Volume LVIl Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C. - Thursday, November 7, 1974 Number -5 '2 Salem Snack Bar- Pros and Cons By Zel Gilbert It’s often interesting to just sit down and think about how many ampus problems you could solve you had the power and, more to ortantly, the money to change /revise anything at Salem. Fantasizing about “President for 0 day” conjures up images of strolling around in academic re galia for some, but for the prac tical minded, such an opportunity opens the door to institute changes for our present problems. The central problem on campus now seems to be an alarming lack of community, and taking definite steps to revitalize the thinking and communication among people on campus would be my objective. One of the best indirect methods of bringing our campus population together would be a common ap peal to the stomach by setting up a snack bar in the student center. Previous Setbacks The problems suffered in a pre vious attempt to set up a snack bar included the lack of a proper administrator separate from the refectory staff, lack of an efficient system of hiring students to oper ate the service, lack of funds for the initial opening of the snack bar. and a rather undefined time schedule for operation. A snack bar, or short order set-up, therefore, should be in stituted in the student center for operation at times when there fWOuld be enough people on cam pus to make the venture financial ly feasible. Late afternoons and evenings on weekdays would be preferable for operation and Sun day night hours would appeal to students returning from week ends. The cooking could be done by student “chefs” in the student center kitchen and student wait resses could attend to the tables and booths to alleviate a cluster of hungry students clamoring for food in the kitchen area. Such an operation, however, could only be undertaken with an initial sum of money from a benefactor or the Board of Trustees. And with the usual appetites of Salemites as well as some careful administra tion. profits from a snack bar should not only be possible but could help eventually in buying uew kitchen equipment. :With the institution of a snack har there are several advantages m store for the campus popula tion. For instance, when refectory meals have failed to fill the stom ach and a student is ravished with hunger, where can she go without transportation? May- ccrry s continually increases prices and decreases service, and acre is no other eating place Within walking distance. Vending roachines in the dorms only offer ac usual non-nutritional junk arc. Blessed are those with cars or they can at least find relief cr the gnawing stomach. A cam- Pas snack bar, however, serving namburgers, sandwiches, and arri 1 alleviate the hunger lack of transportation prob- / *-^6 hunger and out-of-gas urn, and with 600 people on ^rrring the week, the per- wni starving Salemites ,'I ,®^^rire enough business for ®.;stable operation , For Students rt, establishment of a for o* provide jobs udents. With a carefully Refectory Maydell INTERCLUB WEEKEND!!! INT™‘r1 ™ Students!!! Below are the plans for your pfans NOW ! n 8-November 10. Make Friday, November 8 5:00-6:00 p.m. Regular Supper — No Date Tickets 9:00 Movies by April Arts (Shirley Temple, Little Rascals, 3 Stooges, Laurel & Hardy, Bugs Bunny) —Bring blankets or sleeping bags to sit on —BYOB —Caramel apples & popcorn sold by Home Ec. Club 11:30-12:30 Midnight Breakfast — Refectory $1.25 date ticket Eggs, ham, grits, rolls Salem student free Saturday, November 9 1:00 1:30 2:00-4:00 2:30-3:30 Ranch Style Lunch — Maydell $1.75 date ticket (Ref.-rain) (Bar-B-Q chicken, etc.) Archways Sing Maydell WRA events: Mixed Doubles Tennis Tournament Volleyball Touch Football *If rains — ping pong, billards Folk singer by Salem Forum —BYOB 5:00-5:30 Buffet Supper — very light 8:00-12:45 Dance with “Mainstreet” —BYOB, setups & snacks provided by IRS Sunday, November 10 11:30-l :30 Brunch — $1.75 date tickets 2:00-5:00 Blue Grass Band “Big River Boys” —BYOB Lily Pond Refectory Refectory Refectory Graylyn (gym if rain) supervised plan, students who would like to pick up spending money or girls who need to work off scholarship hours could be hired to be cooks, waitresses, or even busboys. Of course, one per son should be hired to supervise the actual operation for the snack bar in respect to finances, super vision of employees, and kitchen activities, but students could do the real manual labor. Girls wbo like to cook could be trained in short-order cuisine and those who like to mingle with the crowd could wait on tables. With two work shifts of students a day, the refectory would not be respon sible for providing help, the cooks and waitresses would not be over worked, the students themselves would not be overworked, and they would actually be earning money. Social Advantages Certain social needs of the stu dents could also be met with the institution of the snack bar. As of now there is no place on campus to take dates for a casual evening of food and conversation. A girl must always be prepared to leave the campus, for it is certain her date will want to go some where for a couple of beers and something to eat and to run into old friends or people he doesn t often get a chance to see. Our student center would have nothing to offer a date. A girl would be ashamed to bring anyone to that empty and lifeless place where they are sure to run into abso lutely no one. We would need a beer license to make the student center more of a gathering place, but making the place inviting and appealing to students and their dates is necessary if we are to revitalize this aspect of life on the campus. Campus Spirit Finally, the basic effect of the Jim Armentrout, Bill Graham, and Steve Neal “discussed” the political issues on October 29 hoping for results on November 5. Neal Questions Mizell Tactics snack bar, hopefully, would be to alleviate a very wide-spread problem — the problem of the absence of a spirit of community on the Salem campus. So often professors and alumna speak of the constant streams of conversa tion that used to flow among stu dents and professors, and this attitude seems to have disap peared almost entirely. There is presently no gathering place that is casual, small, and conducive to interesting and stimulating con versation for both students and faculty. We do have the student center and the place is well decorated, casual, and small. With the common bond of hunger among all people on campus, per haps this atmosphere of com munity could be rejuvenated and re-established with the joining of minds and food in the student center. The spirit of the academic community is lost without inter action and communication, and this revitalization of the student center would be a tremendous step in regaining a fellowship of concern and friendship on cam pus. The practical effects, therefore, of the institution of a snack bar in the student center would in clude a place to eat on campus for those who have neither the time nor transportation to venture forth for hunger relief, a method of earning money for those stu dents who would be willing to work, and an enjoyable and lively place for girls to bring their dates on the campus. Most importantly, the transformed student center would serve as a gathering place for the meeting of minds and stomachs. And we need this place, we need the interaction and com munication if we are to survive as an academic and intellectual community as well as a well-fed one. By Laura Day With election day just one week away, representatives of the For syth County Republican and Democratic parties met with the Salem community Oct. 29 to dis cuss the issues. Bill Graham, Re publican Party chairman for For syth County, J i m Armentrout, Vice-chairman of the Democratic Party in Forsyth County, and Steve Neal, Democratic candidate for the Fifth congressional seat, spent nearly two and one-half hours with students and faculty discussing the Equal Rights Amendment, amnesty, and other election topics. A representative for Wilmer Mizell, Republican in cumbent candidate for the fifth district seat, never showed. Mr. Armentrout opened the dis cussion by revealing the North Carolina Democratic Party plat form, which includes support of the ERA. Mr. Graham countered by saying that platforms were “by and large a lot of hogwash” and explained that the Republican state convention had written one but did not have a quorum for a vote. Steve Neal, a Winston-Salem native, charged that platforms did mean something and outlined the issues in the fifth district race. The first issue, Neal explained, was MizelTs failure to appear with Neal at planned discussions. Neal said that many people had invited Mizell to speak and every time Mizell had failed to show up. “He’s a pleasant person,” said Neal, “but you’re not dealing with personalities in a race for the U.S. Congress — you’re deal ing with issues.” Bill Graham countered by charging that the debate issue was a preplanned campaign tactic, but, answered Neal, “isn’t the essence of de mocracy free discussion and debate?” The second issue, according to Neal, was MizelTs secrecy. Neal explained that he personally did not wish to disclose his finances but did so in response to a Journal and Sentinel editorial. Mizell, how ever, refused to do so and Neal said that made him wonder “what is he (Mizell) hiding”. Bill Graham charged that finan cial disclosure was unfair because a candidate who lays out his finances gets a tactical advantage over another candidate. He stated that Mizell was not a wealthy man and that he had disclosed everything he needed to disclose. Another issue, according to Neal, was MizelTs signing his name to bills that had already been introduced in Congress. Neal charged that whenever a certain bill seemed popular, Mizell sent out press releases saying that he had introduced the bill when, in reality, it had been previously signed and was already under consideration in committee. Neal also charged that none of the bills Mizell had introduced in six years had passed. Neal said that “his (MizelTs) office has been run since he went to Congress as a public relations effort.” He stated that “if you like the way things are, send him back up there ... if you don’t like me, send me back down here. That’s the way this thing’s sup posed to work.” Neal said that he considered big business, big government, and big labor the country’s major prob lems and if elected he would especially push for anti-trust leg islation. Neal also feels that blan ket amnesty is too extreme and favors the ERA. Red Cross Needs Blood On November 14 the Red Cross Bloodmobile will be right next door to Salem College at Home Moravian Church. The time is 11:00 to 4:30 and the entire pro cess should take about an hour. The method of giving blood is quite simple. You register, then have your blood pressure and temperature taken. You must weigh 110 pounds or more and must have eaten within four hours. Next the finger is pricked to evaluate the iron content of your blood, and you are asked your disease history. 24 hours should have elapsed after shots for polio, cold, flu, etc. After penicillin injections a 10 day wait is required and if long acting penicillin is used 8 weeks must elapse before donating. You can not have had a serious illness in the past month, and if you have ever had hepatitis you are not an acceptable donor. After you state your history you move into the donor room and are placed lying down on a table. When they are through with you then drinks and cookies await you in the canteen. Salem Students — Because the Bloodmobile is right here on our own campus there is NO reason for you not to give blood if you are able!!!