Founder's Day: What Do You Think? Quotes: “Remember that Founder’s Day is to celebrate the found ing of the college—and we should keep this in mind. “As a senior, 1 had more fun this year not competing! The seniors had more fun performing for Salem rather than themselves. I don’t think we worked any less either. “No competition in skit and song—each class is do a good job—why tell one class they came in third or fourth? It’s like each class is presenting a gift to the school—why should they be judged? The whole point of Founder’s Day is to promote unity and happiness--not hard feelings and pressure (which everyone has enough of any way). Founder’s Day needs to get relevant and appeal to the majority of the student body. (As it is now, five or six people work themselves to death—and then must hassle to get the rest of the class to learn the songs and dances—if everyone cares, then why doesn’t everyone work hard on it?)’’ “All classes could compete in games or such in the after noon hut have juniors only do the skit, which could be pre sented that night. This way each class has one big re sponsibility per year: Freshmen—Parent’s Day Sophoinores—GHristnias Banquet Juniors—Founder’s Day Seniors—Follies” “I like the idea of the field events in the afternoon—1 think it is fun to compete in that way, but I don’t see the point in working on skits for three weeks before. It seems to me that we could be able to find some more fun activity such as suspend classes in the afternoon, relays, softball games, keg party and picnic afterwards.’’ I’m sure that the seniors had the ‘right idea’ behind what they did, but I did not want to slash anybody’s throat and at the end of Founder’s Day I just wanted to hug every body. Taking out competition takes out the spirit. “1 agree with the Senior’s idea of ‘fun and games’ but not ‘cutthroat competition.’ The only drawback might he a de crease in enthusiasm and quality. I think Founder s Day should be celebrated. Those who don’t want to participate need not do so. Salem is a unique school in that it has traditions . . . Doing away with these, 1 feel would make Salem a normal, every-day college — and that would be awful." “If you lose the spirit of competition between classes, what would you have? Nothing! Why do you want to change the old? It has held up for 199 years so fan—why change it? . . . What’s wrong with tradition anyway? Isn’t that one of the very reasons you come to Salem cam pus-old building and atmosphere — Why ruin it for the others?” I think this year would have been great if the sen iors hadn’t ‘copped-out.’ No other class felt that it was cut throat competition in the least—and in that way, the sen iors came off as either poor sports or martyrs for a cause that was non-existent except in their minds. Founders Day is the greatest way to pull a class together—to work with each other in races, skits, songs and it’s all in good fun! Competition is fun—it is a challenge and if you can t see that then you’re missing a great part of life. “‘Competition’ should be eliminated and replaced by participation and presentation. Let everybody take part, give of herself—time, talent, etc. . . . Just have fun. “I would like to see Founder’s Day stop taking priority over all matters, achidemically (sic) and otherwise for whole week and a half before Founder’s Day. Maybe elimi nating skit competition would do it. The game in the after noon are good, maybe then have songs and the picnic. “Play down the amount of money put into it and encour age the imaginative—have the skits somewhere other than the gym. (The accoustics there are horrible.) “We love it!!! ?!” “Have teachers suspend classes the day after Founders Day, because no one wants to or feels like going. “I’d suggest you’d start the games around four or five in the afternoon and then move right into the picnic. You shouldn’t have to wait so long in line for dinner. More tables could be set up." Survey by Jeanne Patterson Volume Lll Salem College, WinstomSalem, N. C., Friday, October 23, 1970 Number 9 Student Opinions Founder’s Day 1971: What Will Happen? Every year at about this time Salem students have finished griping about Founder’s Day and have moved on to more exciting subjects. This year The Salemite has taken a poll to see just how dissatisfied the student body is with the way Founder’s Day is celebrated. 139 people filled out the questionnaire placed in their boxes. Of these, 32 seniors out of 80 replied. 107 under classmen out of 413 replied. In answer to the question of whether they would change Founder’s Day in any way, 32 seniors said that they would change it. 48 underclassmen would have it changed, while 65 would leave Founder’s Day the way it is now. Two seniors and 89 underclassmen would continue the class competition. Twenty-three seniors and seven under classmen would do away with all competition. Four seniors and two underclassmen want to do away with Founder s Day altogether. Twelve seniors and three underclassmen wanted “other” alterations. Most people who checked this category suggested competing on part of the events or using other criteria than class for competition. Twenty seniors and thirty underclassmen would change Ihe areas of competition. Five seniors and eighty under classmen would leave it the way it stands now. Most sen iors who wished to change the areas of competition sug gested that it be “spontaneous, impromptu entertainment more creative.” The other classes suggested including the spirit competition again, adding inore areas , of competition, competing in field events but not in skit and song, and girl said that “how to change competition” was “irrelevant.” The seniors, in their extra comments and suggestions, leaned strongly towards making Founder’s Day a “surprise day.” Other senior suggestions included having a keg party, dropping the skits entirely, having only the Junior class do the skit, and turning Founder’s Day into a symposium. Underclassmen suggested having the faculty compete in the field events and put on their own skit, having the judges be people not connected with Salem or else having some, student judges. Many people disagreed strongly with the senior’s decision to not be included in the competition, and others agreed with their idea partially. Many people said that not enough emphasis was placed on the founding of Salem “since that is what we are scream ing about.” The freshmen felt that having FITS at the same time put too much pressure on them and the sopho mores as well. Several people felt that too much emphasis is placed on the skits, making them too time-consuming. A few people felt that the field events should be done away with alto gether. Some felt that Founder’s Day should consist of an assembly with a “super speaker.” A few individuals sug gest having supper earlier, having no classes the day alter Founder’s Day, no tests before, and holding Founder s Day at the Schlitz distributors since they will supply free beer with a guarantee of 75 people. On the whole, the seniors still believe that Founder's Day would be better without competition, or perhaps with a complete re-vamping. The underclassmen feel that Founder’s Day is basically good and should be hfeld in the same manner.