COLLEG., ! ' WtNSTQ^i-SALEM, N« & Volume LIV Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C., Monday, February 12, 1973 Number 16 Jan Somerville Named New Academic Dean Janis Somerville is Salem’s new Academic Dean. Dr. Park to Speak At Commencement Dr. Rosemary Park, professor of education at the University of California at Los Angeles, will give the commencement address at Salem on May 20. Dr. Park visited Salem last May as a member of the Con ference on Higher Education, part of the 200th anniversary celebration. At the conference Dr. Park said that now Salem has a deeper concern for the quality of life which is lived in society. She said that it is “not a concern for the kind of life of one group in the society, but a concern for the kind of living that all the groups were open to in the soci ety irrespective of race, creed, sex or income level.” Dr. Park waid that this con cern with the quality of life is the basic problem of our time. “We don’t want more efficien cy. We don’t want more work, but we want more activity that satisfies, more recreation that really restores, more sights that refresh. Not a longer life, but a more satisfying life.” Dr. Park was president of Barnard College from 1962-67 and president of Connecticut College from 1947-62. She has been vice chancellor of UCLA. She has been a director of the American Council on Edu cation and the Association of American Colleges. Dr. Park also has served on the Commission of Independent Colleges and Universities, the Advisory Council for the Dan- forth Graduate Fellowships for Women, the Citizens’ Advisory Council of the President’s Com mission on the Status of Women and the Committee on Universi ty Relations AID. She received her A.B. degree from Radcliffe College and her PhD. from the University of Co logne, Germany. The office of the President has announced that Ms. Janis Somerville, director of Salem College’s Institute for Curricular Reform, has been selected as the new academic dean.' She will replace Dean Ivy M. Hixon, who will retire this summer on July 1. Dr. John H. Chandler said that Ms. Somerville’s selection came after a “long, hard search for someone with the qualifica tions to be Salem’s academic dean.” Chandler said that it is a de finite advantage to have an aca demic dean who has been part of the campus before accepting an administrative position. There were five personal interviews of applicants for the position be fore Ms. Somerville was selec ted, said Chandler. Student representatives, mem bers of the Board of Trustees, faculty representatives and the administration chose Ms. Som erville from applicants that come from California, New York and other states. Her application was passed by the Board of Trustees’ Executive Committee on Tuesday, Feb. 5 with Chand ler’s recommendation. Ms. Somerville received her B.A. from Penn State and her M.B.A. from Harvard. She is completing work on her Ph.D. at Duke University. Ms. Som erville has worked in North Carolina at the Board of Higher Education in Raleigh. She has been an administrator at Ohio University and was Associate Academic Dean at Newton Col lege and Academy prior to com ing to Salem. She also was acting Academic Dean of Newton when she was there. Ms. Somerville came . to Sa lem to be director of the Insti tute for Curricular Reform. She has worked on this program with Chandler and members of the Salem community to create a academic program more interes ting to students. This spring she will be on campus part time because her work with the In stitute will take her to education institutes around the country. Dean Hixon expressed sur prise upon the selection of Ms. Somerville as her replacement. She said that she herself had many things to complete and files to update before leaving Sa lem this summer. “What can I say,” said Dean Hixson. “I’ve been here 30 years so I have very mixed feelings about leavin^BB^W^'^'.'^f^' I wish her luck, though,” she said. Dean Announces Honor Society The office of the Academic Dean has released the names of Salem’s new honor society mem bers and the names of the mem bers chosen last spring. There are 16 women who were elected to the Honor Society last spring and 17 elected last week. The Honor Society is an hon orary group, not an active organ ization and is based on the prin ciples of Phi Beta Kappa, nation al honorary society. Current Members: Bobbie Anne Brooks Donna Byrd Deborah Ann Clark Catherine Lane Cooper Sarah Brent Dorrier Sarah Elizabeth (Beth) Duncan Carol Marley Franklin Mary Laurie Fraser Marcia Anne Garrett Catherine Gazes Susan Jones Heaton Margaret (Peggy) Alda Melvin Patricia Ann Pickard Andrea Jackson Sawyer Rebecca Ann Smethie Ellen Elaine Workman New Members: Margaret Catherine Bailey Margaret Elizabeth Brinkley Peggy Lei Bullard Margaret Erskine Dorrier Elsie Keller Fuller Gwen Cairns Holland Leah Laine McDonald S"san Elizabeth McLean L.artha Anne Manly Elizabeth Lynne Mappus Lyda Susan Noble Elizabeth Hinds Perry Susan Parham Phillips Ellen Hildreth Rucker Virginia Gilbert Snead Julia Dee Wilson Susan Beery Wingifield Walter AAetzg^r Speaks To Faculty, Students Hoffman Comes To Salem March 8 The Lecture-Assembly Com mittee has scheduled writer-radi cal Abbie Hoffman to appear at Salem on March 8. Hoffman will speak to Salem and the public in Hanes Auditorium Thursday evening. The committee, headed by Dr. Laddie Rollins, will pay Hoffman about $1100 and ex penses to speak on March 8. There will be a security guard for Hoffman at the lecture and during his stay on the Salem campus. The Lecture-Assembly com mittee has engaged Hoffman in an effort to appeal to students, who have complained that they would rather spend money on a big name than on several medi ocre, unknown lecturers. Mem bers of Dr. Rollins’ committee include Kathy Bacon, Stewart Taylor, Cindy Lovin, Brenda Griffin, Laura Crumpler, Dr. Kelly, Dr. Cardwell, Mrs. Doris Eller and Mrs. Mueller. Dr. Walter Metzger, Professor of History at Columbia Universi ty, will speak at a faculty curri culum committee meeting on Wednesday. Metzger will speak to the student body on Thursday during assembly hour. Metzger will speak at Salem upon faculty requests because of his distinguished background in governance and the curricu lum process at Columbia. His lectures will help students and faculty decide whether to esta blish a major curriculum change at Salem through the Institute for Curricular Reform which is being decided upon this week. Metzger spoke at Salem’s 200th Anniversary Conference on Education last May. At that time he said “Clearly the role of the professor had grown com plex; the metamorphosis of clo seted administrations into ones that are more open to the world and sharing has given rise to the professor as a campus senior. Ombudsman, and as union chief.” Metzger also stated that stu dents are filling combination roles in the wake of campus tur moil and that students’ peaceful attitudes may hide a sullen re sentment of strictly-imposed economic pressures. Metzger is an authority in the areas of academic freedom and tenure. He has been a director in the Training Program in Social History of the National Institute for Mental Health since 1967. He is a member of the Advisory Council of the Danforth Foun dation, the American History As sociation and the American Soci ety of History. He was co-author of “The Development of Academic Free dom in the United States” and is author of the section on Na tional Character on “Generali zations in the Writing of Histo ry,” on Academic Freedom: A Recent Case in “Freedom and Order on the Campus,” and on Student Freedom in “Freedom and Order in the University.” Metzger received his B.S. from City College of New York, the M.A. from Columbia University and- the Ph.D. fo and the Ph.D. from the State Unitersity of Iowa.