman Rat. Wookie plans to major in math. For recreation she turns to the bridge table and may often be found in Babcock’s Terrace Room. Wookie’s goal for the coming year is two-fold. First, she says, “Instead of having competition be tween Babcock and Clewell, I would like to bring the two dorms closer together.” Plans are now being made for a joint party at the beginning of next year. Se condly, she says, “I would like to see closer co-operation between the houses and Judicial Board.” Both presidents seem to feel that a closer relationship between Bab cock and Clewell is needed and both are willing to exert all their energies toward this goal. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lablings will have its annual picnic next Thursday, May 4, at Reynolds Park at 5:00. Members who wish to go should contact one of the officers before next Tuesday. Transportation will be provided. ♦ ♦ ♦ Sign-up sheets for the Intramural Tennis Tournament are posted in all the dormitories. There will be both singles and doubles matches. Sign up by Tuesday, May 2, when the tournament will be scheduled. The Tennis Club urges everyone to participate. ♦ ♦ ♦ The YWCA is now in the pro cess of setting up its committees for next year. Everyone interested in working directly with any of the following committees please con tact Trisha Weathers: community services, programs, vespers, Y- watch, morning chapel, publicity, outside activities, special projects, and orientation. These committees will be headed by Y cabinet members to be an nounced next week, but their effec tiveness will depend on you, the members of the Y who make up the committees. In the third meeting April 25 the faculty considered the motion that the current aim and purpose be replaced by an amended one drawn up in 1951. The motion was ap proved by a faculty vote. Abide By Rules Regarding New Record Player At the request of IRS, the Con cessions Committee has bought a record player to be used by organi zations on campus. It will be ac cessible to any group for use, under the following conditions: 1. It may be used by any Salem College organization. 2. The borrower may be any mem ber of the organization with a slip of authorization from the president. 3. The borrower should see Mrs. Chatham in advance and arrange to get the key to the closet in which the record player is kept. 4. The borrower must sign for the record player in a notebook kept for that purpose, indicating the date it is taken out, the name of the organization, the name of the borrower, and the date of return. 5. The record player must be re turned the following day. 6. T h e organization borrowing it will be held responsible for the condition in which it is returned. All organizations are welcome to use this record player at any time. Infirmary Holds Sick Salemites Salem’s infirmary has been en joying the presence of many girls in the past few weeks. Their com plaints have varied, but a run of colds, chest congestions, coughs and sore thoats seems to be the rule. To guard against a forced sojourn in the infirmary, Salemites are urged to maintain their level of resistance to infection by get ting six to eight hours sleep each night, eating three regular meals per day, and spending some time in healthful exercise. They are also urged not to visit or congre gate for too long a time in their friends’ sickrooms. Those healthy, compassionate girls who would like to make their friends’ stay in the infirmary less W Prof. Patterson Talks To Salem In New Series Dr. Ernest F. Patterson, Asso ciate Professor of Economics at Davidson College, will be the speaker in assembly on May 4th. In a continuation of the culture series, Dr. Patterson will speak on Economic and Political Decisions Facing the United States.” Educated in Southwest Texas Teachers College, where he re ceived his B. S. degree. Dr. Patter son received his M.A. and Ph. D. degrees from the University of Texas, and he studied economics at Harvard in 1954-55 on a Ford Foundation Faculty Fellowship. During his study at Southwest Texas Teachers College, Dr. Pat terson was a member of Alpha Chi, an honorary scholastic frater nity, and he studied under a Uni versity of Texas Fellowship, 1948- 49. Since he has been at Davidson, he has become a member of Sigma Upsilon, a national creative writing fraternity, and ODK, a national honorary leadership fraternity. Professional societies of which Mr. Patterson is a member are: the American Economic Associa tion, Southern Economic Associa tion, Alpha Kappa Psi, and the Business Administration Profes sional Society. Dr. Patterson has taught in Bles sing High School (Texas), U. S. Army Special Training School, University of Alabama, and Uni versity of Texas. Assembly on May 2nd will be a Student Government meeting. Boards Discuss Honor System For Evaluation Tuesday, April 25, the Legislative and Judicial Boards held a com bined meeting to discuss plans for an Honor Tradition evaluation. The compiled student survey which was taken some weeks ago was presented. Nancy Peter, Chairman of the Judicial Board, announced that each dorm presi dent will receive a copy of the survey by Friday, April 28. These will not be posted, but any in terested student may contact her dorm president and see the results. The Executive Committee of Stu dent Government will appoint an Honor Tradition Evaluation Com mittee. Any student that wishes to suggest someone to be on the tiresome are urged to donate packs r A 1 j committee, please see Nancy Peter of cards, puzzles, and new maga- ’ zines to the infirmary sun porch. or Sallie Paxton before Monday.

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