Friday, February 27, 1970 THE SALEMITE Page Three Office Seekers Give Qualifications SECRETARY OF STUDENT GOVERNMENT Susan Hendrick Because I want to help Salem in any way I can, I would like to serve as your Secretary of the Student Government Association. As Fresh- |man Class President and as a Sop homore Class Representative, I have been on Legislative Board for two years. From this experience I know I would like to continue working for our Student Govern ment as a representative for the entire student body. This year I have served as Sophomore Repre sentative to the Student Center ICommittee and to the Student- Faculty-Trustee Committee con cerning the drinking regulations at Salem. I could use your support land this experience as a foundation for helping me to represent you to other students, the faculty, and the Administration. One of the most important factors in a successful student government |is communication. As your Student Government Secretary I would ork to try to find new ways to allow you to know more about [Legislative Board and the Student IGovernment Association. I am will ing to give the time necessary to [be Secretary of the Student Gov ernment Association, and I ask you to allow me to serve you. Rita Johnson If I am elected Secretary of Stu dent Government, I will fulfill the duties of my office to the best of my ability. I am willing to accept the great amount of work that the secretary must do, and I will try to function effectively at a member of Legislative and Executive Boards. In my opinion the Secretary of Student Government is a vital link between the students and the Ad ministration. I will do my best to carry the suggestions and ideas of the students to the Administration if I am elected. I feel that the several years’ experience I have had as a member of the Student Council fm high school will benefit me in the role of Secretary of Student Government. My previous experi ence on Student Council and my willingness to accept the responsi- lity are the principal qualifications ll have to offer you. I shall appre- Iciate your consideration. Susan Lnndeen First of all, let me take this op portunity to thank the entire stu dent body and the nominating com- piittee for this nomination to run ;for Secretary of Student Govern- jment. It is a big honor and means *nore to me than L ean ever express. According to the Student Handbook Secretary of Student Govern ment, I would be responsible for f -cping an account of Legislative o^rd and Student Government eetings, preparing and reading the niinutes of these'meetings,' report ing executive and legislative de cisions to the Dean of Students, posting official notices of Executive and Legislative Boards, and serving on the Handbook committee. These jobs require a great deal of time. I especially enjoy this type of extra curricular activity; and therefore, I am more than willing to devote all the time needed to fulfill the re sponsibilities of Secretary of Stu dent Government. As chairman of Salem’s 1969 Christmas Banquet, I the problems and areas of leader- became acquainted with many of ship here. Throughout high school, I held various other offices which (along with the experience the Christmas Banquet has given me), I feel, have prepared me for a job such as this. Mary Salem In seeking the office of Secre tary of Student Government, I feel it is necessary to inform you, the students, of what I consider to be my qualifications for this office. In previous years I have served on Student Legislature and Executive Councils and have maintained an active role in Student Government. My past year as a representative to Legislative Board has provided me with a vast amount of experi ence concerning the procedures and functions of the Student Govern ment here at Salem. If I am given the opportunity to serve you as Secretary of Student Government, I will do all that I can to fulfill the duties that the students have en trusted in me. I feel secure in knowing that through my year on Legislative Board I had the chance to seek the opinion of my fellow students—an asset most needed in fulfilling this office. CHAIRMAN OF JUDICIAL BOARD Lynn Gayle The office of Chairman of Judi cial Board is an awesome responsi bility, but one that I am willing to accept and do my best in if elected. I have not served on Judicial Board but as Junior Class President I have been a member of Legislative Board and am familiar with the procedures of our Student Govern ment. Lately there have been many complaints in regard to Judicial Board and its function, and I feel that there are many improvements which can be made with the help of your suggestions. By working together I am confident that we can make it a more effective unit. Thank you for your support. Fran Hicks I would first of all like to take this opportunity to thank you for the nomination to such an impor tant office. I recognize the Judicial Board as one of the most important organizations in the functioning of Salem. Having previously served on the Board, I am aware of and understand its operation and pro cedure. I think that being away from it this year, I now have a better perspective of its functions and actions. I think each student should be made more aware of the functioning and reasoning behind the actions of the Judicial Board. There are many misconceptions which should be cleared up. If elected, I would make an effort to see that this is done. Just as Salem students have a responsibility to the Honor Tradi tion, the Chairman of Judicial Board has a responsibility to be understanding and level-headed. Each girl who appears before the Judicial Board should be treated fairly and consistently, and it is the Chairman’s responsibility to see that this is done. When a case comes before the Faculty Advisory Board, she must be able to convey the facts of the case acturately and impartially. This is a big job, but I am willing to accept the responsibilities it en tails and work hard to keep the Honor Tradition strong. Edna Jacobs My work this year on Judicial Board has certainly been a learning experience for me. For the first time I have realized how important each individual is in the Student Government. This importance of the individual is seen especially in Salem’s con cept of honor. Judicial Board tries to see that each student upholds Salem’s honor. At the same time it tries to maintain an honor sys tem which is comparable to the in dividual’s honor. The many rule changes which have been made in the past two years indicate the con cern the SGA has in this conflict of honor. I feel that this conflict between the two concepts of honor is a real problem. However, the solution is not the constant breaking of Salem’s rules. Rather, it should be a whole-hearted effort of the Judi cial Board and the students to make Salem’s honor code more realistic. If elected Chairman, I would like to see Judicial Board work even closer with the individual to make Salem’s concept of honor and the student’s concept of honor one. I feel that it is a privilege to be nominated for this office. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me. Mary Leight I Would like to thank you for the honor of nominating me to run for this office. Having worked with Judicial Board for the past year, I have seen the necessity and value of this board in as far as Salem and her Honor Tradition are con cerned. I feel that there is a need for more communication between the student body and Judicial Board. Steps are presently being taken to bridge this gap. I would like to see these efforts continued. Judicial Board is also the organ of SGA which is in an excellent position to constantly review the various rules and regulations. The system of laws under which we live must be constantly under surveil lance so as to be kept relevant to the needs of the student body. Again I thank you for the oppor tunity to run for this office. Emily Wood I would first like to thank you for my nomination for Judicial Board Chairman. It is an office that carries with it a sense of re spect as well as one of criticism— indeed, both are necessary and justifiable for an effective system. Judicial Board is perhaps—of any phase of Student Government—the most demanding of cooperation among its individual members; a vote is not nearly so vital as the discussion, offered by each member, which precedes that vote. The chairman serves more in a mediat ing capacity, in hopes of maintain ing objectivity and weighing all facets of a question in the proper perspective. As a representative to Legislative Board for two years, and as Secretary of Judicial Board this year, I feel I have been ex posed to the complex workings of Student Government. Student ethics concerning Judicial Board cases, the procedure and con siderations involved in such cases, the extent to which a Judicial Board member can and should defend a decision to other students—all these are matters of concern which will soon be brought out into the open. It is my wish that students under stand and then criticize; this seems the only path to a more efficient judicial system. SECRETARY OF JUDICIAL BOARD Beth Bencini The office of the Secretary of Judicial Board is as important as that of the chairman, for besides serving as chairman in her absence, the secretary must keep precise re cords concerning both membership and Board proceedings. In addition to these duties, the secretary must provide the Dean of Students and the student body with the proper information each needs. Having been a member of the Class Attendance Committee, hall president in Strong Dormitory, and treasurer of YWCA since Septem ber, I would hope that I am quali fied to serve in the capacity of Secretary of Judicial Board. I am quite aware that all of these offices are considered minor ones. How ever, the responsibilities of each have been substantial, and I am willing to work as hard, if not harder, to execute the functions of this office in the manner in which they should be. The platform for this office is stated explicitly in the handbook. The office’s responsibilities are clearly defined and need not be broadened because the secretary has a tremendous obligation in seeing that all of these duties are well- done. If elected, I will see that all of these requirements merit my full attention. Susan Hendrick Do you know anything about Judicial Board? Understandably, the proceedings of Judicial Board cannot be made known to our stu dent body. Because Judicial Board is instrumental as the backbone of Salem’s Honor Tradition, I would work to inform our student body as much as possible about the pro cedures of the Board. So it may have the support of the whole stu dent body, it is only fair to Judicial Board that we know about the “How” of its procedures. I have not served on Judicial Board, but as the Vice-President of Clewell Dormitory, I’ve had a vital interest in the rules and regu lations of Salem. If you would elect me your next Secretary of Judicial Board, I would work with Judicial Board to help all of our student body build our Honor Tra dition to even greater heights. Rita Johnson Having had one year’s experience as a member of Judicial Board, I feel that I am qualified to fill the office of secretary. I am familiar with the procedure within Judicial Board meetings, and I am willing to accept the responsibility and the work that the office of secretary entails. As secretary, I would try to promote a better understanding between Judicial Board and the stu dent body. If I am elected Secre tary of Judicial Board, I will uphold the standards of Salem, be just and unbiased in fulfilling my duties, and fill the office in all of its capacities to the best of my ability. Corinne Little As a hall president and a member of the House Council of Babcock, I have been called upon to assume the responsibility of maintaining disciplinary control and of record ing minor infractions. Though my experience has been limited to the dorm, I feel that with this back ground I would be able to under take the responsibilities and duties of the office. Mary Salem Given the opportunity to serve and represent you, the students, as Secretary of Judicial Board, I feel that I would be able to fulfill the duties of this office and adequately supply the students with the needed information resultant from the pro ceedings of Judicial Board. Having previously served on Honor Councils and, in the past year, as a representative to Legis lative Board, I feel that my experi ence in this field is adequate and necessary if the duties are to be treated with proper appraisal. I also feel that it is of great concern that the holder of this office be familiar with the student body’s suggestions and previous policies upon which the Student Govern ment is based. VICE-PRESIDENT OF STUDENT GOVERNMENT Dianne Dailey First, I would like to say thank you for nominating me to this of fice. Since the Vice-President heads the Assembly and Handbook Committees, she carries a lot of responsibility because she has to try to get interesting and stimulat ing speakers in assembly. If elected, I would like to see the encourage ment of more departmental assem blies which have been such a suc cess this year. I would like to see more speakers to talk on current and politial events. I would like to see a question and answer period for the audience after the speaker talks because a lot of times people can’t get to the tea or lunch after wards. This also gives the whole group a chance to benefit from the questions. I would like to see some panel discussions consisting of stu dents and faculty to discuss school problems or current events. Having served on Legislative and Judicial Boards, I understand the duties of the Vice-President. If elected, I will do the best job I can. (C*wrin««J OB pag* 4)