'W Volume XLII Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, December 8, 1961 Number 10 ningham. Mason Kent, Dot Grayson. Twelve Girls Elected As Representatives To May Court Representatives to the 1962 May Court were elected in assembly on Tuesday, December 5. Three girls from each class were chosen. Seniors chosen are Ann Cunning ham, Dot Grayson, and Craig White. Ann, from Spartanburg, | S.-C., is a music education major. She was on the May Court Com- j mittee last year and is May Day j Chairman this year. Dot is from' Charlotte, N. C., and is majoring in English and minoring in speech. She is vice-president of IRS. Craig, from New Bern, N. C., is a history major and is getting a teaching certificate in primary education. The junior class is represented Agnes Smith And Anna Transou Reign As May Queen And Maid Of Honor The newly elected Queen to reign over May Day festivities this year is Agnes Smith, a senior from Richmond, Virginia. She attended Douglas Freeman High School in Richmond before coming to Salem. While there, she was a member of the National Honor Society and Quill and Scroll; she was also head cheerleader. At Salem, Agnes was sophomore class representative to IRS. Her junior year she served as a marshal and vice-president of her class. She is now president of the senior class. KT ' % V • ‘ . V-: Agnes Smith and Anna Transou Her hobbies include Such things as knitting and sewing. She is presently knitting Christmas stock ings for her newly married sister. She also enjoys sports, especially swimming, but describes herself as being definitely “not athletic!” A girl of many interests, Agnes is double majoring in economics- sociology and art. She is busy planning her senior art exhibit to be given in the spring of this year. Upon graduation, she wants to work in commercial art or adver tising, perhaps for a firm in Rich mond. ■fc ♦ * Any May Queen must be assisted by a Maid of Honor, and this year Anna Transou has been elected to the honor. Anna, who is from Greensboro, was a member of the May Court last year. She is a seven year member of Salem, hav ing attended the Academy and the College. ■ Anna worked on the Handbook Committee her junior year, and has served as ad manager on the an nual staff her junior and senior years. This year she holds the of fice of senior class secretary. A sociology-economics major, she hopes to work in a welfare depart ment after graduation. Anna, who especially enjoys traveling, toured Europe this summer. Other in terests include water skiing and golf, and less active pasttimes such as sewing. by Chris Joyce, Anita Hatcher, and Martha Tallman. Chris, from Raleigh, N. C., has a double major in chemistry and art. She has been vice-chairman of the May Day Committee for the past two years. Anita is from Fayetteville, N. C., and is a home economics major. She is secretary of the Dansalems. This is her third year on the May Court. Martha is from Augusta, Georgia, and is majoring in socio logy-economics. She was on the Court last year. Ann Griffis, Mason Kent, and Pam Truette represent the sopho more class. Ann is majoring in sociology-economics. She is from Denton, N. C. Mason, from Dan ville, Virginia, is a sociology major. From Albemarle, N. C., Pam makes her second appearance on the 'ourt. Freshman class representatives rre Sally Bacon, Susan Evans, and Jane Webster. From Chattanooga, Heidemann Plays Liszt On Monday, December 11, Mr. 'Ians Heidemann, assistant profes sor of piano, will give a recital of vorks by Frantz Liszt (1819-1886) n commemoration of the ISOth an liversary of his birth. The recital will be held in Me morial Hall at 8:30 p.m. At this time he will play “Hungarian Rhap sody No. 12 in C Sharp Minor”, ‘Ballade in B Minor”, “Memphis Waltz”, and “Concerto No. 1 in E Flat Major.” Mr. Clemens Sand resky will be at the second piano. This Issue of The Salemite is the last before Christmas vaca tion. The next paper will be issued January 12. Tennessee, Sally represents the freshmen on the Legislative Board. Susan is from Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, and expects to major in English. From Lexington, N. C., Jane is a member of IRS. Harvie Dies In Auto Accident Mr. Louis Edwin Harvie, profes sor of biology, was killed Decem ber 2, when his Volkswagen col lided with a tractor-trailer at the intersection of Old Rural Hall Road and N. C. 66. Mr. Harvie, of Danville, Virginia, began teaching at Salem in Sep tember, coming here from the Uni versity of Virginia where he had completed all work except his the sis for his doctorate. He was a brother of Dr. Edwin J. Harvie, Jr., of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest College and the son of Mrs. Mary Roan Harvie and the late E. J. Harvie of Danville. Funeral services were held Mon day, December 4, in Danville. Mar jorie Foyles, Dr. French, Mr. Campbell, Dr. Gramley, and Sue Parham represented the faculty and student body. A memorial service for Mr. Har vie was held Tuesday, December 5, in Home Moravian Church. A resolution concerning Mr. Harvie passed earlier in the day at the faculty meeting was read at this time. Dr. O. C. Bradbury, retired head of the Department of Biology at Wake Forest College, joined the faculty earlier this week on a tem porary basis to teach Mr. Harvie’s freshman biology class. A per manent replacement has not been appointed yet. Mr. Campbell will teach Mr. Harvie’s advanced bot- I any section. mprrg (UlirtHtmaa lEuarijbo&g