/ Page Four THE SALE MITE February II, 1%5 STUDENTS RECEIVE MOCK STUDENT Name_ Class- Students Tell GOVERNMENT BALLOT Chairman of the May Day I would like to suggest the following rising seniors for the nomination to: President of the Student Government Association Of Ineligibility For Positions 1 2.-... 3..- 1.- 2.- 3.. Vice-President of the Student Government Association 1. - 2. _ 3.. Chairman of the Judicial Board 2. 3. President of IRS 2. 3. President of YWCA 1. 2. 3. The following students will be ineligible for major offices for the year 1965-1966 for various reasons. Rising Sophomores Kitty Brooke Anne Durham Martha Eubanks Helen Smith Rising Juniors Holly Creech Becca Dailey Carlotta Faircloth Barbie Hooten Nancy Hurley Betty Ivie Ann Jennings ' Carson McKnight Jill Smith Pat Tillery Karen Viall Charlotte Watkins Diane Youngs Rising Seniors Cecie Boren Carol Colbert ■ Pat Hankins Susan Young President of the Day Students^ fiZ Editor of the Archway^ 2.„_. 3.-- I would like to suggest the following rising juniors fo the nomination to: Secretary of the Student Government Association 2.- 3.. Treasurer of the Student Government Association 2._. 3- Secretary of the Judicial Board ANNOUNCEMENTS 1, Editor of The Salemite^ 2.. 3._ Editor of Sights and Insights^ 2.. 3._ The National Teacher Examina tion will be given in Winston- Salem on March 20. All those in tending to receive teaching certi ficates must take the exam and must file their application by Feb ruary 19. Blanks may be obtained from Dr. Elizabeth Welch. Each applicant must register for both the Common Examination in the morning and the specialized .field exam in the afternoon. * ♦ ♦ --- Chief Marshal 1, 2.___ 3...„__ I would like to suggest the following rising sophomon for the nomination to: National Student Association Co-ordinator President of the Pierrettes 1. 2. 3. Dean. Hixson is rneeting with the s.ophornores, Tuesday, February 16, during assembly period in the sci ence building. The sophomores can make applications for teacher’s cer tificates. 1. _ 2. - 3. ^Nominated and elected by respective organizations GOT THAT HUNGRY FEELING? CALL GIMO'S PIZZERIA 924-2121 A PIZZA BEETLE WILL BE THERE, BEFORE THE FEELING IS GONE, GONE, GONE FRIED CHICKEN TATER CHICKS PIZZA SPAGHETTI SHRIMP BOX SANDWICHES FBEE DELIVERY