Special Campaign 84 Issue aUmtte Salefti Academy and College OCT 2 6 Gramley Library October 1984 ■ WinttongQlnw, Mfr yiJiQg ^ The Oracle page 2 On The Inside... The Lighter Side page 4 Salem Field Hockey Team page 7 Hunt Blasts Helms As Race Draws To Close Vol. LXV No. 2 By: Fran Spier On Wednesday, October third. Governor Jim Hunt, North Carolina's Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, made a campaign stop at Wake Forest University. Governor Hunt ad dressed a large crowd of students and Winston-Salem residents on the key points of his campaign platform. Governor Hunt spoke of North Carolina as a progressive, forward looking state and as the leading Southern state. In the'opening portion of his speech. Gov. Hunt said, "North Carolina is a state of tolerance and respect for others." Gov. Hunt said that tolerance and respect for others is North Carolina's best tradition, and that if Senator Helms is re-elected. Helms' "Flight Wing" politics will dictate a message other than that tradition. The attack on Senator Helms' "Right Wing" politics was the main thrust of Gov. FJunt's speech. According to Gov. Hunt, Helms is being aided by several outside sources. Gov. Hunt mentioned Nelson Bunker Hunt (no relation to Gov. Hunt), Joseph Coors, and Jerry Falwell plus five other "Right Wing" elements as coming to gether to help the Helms cam paign. The five "Right Wing" elements mentioned were: the Jesse Helms political organization; a large group of tax exempt foundations that allows Helms to travel and "meddle" in foreign affairs. "These foundations provide the opportun ity for Helms' millionaire friends to make a donation and get a tax deduction," said Hunt; "Right Wing" money groups from outside of North Carolina; radical Right propaganda connections; the new religious Right in America, i.c., the Moral Majority. He quoted Jerry Falwell as saying, "I don't want a dictator in America but if I had to have one I'd want Helms." Gov. Hunt said that the above groups have come together to aid Sen. Ffelms because they want to force their "Right Wing" ideas on not only North Carolina but the entire country. He also said that because of the Reagan/Helms alliance. North Carolina is a key state to the "Right Wing" politicians. "1 think those people are wrong. I'm going to fight that alliance... fairness is the right agenda for North Carolina," Hunt said. He continued by saying, 'The North Carolina senator will send a strong message. I'll fight to see that Photo by Fran Spier N.C. Gov. Jim Hunt attacked the conservative coalition backing incumbent U.S. Senator Jesse Helms. that message is not dictated by Jerry Falwell or Nelson Bunker Hunt." After Hunt's speech, the floor was opened to questions from the audience. He was asked what his position is on raising taxes and lowering the federal deficit. Hunt replied that he would cut spending (he pledged a 40 to 50 billion dollar cut), close tax loopholes, and cut some domestic programs. He also said that he believed in a strong national defense but planned to cut defense spending. I'm tired of spending money on missies and airplanes that won't fly safely," said Gov. Hunt. 71 % Favor Reagan By; Pam Shores Results of the poll taken at the October 9th SGA meeting: The surveys of students who aren't registered voters were not included in the results of the poll. The policy issues which most influence Salem students' votes include the issues of taxes, balancing the budget, and of defense spending. 1. What is your classificiation? Freshman 115 (33%) Sophmore 74 (21%) Junior 68 (20%) Senior 88 (26%) 2. Are you a registered voter? Yes 276 (80%) No 69 (20%) (Distributed evenly throughout the classes.) To which party do you belong? Republican 132(48%) Democrat 106 (38%) Independent 38 (14%) (Sophmores had more independents.) 4. Will a woman on the Democratic ticket influence your choice? Yes 42(15%) No 234 (85%) Of the people who answered "yes" to 4. 15 or 36% voted for Reagan/Bush 24 or 57% voted for Mondale/Ferraro 5. Which ticket will you vote for in the upcoming presidential election? Mondale/Ferraro 51 (18%) 42% of Democratic vote went to Reagan/Bush Undecided 33(11%) Reagan/Bush 196 (71%) 65% of Independent vote went to Reagan/Bush The audience burst into ap plause when Gov. Hunt was asked why he and Sen. Helms spend so much money on advertisements that do not relay each other's attributes but only make accusa tions against each other. Hunt replied that for the first three months of his campaign he ran only positive ads that did not even mention Helms. But he said that he could only stand so much of Helms' negative advertisements before having to retaliate. In response to a question on Hunt's position on Social Security and jobs in relation to women, he said that a U.S. senator should be committed to two things. The first is jobs and education. The second is the equality of opportunity for women. Hunt said that he supports the ERA and that women need a chance for different kinds of work with better pay. He also addressed the problem of the $122 per month minimum social security payment to older women; many of these women have never worked outside of the home and need more help. In closing. Governor Hunt said "If we don't believe and don't care, nothing can save us. If we believe and care, nothing can stop us." Martin Visits Salem— Enjoys Campaigning By; Ann? Roberson Who will be our next North Carolina governor? On October eleventh, Mrs. Dottie Martin, wifeof Republician gubernatorial candidate Jim Martin, gave an informative talk in the Rondthaler-Orton Center. Mrs. Martin centered her talk on her husband's background as well as on women's roles in politics. She said, "Women's roles were more in the background in recent years. Women are more active in politics today." She added that she is "very proud to have a woman in this campaign." "If you get to work in politics on the basic level, that is where you make your big impression." Mrs. Martin said. A former chemistry teacher. Her husband has made the education issue one of his main concerns. Mrs. Martin stated, "My hus band believes we need to go back to basics in. our educational process. He believes it is great to have a lot of different areas ol study, but we should be sure our students know their basics." Being a politician's wife entails a lot of responsibility. "I have enjoyed making contributions to the campaign, especially in the area of child safety,"