Page Two TH€ Monday, February 12, 1973 uuHuiauimimoiMiMMianwi^^ NOV HamiimnnawiMiMiaiiiiiuMMOiwouiwni The Salemite SAL€MIT€ CAB Abolishes Reductions Editor-irvChief ••• Laurie Daltroff Associate Editor Chris Moran Business Manager AWen Hanson Advertising A/Vanager Chris Minter Monday, February 12, 1973 Office Hours: 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. Weekdays Phone 723-7961 Ext. 250 by Laurie Daltroff Editor i«je««mioiiiiiHiHiaimiti«*^iiiiimnDiiHH»™aH Salem Has Busy Year youth fares are unjustly discriminatory and that family and youth reser vations fares are also unreason able.” The CAB is scheduled to meet March to decide when to en- tain present regulation passenger fares. m duced rates for passengers. The airlines’ youth rates were Well another sennester is beginning and some students have failed to realize that important things are occuring at Salem this year. Last semester saw the advent of a changing curriculum and a student body which deviated from past Salem stereotypes. This semester students, faculty and administration will see more changes. Dean Hixson, who has been at Salem for 30 years, is serving her last term. We are receiving a new academic dean who is involved in curriculum relevance and tCO Industries, Inc., continuity Salem, entering her third century, is accumula- formerly called Transcontinental ting millions of dollars for Dr. Chandler's new building Bus System. These associations fund A radical left-winger will speak on campus in March, brought suit against foe airhnes The experiment in Southern Living, an interdisciplinary as long ago travelers saved $112 million that Simmons said that the CAB travelers s ^jgj^y activating the year, he sai . ruling because most airlines Moss said that existing law have to raise standard air The Civil Aeronautics Board g^gj^j^ unjust discrimination fa^s in order to break even with- has decided that Youth Fare Congress can “author- o^it youth fares. He said that rates on commerical airlines are preferential treatment for a youth fare contributes to fixed illegal. On December 7 the board g^^gg^^ of persons if it is pro- rates and actually helps main- ruled that “youth standby, ^j^ed on a rational basis.” '"*• reservation and family He admitted that reduced fares for any age group appear discriminatory against vored age groups. “But, he said, “any claim of discrimina tion is weakened when young ‘roS of standing by to see if there are unused seats.” Robert Simmons, Washing ton, D.C. representative for the coalition to Retain Air Discount Fares, said that the CAB passed its Dec. 7 ruling by a 3-2 decis ion. Simmons said that the air lines represented were extremely split in their opinions about re- originally challenged by the Na tional Trailways Bus System, a trade association of bus compan- as 1968. They me expel iiiiciii m - - far? was dis- split in tneir opiiiiuus aucui ,v- schedule involving more than 40 students and 4 professors, y7idercr^^^^^ duced fares. He said that 14 of fares. Moss said that most airlines fly with an average of less than half their passenger loads on each flight. The major exception is during holidays and peak sum mer months. Youth fares have helped to offset passenger losses, he said. Moss said that two airlines, Aloha and Hawaiian, have defied CAB warnings about discontin uance of reduced fares. These airlines added special senior citi zens rates in 1968. Since then, Hawaiian has had an overall pas senger increase of 38%, but a 400% increase in senior citizen is exciting students who have not enjoyed a single course at Salem. The atmosphere at Salem is changing, hopefully for an exciting future. Every academic department at the college has spent months studying ways to be more effective and convey the excitement of learning to students. The admin istration is ready and willing to listen to student com plaints and suggestions. Students are becoming more aware of themselves as individuals and as members of an interdis ciplinary world system. The Vietnam cease-fire has signaled students and people everywhere to recognize that peace and understanding are invaluable in living. At the time the peace talks were con cluding, Salem's on-campus life seemed to stop, but did not. During January students, faculty and administration were able to confirm good changes at the college. We who spent January on-campus are glad that everyone else had fascinating adventures in foreign lands, on other campuses and alone. We want you all to know that without you we could not continue indefinitely. But we had a fas cinating, enriching month also. So, as we convene to start another term, one that is rich with hope and new ideas and excitement, why don't we celebrate a new existence as Americans and as intellectually-oriented people. business. Thomas Taylor, lobbyist for Trans World Airlines, said that persons between 12 and 21 spend about $300 million an nually on youth fare tickets. About 1 million youth fare cards, entitling the holder to re duced rates until age 22, are bought each year, he said. Senator Frank Moss (D-Utah) proposed a motion in January that would offer youth and se nior citizens reduced fares, des pite CAB ruling. The Moss bill would permit reduced standby rates for persons 21 or younger and 65 or older. This is similar to a bill passed in foe Senate last year and defeated in the House of Representatives. foe carriers offering reduced fares and 10 opposed them or failed to take a position. Simmons mentioned that Eas tern Airlines, Western, United and TWA were among the air lines favoring reduced fares on a standby basis. Airline officials in Winston- Salem and Greensboro have de nied knowledge of the contro versial CAB ruling. According to one travel agency in Winston-Sa lem, the CAB wants no publicity of its decision until it goes into effect. Think About Student Elections by Beth Pollard Elections Chairman Moss noted that in 1968 the airlines earned $21 million pro fit from youth fares. Youth fare Visitation Gjmmittee A special committee, com posed of four students, the Fac ulty-Advisory Board and the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Janu ary to discuss the controversial visitation petition submitted to the Faculty-Advisory Committee last spring and again this past fall. The committee members discussed pros and cons concern ing room visitation on the Salem campus. As a result of the meetings in January, the committee mem bers have become more aware of both student feelings and de sires and of attitudes of the Board of Trustees. Dr. John H. Chandler said that as a result of the meeting with the student representatives and the Execu tive Committee members his own attitude toward dormitory visitation is “considerably soft ened.” This week a letter will be sent to all students concerning visita- (illjp ^alpmttp EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF rwws Editor Laura Turnage Faitura Editor Oaa Wilton Layout Editor Corl Patquier Copy Editor Kathy Bacon Finn Arti Editors. . . .Barbla Pfilapar Marcia Qarrstt Photographer Anne THIett Circulation Manager. Lane Crawford Mailing Manager Evie Yancy Nancy Anderson Muse of Inspiration Mr. Bernhard von Nicolai Advisor Mrs. J. W. Edwards Member U. S. Student Press Associa tion Intercollegiate Press Alternative Features Service THE SALEMITE is the Uncensored Voice of the Salem Community. Application to rtiail at second-class postage rates is pending at Winston- Salem, N. C. 27108. Published weekly, excluding exami nations, holidays and summer vaca tion, by Students of Salem College. Subscription Price $5.00 yearly. Mailing Address P. O. Box 10447 Salem Station, Winston-Salem, N. C. 27108. tion. In foe letter Mrs. Sue Shore, Chairman of the Visita tion Committee and a member of the Board of Trustees Execu tive Committee, has listed what foe special committee his done to get the petition closer to the Board of Trustees for evaluation. She asks in foe letter that stu dents list their views in favor of maintaining foe present policy concerning male visitors and opening Salem’s doors to limited visitation in individual rooms. Students are asked not to answer yes or no but to give spe cific reasons for their opinions. The answers must be placed in one of the boxes placed in dor mitories for this purpose by Fri day. The student ideas will be combined with those of foe spe cial visitation committee to form a report to the Trustees. This will give them a basis on which to make the recommendation to Dr. Chandler concerning this sub ject. Although the petition may not be passed, the Trustees will be able to interpret the College policy which they set and imple ment procedure for change in the policy when needed. The Vi sitation Committee has been a means through which the Trus tees, administration and students have been able to enlarge the understanding and communica tion on campus. Well, it is election time again. From now until the 15th of March students will be asked to put names on the eligibility fists, attend banquets and vote at least three times. But one of the most impor tant things about Salem’s elec tion procedure is foe privilege of students to run for any office they desire. All one must do for this simple procedure is notify foe election committee that she is interested in running as a can didate for an office and the com mittee will enter a petition in her name. The candidate must be the first person to sign the peti tion. Then the petition will be posted in Lehman where at least 10% of the student body must sign it for the candidate to be placed on foe secondary bal lot. An ideal situation occurs when enough students petition for there to be a preliminary election to determine the three names that will appear on the secondary ballot. Students will receive a copy of a calendar covering the elec tions. Please keep it. It is for students to know what election procedures are going on at all times. The election committee wants all students to participate in this year’s elections because this is a year of change and Sa lem needs strong leaders who are also diplomats. These are vitally important elections. You decide who are to be the leaders of student go vernment for the next year. Please make your decisions care fully and become involved. “Irankly Speaking” by PhillraniL "M^HAT a D6APR3INTINQ SKI WEEKENP LOUISE - THE BUZZARD STILL HAS l/S ^NOWEP IN!" I FRANKLY SPEAKING Post Oflics Box 1523 East Lansing, Michigan 46823 Ik