Page Two 21, S»alpmttp Editor-in-Chief Lockhart Ledbetter Associate Editor Laura Day Business Manager Katherine Skinner Assistant Business Manager Janet Kirkland Office hours: 5:00-10:00 p.m. Monday 4:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Telephone: 723-7961, Ext. 250 — Salemite Office Or call 727-1421 or 727-9002 Thursday, November 21 TH£ SAL£MIT£ November Letter to |diot and the Oddit The Editor 1974 editorial Happy Thanksgiving! November 28th is on the way . . . although around Salem campus one would hardly know it. The signs are here, but people are looking on to Christmas and they just do not seem too thankful. It’s November though. The scholarly among us are clutching their BIC pens and Blue Horse notebooks with a frenzy and mumur- ing, “Tve just gotta have a break. Someone please give me a breather!” Miss Simpson’s girls come from the office every day with blackened hands due to the IF-I-HAVE-TO- STAMP- ANOTHER - CLASS - CARD - I’LL - S C R E A M syn drome. And there is the annual craft fair in the square if it does not snow — the sponsors being encouraged with the hope that Salem students will get most, if not all, of their Christmas shopping done before “the rush.” Surely, every one can sense that Thanksgiving is almost here! Right ? Wrong. So far, the closest hint this campus has had of next Thursday’s event is Turkey-Lurkey’s gobbling in Story Theatre, “Puh-lease, sir, can I be first? I’d just luv to be the first to go!” Is food all Salem can think about? Granted, Monday the 25th seems to be the day of remembrance for Thanksgiving with a special meal (possibly even entertain ment) and later a Communion service. Wonderful! The question is why the celebration has to wait so long in coming. Salem was in the Halloween spirit a week ahead with the pumpkin carvings. The Thanksgiving spirit that is circulating these days is only one of hallelujahs that there is a long weekend to catch up before exams. Also, just how many girls are going to be here next Monday to have a few thankful thoughts rub off on them? Hopefully, more than last year. Thanksgiving is about the last surviving holiday that has not been switched to a Monday for tourists and that has avoided mass commercialism—maybe because people do not feel required to exchange gifts, but rather give when they want to share their goods. However non-scholastic gratefulness may be, it should still lie in the front of people’s minds, especially at this season, most especially in 1974, and without question in the students of Salem College. This comrtiunity needs reminders of that fact, more often and earlier. But not all have forgotten; a Salemite just walked past the window whistling “We Gather Together.” — Beecher Mathes Dear mother, I know you put $400.00 in my checking account to last through first semester, but it did not. I am down to $5.00 and the service charges haven’t been paid. Every time I turn around someone is hounding me to “buy this” or “pay that”. Just for beginners, I have to pay M every time I want to cash a check more than $5.00. (The comptroller is the only place that will cash checks larger than $5.00.) Then the laundry has been discontinued so it costs me 50^ if I wash and dry one load a week. I have kept a running record of my expenses which should shed some light on where my allow- ance has gone. $49.00 SGA fees $78.00 textbooks $25.00 parking fee (new ex pense this year) $ 3.00 dorm dues $ 1.00 help fund $ 2.50 Founder’s Day T-shirt $ 1.00 room key $ 1.00 SDH key $40.00 gym suit (freshmen only) $ 8.24 Post Office Box $208.74 Total Please send me some money. Love, daughter Dear daughter, I am very glad you have not run up a bookstore bill this year. Your father and I paid the tuition ($3600.00) and were appalled to learn another $200.00 is required. It makes me wonder where the money goes. Thank goodness you are not doing a costly January Program. Anyway, I have de posited another $100.00 into your account. Please stretch it until Christmas. Love, Mother Visitation Extended November 5, 1974 Ms. Kathy Black, President Student Government Salem College Winston-Salem, North Carolina Dear Kathy: After careful consideration and in consultation with the various constituents of the College, stu dents, faculty, administrators, trustees, and alumnae, an admin istrative decision has been made to extend the number of visita tion weekends. Beginning second term, February 1975, on a trial basis to be evaluated in the fall of 1975, the number of visitation weekends will be extended from four each term to seven each term. All other stipulations as stated in the 1974-75 Handbook, page 19, and Social Procedure Sheet, pages 5 and 6, remain the same. This decision reflects the con cern of the members of Faculty Advisory Board, the Student Af fairs Committee, and my own concern about security matters and privacy for students who do not wish to participate in visita tion. It is my hope that students continue to make the type of de cisions which have shown good judgment and maturity. I am sure we can anticipate the same student concern with the in creased opportunities for visita tion. Cordially, Virginia Johnson Dean of Students Salem Students: Recruit Prospects from Home Town By Zel Gilbert Seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen — we all have our particular enthusiasms, our own experiences, our special joys which have made Salem a home for each of us. But can you re member the anticipation, the fears, the knots in your stomach as a high school senior when you looked forward to and at the same time dreaded the uncertainties of college life? Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions in a student’s life and knowing what the college, the classes, and the campus life are like can make all the difference in deciding on one school. We all have a special gift to offer Salem, one that takes very little time. The prospective students from our hometowns have many questions to be an swered and are eager to know exactly what Salem can offer them. As recruiters we can do a great service to these students and to our school. One simple phone call to a prospective stu dent over Thanksgiving or Christ mas break can help tremendously in describing life at Salem and in reinforcing the favorable impres sion she may already have. All of us can help, for we are of the age group with which these prospective students can identify. They will talk more readily with a college student about their ex pectations than they will with an older staff member of the Admis sions staff. We, then, can help the staff by discussing and answering questions about social, commun ity, and dorm life. Freshmen, you can be especially effective in re cruiting these girls. You are closer to the environment of home and high school life since you have been away for only a few months. The memory of the great break from high school to college is fresher in your minds so you have a more accurate insight into the questions that may arise with prospective students. We all, how ever, have advice and experi ences we can share and we can fulfill a personal responsibility to support our school by encourag ing new students to become a part of our campus community. Again, the job involves only one phone call. Contact the Admis sions office today and get a list of the girls in your hometown who have expressed an interest in at tending Salem. Call them over Thanksgiving and share your love of Salem and your life as a col lege student. We are all our school’s best spokesmen for we are all very much a part of every event that takes place on campus. And that one phone call may be all It takes for a girl to make her decision to change from a pro spective student to a Salem en- rollee. By Merilyn Turner and Sherrin Gardner Contact wearers of the world unite. I come before you today to present a proposal that will put an end to those iff fated days when a well-placed nudge, a chance wind-blown leaf, a brow wrinkling grimace, or a de fensive flinch can rightfully dis lodge a $30 contact lens from the eye of its owner. As evidence of the unhappiness, despair, and in convenience that such a day may inflict upon an individual, I pre sent to you the following case studies of actual instances of un called-for contact loss. Exhibit A: The date is April 27, 1974; the time — night time. The Oddity (the names have been changed to protect the innocent?) and her date have dressed ap propriately to go to a Doobie Brothers concert in Greensboro. Being the mature woman that she is, and wanting to SEE the Doobie Brothers as well as hear them, the Oddity dons her contact lenses instead of wire rims simi lar to those worn by every other person at the concert . . . and the night goes on. Now let me set the scene for you. The Doobies are guitaring, drumming, and jiving to the intense beat of “China Grove” ... the Coliseum is pulsating with the alternating waves of sound and heat ... the casually (and I use that term loosely) dressed spectators are standing on their seats, clapping their hands in the air, smoking, whistling, and lighting matches in the smoky darkness of the Coliseum, while the Oddity and her date look on. The tension builds, and at the height of the song’s intensity her date reaches for her hand and indicates that he wishes to whisper a sweet nothing (and that is all that it will be because hearing anything had be come obsolete some time back) in her ear. Meanwhile, the Oddity moved by the same impulse as her date, turns quickly in his direction to likewise comment on some aspect of the concert. Everything is ap parently fine; the lights are low. I the music is going anri * suspecting lovers turn to I?""' with one another Bui its way, and as ■■ • his nose goes in her ^ the contact is lost amid £ ness and jiving, S smoking of the Coliseum T ii?, "“tact wearers, is this' fa £''1 Exhibit B: The date is £ 1974; the time-night S Idiot (pseudonym) and £r'J| are nestled in the May T watching the outdoor movipy . IRS weekend. Once ag? ‘1 set the scene for you The * IS dark and cold. The terras I steps of the May Dell aS theater are sparsely populated k, I cozy c 0 u p le s clinging “ under copious layers of as if the cold were the holding them together. The I ies end, and the sound of mingy I conversations heightens noticeatlJ as couples un-couple and from stiff positions to clothes and shake-out and” blankets. They ascend the 1 Dell steps at their convenience! one or two at a time. Eve seems to be going well as ttel crowd dissipates. The her date, being so engrossed'hl conversation that they are one oil the last couples to leave, rise am pack to go. He wrestles withth zipper of the sleeping bag, wi the Idiot matches the corners o! the blanket. Acting in a gentle manly manner, he assists her ii folding the blanket (how romaii tic) only to flick the corner of il in her eye and the contact is lost, I amid the dark, cold, loneliness oil an isolated amphitheater, i wearers, is this fair? I rest my case, and in light ol| the afore-mentioned tortured im viduals, I propose the follows | bill. Proposed: That the loss of a| contact be hereto illegal, moral, and unheard of. Contact wearers unite and staoJ | up for your rights by your John Hancock to the posed petition. (And please make| it a legible John Hancock, t you see, I lost my contact ar am unable to discern much anything below that size.) ANNOUNCEMENT North Carolina School of the Arts is sponsoring a f series that is open to the public. There is no admission I charge and all films are shown in Crawford Hall at 8:00 p.m Sunday Nov. 24 Sunday Dec. 2 Sunday Dec. 15 Sunday Jan. 5 Sunday Jan. 12 Sunday Jan. 19 Sunday Jan. 26 Sunday Feb. 2 Sunday Feb. 9 Sunday Feb. 16 Sunday Feb. 23 Sunday Mar. 2 Sunday Mar. 9 Sunday Mar. 23 All The King’s Men The Best of Bogart and Superfly A Clockwork Orange Casablanca Auntie Marne From Here to Eternity Wait Until Dark Anatomy of a Murder The African Queen An Evening with the Royal The Great Race Delivei’ance Gone with the Wind Fantasia Editorial Staff Jan Warner Feature Editor Marilyn Turner Assistant News Editor Pam Brown Assistant Feature Editor Claudia Lane , Py Sally Jordan ayout Editor Penny Lester Avery Kincaid Headlines Assistants Marilyn Mycoff , Ann Duncan Cartoonist .. /- DL^, , Aggie Cowan Photographers _ *nn Pin Business Staff Mary Circulation Manager Sally I Sally I Janet ^ minatio'i*' Editorial Contributor Ann Pitt Kiki French Beecher Mathes Adviser Mrs. J. VV. Edwards THE SALEMITE is the Uncensored Voice ot the Salem Community. Published weekly, excluding jtu- holidays and summer ,;p| dents of Salem College. ^ !jj|-ess: I Price is $6.00 yearly. Mailing « P. O. Box 10447, Salem Station, Salem, North Carolina Member of the United States Press Association. Mailed by Third Class Permit ^ ^ c. | Salem College, Winston-Salem, 27108. ...