c 0 M 1 N G E V E N T S Drama Friday, April 23, 8:15 p.m. Pierrette Production “Your Own Thing” Drama Theatre ♦♦—last performance Salem students—no charge Tuesday, April 27 thru Thursday, April 29 and Saturday, May 1, 8:15 p.m. Drama Workshop Barry Boys, Director Drama Theatre NCSA No charge Music Friday, April 23 8:15 p.m. Senior Recital, Organ Mary Louise Kapp Shirley Recital Hall Friday, April 23 8:15 p.m. Faculty Recital Jesus Silva, Guitar Auditorium of Main Hall NCSA no charge Sunday, April 25 4 p.m. Sophomore Recital, Organ Donna Byrd Shirley Recital Hall Sunday, April 25 4:45 p.m. Sophomore Recital, Piano Marcia Jarrett Shirley Recital Hall Monday, April 26 8:15 p.m. Faculty Recital Nancy Wurtele, Piano Eugene Jacobowsky, Violin Hanes Auditorium Thursday, April 29 8:15 p.m. Senior Recital, Piano Mary Joan Potter Shirley Recital Hall Friday, April 30 8:15 p.m. Senior Recital, Piano Cynthia McLean Shirley Recital Hall Friday, April 30 8:15 p.m. Choral Concert David Partington, Conductor Auditorium of Main Hall NCSA no charge PotpjMA^ haoh Ajdle. Friends of Salem College Library will hold a Book Fair, in conjunc tion with the Clothes Line Art Ex hibit, on the Salem Square, May 8th; rain date May 15th. We need sales ladies to work at the tab’es from 10 A.M to closing time (?) Volunteers may sign up for any hours in the Library. Proceeds from the Book Fair will be used to benefit the Library. If you cannot work, come and buy. There will be bargains galore. Who knows! You might find that first edition you have been hanker ing for. ani6. conte6>t NOTICE TO N. C. CRAFTSMEN A competitive exhibition, NORTH CAROLINA CRAFTSMEN, will be held at the North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, in August and September, 1971. Prospectus will be mailed out sometime in May. All N C. craftsmen who are in terested in receiving a Prospectus should send in their name and ad dress to: N. C. Museum of Art, General Curator’s office, 107 E. Morgan Street, Raleigh, 27601. Students—please give summer or permanent address. Members of the Children s Liter ature Class taught by Dr. Elizabeth Welch will present puppet and Chinese shadow graph shows ^ this Thursday, April 29 The audience for this presentation will include faculty children from Salem and Wake Forest and invited guests from the Head Start program. Between the puppet and shadow graph shows, two dance students from Wake Forest, under the direc tion of Mrs. Mary Gwyn Cage, will dance to a selection by Peter, Paul and Mary. ei cete^ There is a new elementary student and he’s a boy. Janet Ward reports that he is good looking. Mr. Bray has shaved off his beard. Ris’e Hayes got pinned on the way to the airport Sunday. Mr. Mangum knows karate. The Salemite desperately needs writers—if you can hold a pen we can use you. There will be no senior follies this year. Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co. says that they served more beer to Salemites Friday night than to any other group—seven barrels. Best wishes Holly Scott. Anne Lacey cut all of her hair off. Roy Rogers’ real name is Leonard Sly. (contributed by Donna Dais- ley.) Shawn Gallagher had only one date all of last weekend. Jeanine Hurford modeled clothes for a television commercial earlier this year. Bud Smith really can clog. Douglas Drysdale, a British scien tist, says that the Loch Ness Mon ster has died because of polluted waters. For once Mary Davis did not have a scoop. Does anyone know why a Siamese cat has suddenly started hanging around Gramley dorm? He tries to get in and meows pitifully (and loudly) at 5 a.m. Volume Llll Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Friday, April 23, 1971 Number !2 n. a. s. 1971- an e^ocUtinff, aj ^nn and and conjfUAJxinf elation on di6AS^fipJoint4fie>nt, WUat uj,a6, it ^ 4fOU?