Volutn® LVIl Salem College, Winston-Salem, N. C. - Thursday, November 21, 1974 Number 6 4.14 And January Keep’Em Or Not? By Sherrin Gardner Tn a recent questionnaire dis tributed among the students, the i eTal effectiveness of the Janu f Term and the overall worth !('thp 4-1-4 were examined. Com ments ranged from “totally trthless” to “the best thing that Salem offers,” Obviously various individuals harbor feelings of di- l/ersity on subject. As the Irudal evaluation of this method of education approaches, it is valuable to discuss the merits of This system as well as the dis- 'advantages so that those in the Salem community can involve Ihemselves in the most exciting Academic experience possible. A Not-So-Typical Frosh Comes to Salem I A vast majority of Salem stu dents feel that the 4-1-4 system is the best answer for a student’s educational needs. Very few are ictually opposed to the system. ^Yet, many conscientious students lave concluded that certain ele- nents of the January Term could le improved upon. For example, students feel that the criteria for approving Independent Studies is jntirely too lenient. The work load is often incongruent with that of 3ther courses, and in many cases, the place of study is obviously lonsidered before the subject it self is chosen. There should be some sort of relationship between the place and object of study. Many students feel that there is loo much free time and that the courses themselves are not aca demically challenging. The added expense of an off campus program automatically excludes those who do not have surplus funds in their travel bud gets. Additionally, the rebate is not sufficient as tuition, and room fees for this month are non-re- tundable. Because only four courses are taken per semester, a Salem student has fewer electives and has a more difficult time fulfilling requirements for a double major. Despite these criticisms, many favorable attributes are associ ated with the 4-1-4 program. The January Term allows a small col lege with a small faculty maxi mum flexibility. If one examines the catalogue of a large univers ity, it is readily discerned that many of the courses there are more specific in subject matter and do not cover such general topics as those at smaller col leges. Essentially, January allows specialty courses to be offered that satisfy specific interests of a student. January allows a student an I opportunity for in depth study land concentration in an area of I interest that becomes oversha- Idowed by basic distribution and I major requirements. Many stu- I dents engage in programs that I serve as career exploration. I Others achieve proficiency in a I skill such as photography or com- jmercial art that later enhances I one s resume of job qualifications. I The creativity potential of a I student is afforded the opportun ity of manifesting itself in the (work done during January. The I amount of knowledge to be gained L[‘™g this time has no limits. I are to be commended on L^^^o’Jghtfulness obviously re- L f ^ their comments. It is 0 reshing to learn that students t teed for stimulating en- li/ an academic area. It exciting to realize that such By Donna McDonald Editor’s note: Donna McDonald, a Salem student who waited a few years before starting college dis cusses the advantages and dis advantages of college immedi ately after high school. I am very proud to be at Salem. I have a reason to feel very deeply about Salem because the people here discovered a unique way for me to continue my edu cation. I owe a lot to Mary Scott Best, Sue Hale, Virginia Johnson, and Jim Barrett who believe in women’s education. They put their heads together and came up with this idea for me: I would carry a full load of courses in the mornings and work in the De velopment Office as Mr. Barrett’s secretary from 1-5 in the after noons. I would have dual status as a full-time student and a staff member. I am 22. I graduated from Leominster High School in Massachusetts four years ago. I support myself and live off- campus here in Old Salem. When my classmates discover that I am not a typical freshman, they react with amazement and curiosity about this state of af fairs. They bombard me with questions. Why didn’t you go to college right away? What did you do while you were out of school? How did you get to Salem? Don’t you have problems working and going to school at the same time? When do you study? Do you feel out of place? I suppose you don’t have to take field hockey? (Yes, I do!) One of the reasons that I did not go to college right away was that my parents did not support my choice of college. My father believed that in a family with four boys the boys should have the first opportunity to go to college. It was alright for me to go to a small, local teachers college. I did not want to go there because it offered only a limited course of study. I wanted the opportunity of a wider education so that I could discover what I really wanted to do. My parents put me through Katharine Gibbs Secretarial School in New York City where I lived at the YWCA with would-be actresses and models, secretaries, dancers, and girls who worked at the UN. It is very difficult to make roots in New York City, and when I finished school I found a job nearer home. For two years I worked as a private sec retary to the Head Football Coach at Holy Cross College. It was a pretty glamorous first job! During the next two years I worked at a nuclear medicine facility, and for a while I was in the fashion field as a buyer. I waitressed. I got hung up on a man. I had my own apartment. I bought a car. I felt this drifting around was senseless. Last spring I came down to Martinsville, Virginia, to visit my cousin and also to try to find some way out of this boring and frustrating trap I found my self in: I could never go very far as a secretary, and as a secre tary I could never make enough money to save to go to college. With no financial resources, I thought it was almost impossible for me to go to the college I wanted to go to. Ever since I heard about Salem two years ago in Mademoiselle magazine. I’ve had my heart set on this school. In desperation, I came down any way to discuss my situation with some key people here, and they were eager to help. Salem is a school that has a long and pre cious history of women’s educa tion. I am glad that such a school exists. Every day w h e n I walk past the lily pond and the pillars of Main Hall, I am glad to be here. I hope you appreciate Salem as much as I do. Meehan, Buzbee Read Their Poetry By Vickie Moir Dr. Brian Meehan, a member of Salem’s English department, and Alton Buzbee, a faculty mem ber at the School of the Arts, each alternately read some of their original poetry Wednesday, November 14. The reading, attended by 20-25 people, was held in the Library Assembly Room at 3:00 p.m. In opening remarks, Meehan said, “The idea of this poetry reading was conceived at a party Buzbee and I were both attend ing.” Meehan said that at that party the two of them had ended up yelling their poems back and forth at each other. One of Meehan’s opening poems was “Clovis Pressed for a Serious Answer.” Meehan, in a conversa tion afterwards, said that the poem was his favorite. Meehan said he is “very fascinated by the character of Clovis.” Clovis, he said, “lives in a universe of words.” In a portion of the poem, Clovis said: Now I pursue an innocent vocation: The call to artful, aimless conversation. My words preceding of a private vision. Though I disperse them with a terse precision My words the mirrors of my own illusion. Still good shepherds of im mense confusion. CHRISTMAS ASSEMBLY DEC. 12 Salem’s traditional Christmas candlelight service will be held this year on Thursday, December 12 at 1:15 in Hanes auditorium. The Choral Ensemble will open the program with special selec tions, followed by the Moravian candlelight service, led by Dr. Clark Thompson. It is one of the truly special experiences of the year. Don’t miss it! Watch for special details in the next issue of the Salemite, and the posters around campus. CANDLE TEA Single Brothers House Sponsored by the Women’s Fellowship of Home Moravian Church Dec. 5, 6, 7; 2-9 p.m. Dec. 12, 13, 14; 2-9 p.m. Adults $1.00 Students 500 Age 12 and under 250 Library Extends Hours Beginning December 1, the Salem College library will extend its hours to 11:45 p.m. An SGA petition requesting the time ex tension was recently passed and Mr. Robert Woerner, head libra rian, announced that later hours will continue on a trial basis throughout spring semester. At the end of the school year, the success of the program will then be evaluated. Mr. Woerner emphasized that the extension will only apply to Sunday through Thursday nights. He also said that hiring personnel for the later hours would be somewhat of a problem but that Salem scholarship students are being considered for the positions. Mr. Woerner also announced the location of two smoking areas in the building - the room and a room m thejiase ment. Furniture, trash cans, and ash trays should be m place around L middle of » he said, but he promised to ry to speed up the process so library _ opportunity for creative learn- rngSl present itself again this an users could use the smoking areas sooner. Regarding a recent letter to the editor concerning library audio visual aids, Mr. Woerner re vealed that a record player is on order and that he will soon send out a purchase order for a cas sette player. These, along with earphones, will be located in a room next to the main desk. Woerner emphasized that audio visual aids were originally in cluded in the budget for the new library but money problems and the confusion of the move caused the delay. Woerner also said that the aca demic dean and the Library Com mittee are trying to work out an agreement with the Wake Forest library that is more favorable to Salem students. As the situation stands, Salemites are not allowed to check out books from Wake. In order to reclaim some long overdue books, Mr. Woerner also said that notices will be sent to negligent faculty members before Thanksgiving. He also urged stu dents who have any suggestions for new books to see the faculty who, he says, have request cards that can be forwarded to tne library. At one point, Meehan said, “Buzbee and I have very different styles.” Meehan began to explain that those who liked his type poetry referred to it as “formal ized.” Dr. Michael Thomas, com pleting Meehan’s thought for him, quipped, “ ‘a bore’ by every one else.” Buzbee’s poems were on a num ber of topics. In one of his poems, Buzbee said: Blessed is the man who keeps his brothers pure at any cost. Happy is the man who kills for the sake of Christ. Beatitudes upon the man who knows the mind of God and writes it in his neighbor’s blood. God love us! should maxi- and strive ^rrinTviramrt'o'the traditional ly bleak month of January. January. Students mize this experience In a conversation after the reading, Buzbee said that the material in his published volumes has been written since about 1943. In answer to what he is writing now, Buzbee said he had “about three volumes ready to go.” Buz bee said what he would do with them depended on how his current volume sells. Buzbee said that he “writes from time to time.” He said that he “writes to talk to people.” Meehan said that he began writing seriously while he was an undergraduate. He said that cur rently he is “engaged in writing a lengthy pastoral elegy.” Buzbee’s newest book is The Pain of the Joy. He is also the author of a volume. Words by Buzbee. To explain the title of the later work, Buzbee said that he “feared not all would consider it poetry.” Meehan has been published in the Southern Review. Lazarus To Lecture The Dale H. Gramley Library of Salem Academy and College will open its new Library Lecture Series Thursday, November 21, with a talk on “The Originality of Greek Architecture” by Dr. Frank M. Lazarus. The lecture will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the library and will be open to the public without charge. Lazarus, who has broad ex perience and interest in arche ology, is head of the department of classics at Salem College and has prepared an exhibit on ar cheology to be displayed in con junction with the lecture. Empha sizing two facets — archeology in the field and archeology in the classroom — the exhibit will be in the display area of the library from November 11 until Decem ber 14. Library hours are 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, and 2 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Sunday. “The Library Lecture Series is one effort to make fuller use of the library facilities,” explained W. Robert Woerner, Salem li brarian. “A library should be more than a place to store and check out books, or to attend a meeting and leave. We believe it should be a place of continuing varied intel lectual stimulation — for students, faculty, and members of the com munity,” he said. In his talk, Lazarus will expand on the theory that the originality of Greek architecture depends upon its acute sense of perspec tive and the ability of the style to combine diverse architectural influences in a culturally distinc tive manner. Iron-age pottery from the digs at Beer Sheeba (in the Negev Desert of southern Israel) will be included in the exhibit. Lazarus, who recently ad dressed the southern section of the Classical Association of the Midwest and South on “Fortuna and Rhetorical Structure in Livy” holds the Ph.D. degree in classics from Cornell University. He also studied at the American Academy in Rome (Roman Topography) and was with the 1972 Archeolo gical Excavation at Tel Beer Sheeba. There will be a reception after the lecture.

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