Page Six the SALEMITE Our government has stepped up the U. S. war effort in response to increasing destruction by Communist forces. While war daily destroys human beings and man’s desire to live, everyday life tends to obscure everyone’s insight into the destruction called the Vietnam War. We urge every reader to write her Congressman stating individual views concerning the War policies. TODAY. Listings of each state’s Representatives may be found in the Student Center and in the Salemite office.. WRITE NOW. THE WAR MAY CONTINUE INDEFINITELY. Friday, April 21, 1975^ i THE DIVIDE The ball I threw while playing in the park Has not yet reached the ground. —Dylan Thomas. 1. Again The cord is snipped. When play is interrupted by new laws Of motion, you are pulled unawares From a near-perfect world into the orbit Of an impossible one; fail to realize For a time When you run out of Wonder, your drift. Onwards from the intersection You wonder why the winds bypass you— Until you lift your stare And find your masts bare. 2. Things moved around you and held fast Your center. Eventually Balance was disturbed by elements Unknown and ununderstood. And you revolved. You revolved Forever moving away. Swings and boats move In another world. You are fixed by Multiplicity of cells hardening into trunk; Fixed By body's refusal to reassume Lost pliancy. Fixed, Until your motion loses all sense Of movement. You are stranded with Your metamorphosis. 3. Consciousness flowed Early. As sudden and obstrusive as The menstrual blood. As bewildering as The sprout of secret hair. When The protective peel of innocence fell apart Under pressure Of knowing And layer upon layer of Awareness shook and settled in the light You longed Like a tree full of fruit To lose your burden. But No sound mouths your protest . . . You are in the middle of the story. 4. There must be some mistake. There must be, you remark every morning To yourself: You have come to The wrong mirror. Every night In the dark you resolve: Try And face the loss Though you are certain You'll ever seek the hidden players. If only, if You could hold and keep the changing face Of a town in your grasp. You could maybe plead No! no, this is not it: You have come to the wrong street. In a corner This side of the divide then. You prepare to face the final Humiliation of being taken for A man. —Saleem Peeradina ti di a ei a1 q' k; d. w el ki tc e: A rr rr le ir A ir II rr ri NOTE: Mr. Peeradin mr. Peeradina is a poet who came to the States from , e. currently is doing graduate work in English at Wa e Omversity. l#Ji»