nUxttite Vol. LXVII No. 5 April 1986 On The Inside. . . A Male's Perspective On Salem p, 3 Sophomore-Senior A Smash Hit p, 5 How To Quit Smoking j •} K'r A- " 1 I _ ^ ^ ».*' # *iV p^eSgSsVTio^r^ih'e have >ed her to a Grad Makes it To White House Is there life after Salem? Ask Kimberly O'Brien this question and she'll say, "Yes there definitely is, and it's very exciting." Kim graduated from Salem in 1984, and in two year has gone on to a position in the Presidential Advance Office next door to the White House. While at Salem, Kim was well- known as a friendly, fun-loving, enthusiastic and energetic person. She was a soccer team star, Chairman of Fremdendienerin, an original member of the Gramley Family, and Timothy Litzenburg's constant companion. Upon graduation Kim knew that she wanted to go to Washington, and although she ideally wanted to put her math major to use, she said she was prepared to do anything. By: Matyanne McDonough In late August 1984 Kim moved to D.C. and began her job search. "I literally hit the streets," she recalls. "I walked into offices and handed out resumes right and left." During this process she also volunteered to work with the Reagan-Busch campaign. By September Kim had secured a position in the Agency for International Development Office working as an assistant to a White House liason responsible for hiring political personnel. She did everything from answering phones to coordinating events with celebrities like Frank Sinatra, John Denver, Valerie Harper, and Harvey Korman. Through this job Kim learned of the opening, at the Presidential Advance Office .and decided to apply for it. She says she had a hard time learning to network and use her contacts because she was reluctant to ask people to do things for her. She recalls, "I quickly realized that if I didn't use all of my resources, the next person would, and they'd get the job." Kim's current title is Trip Coordinator for President Reagan, and she is a member of the staff in charge of his travel arrangements. Along with several secret service agents, Kim travels to Reagan's destinations ahead of time and makes recommendations for his hotel, his route from the airport, and even the restaurants where he should eat. Kim's success is just one example of the potential that exists for all Salem women upon graduation. International Relations Major Introduced After months of deliberation, the Department of Hstory and Political Science has approved a major in Internationa Relations. Eleven and one-ha, courses are required for the maj , including Governments of E, e. Interna tional Trade. Ameri an Foreign By: Linda Surles Policy, and Model United Nations. The Department also requires one language or culture class at the 100 level or above. International Relations majors are encouraged to participate in one of the off-campus experiences offered by Salem relating to this field. These include approved overseas programs, the Washing ton and U.N. semester programs, the Washington Public Policy summer program, and foreign policy internships. Students interested in the international relations major should contact Dr. Jerry Pubantz for further information. Salem Petitions ODK By: Dean Virginia Johnson The Salem Leadership Society is in the process of completing an application for a charter for an Omicron Delta Kappa Circle at Salem. Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) is a prestigious national honor society which has a threefold purpose. According to the ODK guidelines the first purpose is to recognize students who have attained a high standard of efficiency in collegiate activities and to inspire others to strive for conspicuous attainments along similar lines; second, to bring together the most representative students in all phases of collegiate life; third, to bring together students and faculty on the basis of mutual interest and understand ing. The five major areas of campus life which are to be recognized are scholarship; athletics; social, service, and religious activities, journalism, speech, and the mass media; and the creative and performing arts. A point system is used to determine eligibility for membership, and students who arc considered for membership must be members of the junior or senior class. In December 1984 the ODK National Office was contacted about the possibility of creating an ODK Circle at Salem College. After review of the material from the national office, the process began. During the fall of 1985, the Dean of Students compiled information about the institution which could be used as a petition for the Committee of Standards and met with 12 student leaders from various academic disciplines and leadership positions to discuss the goals and purpose of ODK. The group enthusiastically endors ed the ideas of ODK and agreed to establish a leadership society which would conform to the national policies and procedures. At that time the petition was submitted to the Commission of Circle Standards. The National Council responded by sending a representative to Salem for a site visit. On December 3, 1985 Salem was notified that our petition to be placed on the Omicron Delta Kappa List of Prospective Colleges and Universities had been approv ed by the Commission of Circle Standards. The initial tasks of the group included selecting the same Salem Leadership Society; writing a constitution and becoming an approved organization on campus; selecting faculty members; and electing officers. Judy Thompson was elected President and Christie Mock Vice President. The current student members of the Salem Leadership Society are Nancy Allen, Cate Antley, Lynne Daniels, Lois Gramley, Mary Heath, Melinda McAfee, Annette Mc- Neely, Kim Rowland, Char Tipton, and Sandra Yarbrough. Faculty and staff members are Dr. Jeffrey Ersoff, Dr. Cindy Farris, who is the faculty advisor, Ms. Debbie Harrell, and Dr. Craig Miller. Dean Johnson was elected as the secretary/treasurer. Dr. Litzenburg was elected to mem bership in ODK while a student at Washington and Lee University, The Salem Leadership Society meets twice each month and has been actively involved in complet ing a petition which will be submitted to the National Council of ODK requesting that the Salem Leadership Society be chartered as an ODK Circle. The petition will be submitted in March. The society has made plans for activities durinjg the spring which include selecting an outstanding teacher, tapping new members, sponsoring a lecture by a faculty member, and honoring the new members at a banquet. They hope to receive an affirmative reply from the National Council and install the next ODK Circle at Salem in the fall of 1986.