M6nday, March 12, 1973 Candidates Continued from p. 12 (9) I feel that rule infractions have been handled very fairly this year. _ , , , (10) IRS has an important role and should continue as an or ganization for all students. (11) I believe switching to cafe teria food service would take away from the closeness that comes with family style. (12) No answer. (13) Unless there is communi- cation between clubs there is less efficiency in the entire oper ation. Every club should be o- biiged to communicate to other clubs and the student body. (14) Yes - the clubs need a budget and if they are forced to get money on a voluntary ba sis it would be difficult to do the things that should be done. (15) Objectivity and fairness are very important in the position of honor council representative. Only in this way could I hope to be more efficient. Beverly Leonard (1) Salem is a beautiful cam pus. The girls are close and with out the size of the school being too small, everyone knows every body else. The atmosphere is one of trust and concern for one another. It is great. (2) If students feel a need for family planning facilities on cam pus then service should be pro vided. (3) The call-down system is not the most perfect system. However there needs to be some type of restriction of this sort and until a better system is de vised; call-downs should contin ued to be given. (4) Yes - the SGA president is elected to represent the stu dents and should be able to ex press the opinions of the stu dents to the administration Likewise she will be able to re lay the opinions of the adminis tration back to the student. (5) Yes. (6) Yes. (7) Yes - and it will con tinue to be valid as long as the students respect it. Too many students take the honor code for granted and this lack of concern will jeopardize the system. (8) The honor system could be made more effective if the stu- SALtMlTt Explain Answers to Questions dents become more aware of its full meaning and try to carry out its purpose. (9) I am not qualified to an swer this question. Restrictions administered by the council should be kept confidential and not discussed outside the coun cil. (10) No. IRS should not con tinue as an organization for all the students. Too many students have not participated in IRS acti vities because of lack of interest. , Clubs should be made up of only interested students. (11) No. It is so nice to be able to sit down to a meal that is al ready on the table, Salem is not equipped for cafeteria facilities. (12) Yes, if possible a bigger room and more shelves should be provided so that all books can be displayed. (13) Clubs should have open communication to discuss acti vities and evaluate projects for the best interest of the students. (14) No. A student shouldn’t have to pay dues to an organi zation she isn’t interested in and has no intention of participating in. (15) To this question I can only say that I will do my best to pre form the duties of Honor Coun cil and uphold the code of the Honor tradition. Freshman Honor Rep. Scottie Boardman (1) I would describe Salem to an outsider as a 4-year liberal arts college with many activities and opportunities for women. At Salem, each girl is encouraged to participate in all activities. (2) Because of Salem’s size, I would say that I am opposed to a family planning facility; also, there would be an increase in tuition. (3) I feel that the call-down system, as a whole, is satisfac tory. There are a few penalties that I feel should not be given call-downs though. (4) Yes, definitely. With the SGA president working closely, there would be a strong relation ship between the students, facul ty and administration. (5) Yes; this also encourages good communication between faculty and administration. (6) I am afraid that I do not know much about the faculty- advisory board, but I feel that they do a fair job; they seem to think about all petitions care fully, as in the case of intervis itation. (7) Salem’s honor system seems to be the subject for much question and, for the most part, I feel it is respected. I think more clarification could be given to the students on the honor and system. (8) As I said above, I feel clari fication to students about honor would help; especially concern ing exams, tests and SDH privi leges. (9) I feel the rules that I know of have been handled fairly. (10) IRS is a great social func tion for Salem and provides many activities for students in all areas. I do not see how it up holds honor, though. I definite ly feel it should continue as a Salem tradition. (11) I feel cafeteria food ser vice is appropriate for breakfast and lunch, but I think dinner should continue being family style. (12) The book exchange could be run more effectively with more space and more people mnning it. (13) The clubs should work to gether and strengthen relations between clubs. This could pro vide for more participation from students. (14) I feel club fees should be included in SGA fees because this would insure clubs getting funds. Also, this allows the vari ous functions and activities the clubs put on. (15) I feel that, if elected, I could make my position more efficient by clarifying the honor system, and making clear all rules for exams, SDH, plagiarism, etc. I hope that the honor system will become a very trusted and honored system. Kathy Gideon (1) It is a small school; it is a woman’s college with a great deal of tradition interwoven in to the academic atmosphere which give it a unique and ap pealing difference from other schools. It has an excellent mu sic department and a fine science department. (2) Not particularly. (3) I believe that it is a good system which places the respon- sibihty of proper equality on all the students equally. (4) I think that she should at all times be aware of their opin ions and motivations and that the President and the advisory board should be kept informed of student activities and opin ions. I believe that the SGA pres ident should be free to act in re sponse to the wishes of the stu dent body, however, within the framework of the constitution. (5) Yes. (6) I don’t really know enough about its operations, to make a fair comment. (7) Yes as long as the students continue to make it so. (8) I don’t believe it can be cause it depends entirely upon the attitude of the student. (9) The infractions I have known of have been handled fairly in my opinion. (10) Yes; yes. (11) No, it seems that the fami ly style provides an open and somewhat more relaxing and friendly atmosphere. (12) No answer. (13) To co-ordinate certain pro grams that could or should be connected, to make them more effective in including more stu dents at one time. (14) Yes - but perhaps they could be reduced if students could indicate a section which they would probably consider being active and having money distributed among those clubs. (15) I don’t know if I can, but I would try and be sure that I was familiar with the opinions and feelings of my classmates on general issues so that I could examine my own judgements to see if they are reasonable and fair and not narrow-minded in their scope. Lucy Rose (1) Salem is a beautiful school with excellent opportunities for leadership and academic develop ment. (2) I am in favor of it if e- nough students desire one. How ever, I feel it may not be ex tremely necessary at a college the size of Salem. (3) 1 feel that it is necessary to have penalities of some kind for rules infractions in order to pro- Page 13 tect the general welfare of each girl at Salem. Though this system is far from perfect, we must up hold it until a better system is found. (4) Yes - the SGA president is a vital link between the stu dent and the administration. (In many cases she is the only voice we have.) (5) Yes. (6) Yes - The members are extremely conscientious and ap pear to want the very best pos sible for each student at Salem. (7) The honor system is only as valid as we allow it to be. I feel that there is a definite lack of sense of responsibility to fol low our honor system. We, as students, need to realize that such a system is necessary not only for the good of the entire student body, but also for the growth of the individual. (8) I feel it can only be made more effective if the stu dents desire. Maybe we could work toward impressing a greater sense of responsibility. (9) This question is difficult to answer because in most cases major rule infractions have been kept quiet. This is one of the beauties of Salem College. There are some exceptions, of course, but I do not think the minor infractions have been handled too harshly. (10) I don’t feel it plays much of a role in upholding honor and tradition. (11) No - I think family style meals at Salem provides a good atmosphere for the students and allows us to eat at a ncie pace. I also think we do not have the proper facilities. (12) Yes - I think a bigger room and more shelves are needed. A better system of cate gorizing is needed. (13) Clubs could work together to the fullest extent in order to keep the student body informed of £dl activities. (14) Only if the clubs are made to better represent all the stu dents. I think many students feel they are wasting their money be cause they don’t appear to be reaping the benefits. (15) I will work my hardest to uphold the honor system at Sa lem and live up to what 1 con ceive it to be. Salem becomes an ode to March When the flowers bloom and students brea out