Volume LX Salem College, Winston-Salem, N.C., Friday, September 30,1977 It Happened Last January By Beth Fenters Have you ever wanted to get out of the classroom for a while and gain some practical ex perience in a job related to your career interests? More than half of the student body at Salem explored job opportunities through January internships or independent studies last year, according to Diaiuie Dailey. “We have seen an increase in internships because students want to explore possible careers, to find out whether they are wasting time or not, and also for the working experience,” Dailey said. Of approximately 250 in terns last year, only two or three were unsuccessful, she said. Internships and independent studies differ in basic structure and requirements, but both may help the student to define or enrich career plans. Internships are specifically designed to give the student pre-professional experience, usually in the at mosphere of a business or professional organization. Prospective interns are responsible for contacting job supervisors to arrange suitable plans and goals for the month’s work. They must find a faculty sponsor and clear their programs through the January term requirements. Independent studies are for students who want to research one particular area of interest, orally involving library work. Inese students may correlate research with practical ex perience, however. Initial registration for January term is Oct. 4, and many students have decided by now on a par ticular course, internship or independent study. Those who hfve not solidified their plans should check the lengthy file of past internship or independent study programs, which is available to all students in the mean’s office. Most students who we done internships are willing 0 fccuss the value of their ex perience. ' K. Some of the internships last Iricluded: economics fj working in brokerage bant’. market firms or learning teaching sp' on elementary and school levels; jour- rennrt™ students working as newSf ® and weekly public ons and business com munications; and history and political science students working with Congress or Senate officials. Also, several students worked at N.C. Baptist or For syth Hospital in areas such as pathology, anesthesiology or dietetics. Internship possibilities are virtually lirnitless, but students must realize that they accept full time job responsibility, both in training and actual working capacities. One January intern from last year explained, “I worked from 8-5, Monday through Friday every week during the month, but the ex posure and expereince I received changed my whole outlook on future career plans. At least I know what the job demands now, and I can prepare for the future during school instead of won dering blindly what I will do after graduation.” Dailey emphasized that on- campus programs and courses should not be overlooked, especially for freshmen. Staying on campus for the first January term may be a relaxing educational experience and may give students on campus an opportunity to explore more extracxxrricular activities. Take Me To Wake Number 13 has become a lucky one for college students needing transportation between Salem College and Wake Forest University. The Winston-Salem Transit Authority, in response to a real need and recognition of many requests, has established a route running from the North Carolina School of the Arts and Salem College area direct (no transfer!) to Wake Forest and the Reynolda Shopping Center. Salem students boarding at the comer of Academy and the Salem Bypass ride busses numbered 16 to their Wake Forest destination and number 13 on the return trip. Bmce Abel of the Transit Authority explains that route 13 and 16 operate as an “across-town pair,” eliminating the need for transfer at the Courthouse. During rush hours a.m. ^d p.m. the relatively new service runs busses every half hour, during mid-day every hour. It will be a boon to not only cross-registered students at the two colleges but to many who live and work in the areas served. Mrs. Whitty Cuninggim, wife of Salem’s president, was one of those supporting the Transit Authority in estabhshing the route and says she is delighted with their cooperation. Going to Wake? - New WSMT bus services allow students con venient trnimportation to and from classes at Wake Forest. Jager-Jung Is ‘^Bach” at Salem By Suzanne Eggleston After a delay of 23 years, Maria Jager-Jung is coming to the United States for the first tiine. She will be at Salem to present a concert of the works of J.S. ^^I^ on the harpsichord Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 8:15 p.m. in Shirley Auditorium. .... * t In 1954 an American student ot hers first mentioned an American tour. The concert toi^ idea resurfaced again and over the next twenty years, but nothing definite was planned until last year. At th^ tune, Salem faculty member Margaret S Mueller decided that she wo^d have to plan the tour herself if it was to be done at all. Accor dingly, she wrote Professor Jager-Jung, now 63, to set toe date. Her reply was fiUed with excellent reasons why Professor Jager-Jung could not come: the death of her husband, her ^e, and more, but it concluded wto the postscript, “When shall I Who is Maria Jager-Jung? She is a harpsichordist and organist who has appeared in Germany many times, often performmg on Maria JagerJung historical instruments. She has taken part in the “Deutsches Bachfest” in Gottingen and toe “Frankfurter Bachstunde” with Helmut Walcha, she has per formed in chamber music en sembles with Kurt Thornas, Gunter Ramin, and Paul Hin demith, and she has been recorded for Deutsche Gram- mophon-Archiv and Quadrigaton. Professor Jager-Jung was one of Helmut Walcha’s first students, under whoin she studied piano, organ, and han> sichord; she also has studied choral conducting with Kurt Thomas. She holds degrees from Dr. Hoch’s Conservatorium and the Hochschule fur Musik and Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main, where she took examinations for Private Music Instructor and Organist- Choirmaster. In 1943, Professor Jager-Jung was awarded the music prize for toe city of Frank furt. She is a professor at Dr. Hoch’s Conservatorium and at the Hochschule fur Musik in Frankfurt, the equivalent of college in the United States, where she is founder and director of the “Studio fur Alte Musik.” Through the years, Professor Jager-Jung has taught 72 American students. Among these students are Salem faculty members Margaret Mueller, Margaret Sandresky, and Dr. John Mueller. She has a collec tion of early keyboard in struments comprised of a pedal harpsichord, an early 19th century piano, a Broadwood piano much like Beethoven’s, and two other harpsichords. While in the United States, Professor Jager-Jung will give nine con certs at colleges and universities where her former students are now former members. Following her performance at Salem, she will go to Wayne University in Detroit, Michigan; some other concerts will be at the Univer sities of Kentucky, Kansas, and Iowa, and at Sweet Briar College. The program will consist of a partita, an English Suite, the C Minor Fantasy, several preludes and fugues from the Well- Tempered Clavier, and several sinfonias and two-part in ventions. Professor Jager-Jung will be playing the harpsichord built especially for Salem by William Dowd of Boston. Salem is indeed fortunate to have her come and all students are urged to take advantage of the rare opportunity to hear her play. Another guest performance will be an organ recital presented by William Weaver of Atlanta, Ga., Friday, Sept. 30, at 8:15 p.m. in Shirley Auditorium. Weaver gives six to ten concerts a year and lists as other interests weaving, Italian greyhounds, and motorcycles.