The TYPIT Division of Mechanical Enterprises, Inc., announces that it has added the peace symbol to its constantly growing list of special symbols for type writers. With this TYPIT symbol and a simple modi fication to a typewriter, this device can be typed in correspondence, on envelopes, and on club news letters, handbills, etc. In the wake of the recent controversy about the origins of the peace symbol. Mechanical Enterprises, Inc., would like to set the record straight. (See New York Times for August 3, 1970, page 30.) In spite of John Birch Society charges that the symbol is really an upside-down broken cross, an anti-Christ witch's foot, or a Communist-inspired device based on an early symbol that represented the devil's eye, the Origin was rather prosaic, and thoroughly British. The symbol most of us know as the peace symbol had its origin in England in 1958. It was first seen being used by British pacificists in their Easter "ban the bomb" march to Aldermaston to protest Britain's involvement with nuclear weapons. (Aldermaston is the location of the Atomic Weapons Research estab lishment.) Although It is now known as the "peace symbol", it more accurately is a nuclear disarmament symbol. Volume Lll Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, October 30, 1970 Number 10 It’s Witch Time Again! By Jeanne Patterson Belief in magic had its origins in the Old Stone Age with the paint ings on the cave walls. These paint ings helped with sympathetic magic in the killing of animals. New Stone Age men continued w^ith their beliefs in magic as they watched the stars and made sacrifices. In m6re recent centuries, the spirit or anima was belived in by people who had no idea of a sup reme being. Indians used witch doctors and medicine men to com municate w'ith the dead spirits. Fetishism, or devotion to material objects, flourishes in many parts of Africa. A person’s fetish contains spiritual or psychological power and protects its owner. Voodoo, a bloody religion, centers on the sacrifice of animals and, originally, human beings. Zombies are loosely associated with Voodoo. They are people in a comitose state who are believed to be dead and are revitalized to do menial jobs. Witchcraft has always existed and been punished. Actually there are two kinds of magic—black and white. White magic is used for good—for healing and good luck. Black magic is the evil element complete with devil worship. Witch's potions have often in cluded the famous MacBeth ingre dients—the venom of a toad, the eye of a newt, the fillet of a snake, the toe of a frog, the wool of a bat, the tongue of a dog, the fork of an adder, the sting of a blind worm, the leg of a lizard, the wing of an owlet, the liver of a Jew, etc. Many modern witches use psy chedelic drugs to help release their psychic powers. Of course there is a great danger in using psychedelic drugs, but most people who have complete control over their minds can take them and release their psychic energies. Drugs can be a channel to the subconscious and the user can have power over another person. The Indians have been using psychedelic drugs for cen turies. In ancient magic rituals, the spilling of blood released the psy chic energies. The sacrifices per haps let the “victim” have a closer communication with the gods. One use of these psychic energies is for healing. In the Indian tribes friends and relatives sat around the sick person while the w’itch-doctor worked. The medicine man took the energy from these people and was able, through his knowledge of psychic powers, to concentrate them on healing. The faith healers of today use this same principle. Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain relates many of the discoveries made by the Soviet Union in witchcraft and psychic phenomena. In 1968 a witch in Russia pre dicted that Canada would have a civil war. This war would not really affect the common people as much as the upper classes. Also both Canada and the United States will accept diplomatic relations with Red Chia soon. The Soviets have been successful in photographing the aura, or spiritual body of all living things. This aura is the “second” body which, in astral travel leaves the physical body and can go anywhere in space. The Soviet scientists have proved that the aura remains whole even when a leaf is cut in half or a person’s arm or leg is cut off. The pyramid shape is said to have magical powers. Many Russians have in their home a small pyramid shaped box (base nine and three eighths inches square, sides eight and seven-eighths inches high) with a platform inside. They place a razor blade on the North side of the platform and the razor blade is sharpened. (If you want to try it, Gillette Blue Blades work best and the first time takes six days.) The pyramid shape has other uses. An animal that has just died and is placed in a pyramid becomes dried up or mummified. Perhaps this is the secret of the great em balming methods of the Egyptians. The pyramid could also be the reason for the cone-shaped hat worn by witches. The shape would concentrate all the psychic pow’ers into this one person. Sources: Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain by Schroeder and Ostrander A History of Witchcraft, Magic and Occultism by W. B. Crow Bob Hill

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