4l if' i i .’P Volume LIV Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Monday, November 6, 1972 Number 12 Who’s Wh Once again, Salem has an im pressive list of outstanding sen iors who have achieved recogni tion for their college work by being placed upon the American Colleges and Universities’ list of Who’s Who. To be nominated for such an honor the girl must have a good academic average and have been elected to respon sible positions in extracurricular organizations. To discover who’s who and who’s what among American college students, the following is a brief description of Salem’s representatives. Senior class president Lisa Herron is one of the eleven ex cited nominees. She styles her self as a “damn Yankee” from Buffalo, New York, who has en joyed her four years at Salem more than she could ever ex press. Many Salemites will re member her best dressed in ski pants and ski jacket ready to hit the slopes. Lisa has also been an active member of SSC - mnning those lights and controlling the sound for assemblies. She is sor- r)' to see the 4 years pass and finds it difficult to believe that it’s almost time to get out into the “hard cmel world.” Sharing Lisa’s dismay at the fact that she too will be leaving Salem in only seven short months is classmate Jeannie Dor sey. Jeannie promises regardless of where she ends up, even if it is in the back woods of Canada, that she will publicize Salem C. loudly. Jeannie feels very lucky to have been elected to all the positions she has held in the past three years and believes “getting involved” is the key to a success ful college career. She calls her self the “stunned” president of her sophomore class and com mented that was the only year the class actually made money on buying their rings. Then, as a junior, the “grand” marshall fol lowed Mr. Pete’s footsteps all year long. And now, her senior year is marked by I.R.S. calling for “intervisitation,” “better food - forget the raisins!” and another “John Denver” concert. In attempting to decide what a person should do, Jeannie pro fesses a modified epicurean phi losophy - sit back and enjoy! She strongly feels that happiness at Salem comes from an inner gladness. Cathy Gazes agrees with Jean- nie’s emphasis upon involve ment. She feels involvement in both the academic and extracur ricular fields was a learning ex perience which broadened her understanding not only of her self but of the community in which she lived. Cathy stated the “names” of the various offi ces she has held have no real sig nificant value nor do the “names” of the clubs in which she participated. What is of’value to Cathy is the kind of person she found herself becoming be cause of the working part she held in Salem’s community. Ca thy hopes Salemites will reach out and take from Salem all she has to offer, in order to estab lish a strong foundation for the future. Sarah Dorrier, a senior from Winnsboro, South Carolina, con fesses that she has done a little bit of everything here at Salem - from sitting in a pot for Pierettes to mopping up the bathroom floor as house president of Bab cock. She has participated in stu dent government from almost every angle - committees, inter dorm council, and leg board. She’s still writing for the Salem- ite, and even studying a little bit! One of her more exciting es capades was the summer she spent in Oslo, Norway on the Hattie Strong Scholarship. She has a passion for history and English, and is also beginning to be paranoid about graduation. For Sarah, Salem is many things, but mostly it’s people. Sarah’s roommate, Catherine Cooper, states that her general attitude while at Salem has been never to miss anything. Her re cord of participation confirms this personal attitude. Catherine became active her freshman year as co-chairman of Founder’s Day and hasn’t quit since, presently being the chairman of Honor Who's Who honorees include Jeanie Dorsey, Cathy Gazes, Anna Moore Butzner, Sarah Dorrier, Lisa Herron, Scottie Newell, Allison Towne, Catherine Cooper, and Jennie Snead. Not pictured are Jan Shivel and Christina Spence. Council. In between official meetings and trying to keep up with studies, she stuck her nose into just about everything and wouldn’t take anything for the experiences that came her way as a result. She’s had an inside view of the “infamous” Pied mont Lecture Series, the Easter sunrise service, the Winston-Sa lem Symphony, Wake Forest classes, most of the antiwar dem onstrations on campus and in Winston, and has probably been in 95% of the movies and res taurants in town. It’s hard for her to pinpoint what she en joyed the most other than the quiet, free atmosphere of Salem that made it possible for her to try her wings in a number of ways. Scottie Newell comments that as long as she has been at Salem she feels she has been a secretary - referring of course to the positions held in her soph omore class and later in Student Government. Her only attempt at being a treasurer came her freshman year, but that she states was before anyone knew she hated math. During those days of keeping the “minutes” Scottie changed her major three times from French to Sociology to Art; however, now she con cedes she is happy! This year, Scottie works at the Alumnae office, studies and attends classes, eats ice cream, and oc casionally finds time to com plete a quilt she began last Jan uary. As far as being on Who’s Who, Scottie expresses much surprise and feels highly hon ored. Allison Towne is a history major from Lakeland, Florida. While at Salem, she has been actively involved with important student-faculty committees - at tempting to get better assembly speakers as well as more enter taining facilities for the student center. Like Sarah, Allison counts her experiences in Oslo, Norway as one of the most ex citing events related to Salem. Besides an enthusiasm for his tory, Allison is a big sports fan and sports participator. She has served on WRA and is known among tennis players on campus to be a strong, fast-playing op ponent. She is also the colum nist who keeps us up on the ACC through her weekly articles in the Salemite. Allison shares the excitement of the other girls in her selection for Who’s Who. Jennie Snead hails from Cul peper, Virginia and possesses the remarkable record of being Cle- well dorm president for two con secutive years. Besides serving on Interdorm Council in her capaci ty as dorm chief, Jennie also served on the Academic and Honor Councils. Between study time and attending the meetings of the councils, Jennie enjoys a good hand of bridge. She feels honored to have been chosen to Scorpions Choose THE ORDER OF THE SCORPION is an organization established to foster the tme spirit and ideals of Salem Col lege. The membership includes Juniors and Seniors selected by New members of the Order of the Scorpion are (left to right, 1st row to back) Chris Minter, Chris Young, Ann Wood, Con Pasquier, Meredith Hardy, and Susan Phillips. the Order. At no ume does me membership have more than fourteen members. The Order seeks to serve the college with no desire for reward or recognition, and the projects of the group are vital ones, though often in tangible, unknown, and small. Present membership includes; Chris Minter, Alden Hanson, Sa rah Dorrier, Susan Phillips, Chris tina Spence, Catherine Cooper, Meredith Hardy, Cori Pasquier, Pam Langston, Jennie Snead, Chris Young, Ann Wood. represent Salem among other colleges and universities through out America. Christina Spence describes herself as a Charlotte girl who has made it through three years at Salem C. and is determinedly attacking the fourth. She states that her three years here have been full of surprises - one of which is having been selected for Who’s Who. Surprises before this one, she commented, came with elections —first becoming Interdorm Council Chairman her junior year and then being elec ted Student Government Presi dent. Christina feels she has had too many good surprises, but ad mits she would not trade them for anything. Her future plans are very sketchy; however, she hopes to do graduate work in art history, her major at Salem. Anna Moore Butzner is a talkative history major who is currently serving as president of the recently renamed Salem For um. Anna Moore has always been involved with history in one way or another having been a delegate to the Model U.N. and a “behind-the-scenes” planner for the mini-symposium “Wom en in Politics.” But, Anna Moore will probably be best re membered for her fine job as co- chairman of the Help fund her sophomore year. Of all her ex periences, she found this job the most gratifying because its suc cess reflected the generosity of Salem’s students and faculty. For Anna Moore it is the people at Salem who are the major source of her joyful four years. Anna Moore sums up her feel ings towards Salem in comment ing - “Gee I’m glad 1 chose Sa lem.” She probably speaks for all the seniors in that one simply expressed statement. Petite Jan Shivel hails from Williamsburg, Virginia. Editor of “Incunabula”, Jan was last year’s April Arts president, and former Chairwoman of the soph omore Christmas banquet. Eng lish, art, and Davidson occupy most of her time these days.